Mishnah 1
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(a)What are the three possible things that one is expected to do with Ma'aser Sheini?

(b)From where do we learn that drinking Ma'aser Sheini is permitted?

(c)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "va'Tavo cha'Mayim be'Kirbo, ve'cha'Shemen be'Atzmosav"?


(a)The three possible things that one is expected to do with Ma'aser Sheini fruit is - eat it, drink it or anoint with it (see Tos. R. Akiva Eiger).

(b)We learn that drinking Ma'aser Sheini is permitted - from a S'vara, because 'eating incorporates drinking' (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)We learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "va'Tavo cha'Mayim be'Kirbo, ve'cha'Shemen be'Atzmosav" - the principle 'Sichah ki'Shesiyah' (anointing is considered like drinking [though this does not apply to most other areas of Halachah. See also Tos. R. Akiva Eiger]).


(a)Why can one anoint oneself with oil of Ma'aser Sheini, but not with wine or vinegar?

(b)And why can one not ...

1. ... add herbs and spices to the Ma'aser Sheini oil?

2. ... purchase spiced oil with Ma'aser Sheini money?

(c)How about adding spices to Ma'aser Sheini wine?


(a)One can anoint oneself with oil of Ma'aser Sheini - because it is natural to do this with oil, but not with wine or vinegar - because it is not natural to use wine and vinegar for this purpose (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(b)And one cannot ...

1. ... add herbs and spices to the Ma'aser Sheini oil - because the oil becomes absorbed in the herbs ... . Consequently, seeing as the roots are not eaten, some Ma'aser Sheini oil would go to waste.

2. ... purchase spiced oil with Ma'aser Sheini money - because it is only spoiled and finnicky people who anoint with spiced oil, and one is only permitted to purchase food ... that everybody eats.

(c)Adding spices to Ma'aser Sheini wine on the other hand - is permitted.


(a)What does the Mishnah say about Ma'aser Sheini ...

1. ... wine outside Yerushalayim, into which honey and spices have fallen? How does one assess its value regarding redemption?

2. ... leek outside Yerushalayim which was cooked together with fish?

(b)Assuming then, that the Ma'aser Sheini was worth two Sela'im and the honey that fell into it, one, and the wine now rose to the value of six Sela'im, how much will the owner have to now pay to redeem it?

(c)Then why does the Tana rule that Ma'aser Sheini dough that improved after baking all goes to Ma'aser Sheini?


(a)The Mishnah rules that Ma'aser Sheini ...

1. ... wine outside Yerushalayim, into which honey and spices have fallen must be assessed (with regard to redemption) - according to the proportionate value of the Ma'aser Sheini.

2. ... leek outside Yerushalayim which was cooked together with fish - according to the proportionate value of the leek.

(b)Assuming then, that the Ma'aser Sheini was worth two Sela'im and the honey that fell into it, one, and the wine now rose to the value of six Sela'im, the owner will now have to pay four Sela'im (two-thirds of the total value) to redeem it.

(c)Nevertheless, the Tana rules that a Ma'aser Sheini dough that improved after baking all goes to Ma'aser Sheini - because, unlike the previous cases, there is no visible additive in the dough (and it is the dough itself that improved, rather than something external that caused it to).

Mishnah 2
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(a)We already learned that Ma'aser Sheini oil is subject to anointing, and this is the opinion of the Chachamim. What does Rebbi Shimon say?

(b)What 'Kal-va'Chomer' do the Chachamim Darshen to prove that Sichah is permitted by Ma'aser Sheini?

(c)How does Rebbi Shimon counter their argument? Where do we find that Ma'aser Sheini is more stringent than Terumah?


(a)We already learned that Ma'aser Sheini oil is subject to anointing, and this is the opinion of the Chachamim. Rebbi Shimon however - forbids it (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)To prove that Sichah is permitted by Ma'aser Sheini, the Chachamim Darshen a 'Kal-va'Chomer' - from Terumah, which is forbidden to Zarim (Tiferes Yisrael), yet Sichah is permitted ... .

(c)Rebbi Shimon however counters with a Pircha from fenugreek and horse-bean, which are more lenient with regard to Terumah than to Ma'aser Sheini (as we are about to learn).

Mishnah 3
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(a)Fenugreek (Tilsan) of Ma'aser Sheini must be eaten when it is still young and edible (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tiferes Yisrael). What about fenugreek of Terumah?

(b)Why are the Kohanim permitted to eat fenugreek be'Tum'ah?

(c)Nevertheless, according to Beis Shamai, whatever they do with it mudone be'Taharah except for one thing. What are the ramifications of the ruling that it must be done be'Taharah?

(d)What is the exception?

(e)According to Beis Hillel, there is only thing that the Kohanim need to do be'Taharah. What is it?


(a)Fenugreek (Tilsan) of Ma'aser Sheini must be eaten when it is still young and moist (because then it is still edible [see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tiferes Yisrael]). Fenugreek of Terumah on the other hand - may even be eaten after it has become dry.

(b)The Kohanim are permitted to eat fenugreek be'Tum'ah - because basically, it is animal food, and it is only a few people who actually eat it (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)Nevertheless, according to Beis Shamai, whatever they do with it must be done be'Taharah - which implies that they must wash their hands before eating it (except for one thing)...

(d)... when they use it to wash their hair.

(e)According to Beis Hillel, there is only thing that the Kohanim need to do be'Taharah - and that is when they soak it in water (see Tiferes Yisrael).

Mishnah 4
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(a)What does 'Karshinim' mean? What makes them different than other fruit?

(b)Like Tilsan, they must be eaten when they are young and edible. What distinction does the Tana draw between Karshinei Ma'aser Sheini and Ma'aser Sheini of other fruit?

(c)The Chachamim permit redeeming Karshinei Ma'aser Sheini that became Tamei in Yerushalayim. What does Rebbi Tarfon say?

(d)On what basis does he argue with the Chachamim?


(a)'Karshinim' means - velch (horse-beans), which is different than other 'fruit' inasmuch as it is not fully edible (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(b)Like Tilsan, it must be eaten when it is young and edible. The Tana - permits taking Karshinei Ma'aser Sheini out of Yerushalayim (seeing Tiferes Yisrael), which is forbidden regarding other Ma'aser Sheini fruit.

(c)The Chachamim permit redeeming Karshinei Ma'aser Sheini that became Tamei in Yerushalayim. Rebbi Tarfon - requires one to divide it up and mix it, less than a k'Beitzah at a time (since less than a k'Beitzah can neither receives Tum'ah nor can it render other foods Tamei (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)He argues with the Chachamim - on the basis of the principle that it is forbidden to redeem Kodshim in order to feed animals (which is all one can really do with Tamei Karshinei Terumah).


(a)Beis Shamai require a Kohen who soaks Karshinei Terumah and rubs it in his skin to wash his hands. What does he permit a Kohen to do with Karshinei Terumah without washing his hands?

(b)Beis Hillel is more lenient than Beis Shamai. With which of the above rulings does he disagree?

(c)As opposed to the above opinions, Shamai requires Karshinei Terumah to be eaten dry. What does Rebbi Akiva say?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Beis Shamai require a Kohen who soaks Karshinei Terumah and rubs it in his skin, to wash his hands. However - they permits him to feed his animals Karshinei Terumah (see Tos. Yom-Tov) even without washing his hands.

(b)Beis Hillel - disagree with Beis Shamai's ruling that requires a Kohen to wash his hands before soaking Karshinei Terumah.

(c)As opposed to the above opinions, Shamai himself requires Karshinei Terumah to be eaten dry (see Tiferes Yisrael). Rebbi Akiva - permits everything to be done be'Tum'ah.

(d)The Halachah is - like Beis Hillel.

Mishnah 5
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(a)What does the Mishnah say about mixed Ma'aser Sheini and Chulin money that falls on the floor, and he picks up the coins one by one?

(b)What must he do to ensure that all the money that he has now designated for Ma'aser Sheini does indeed have the Kedushah of Ma'aser Sheini, and the remainder of whatever he finds is Chulin?

(c)And what must he do if instead of picking them up one by one, he picked up handfuls at a time (see Tos. Yom-Tov) and there are a few missing from the combined total, assuming the Ma'aser had originally been one Manah, and the Chulin, two?

(d)What is the significance of the Tana's dual principle 'ha'Mislaktin le'Ma'aser Sheini, ve'ha'Nivlalin L'fi Cheshbon' (see Tiferes Yisrael)?


(a)The Mishnah rules that if mixed Ma'aser Sheini and Chulin money that fell on the floor, and he picks up the coins one by one - all the coins that he picks up are Ma'aser until he has made up the full amount of Ma'aser Sheini coins.

(b)To ensure that all the money that he has now designated for Ma'aser Sheini does indeed have the Kedushah of Ma'aser Sheini, and the remainder of whatever he finds is Chulin - he stipulates that if the Ma'aser Sheini coins are the original ones, fine. But if not, then all of the remaining Ma'aser Sheini coins should be redeemed on the Chulin ones that he has collected.

(c)If instead of picking them up one by one, he picked up handfuls at a time (see Tos. Yom-Tov), and there a few missing from the combined total (assuming the Ma'aser had originally been one Manah, and the Chulin, two) - then he designates one third of the coins as Ma'aser Sheini, and the remaining two-thirds as Chulin (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)The significance of the Tana's dual principle 'ha'Mislaktin le'Ma'aser Sheini, ve'ha'Nivlalin L'fi Cheshbon' is - that (in a case where, let's say, forty were Ma'aser and ten Chulin) and he picks up ten one by one, then all ten are Ma'aser Sheini. And if he then picks up the remaining forty in handfuls, he must designate thirty-two as Ma'aser and eight as Chulin (even though he is now left with only a fifth of Chulin coins, instead of a quarter).

Mishnah 6
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(a)What would be the best thing for someone whose Ma'aser Sheini Sela coin got mixed up with a Chulin one outside Yerushalayim?

(b)What must he do if he wants to spend the Chulin Sela outside Yerushalayim?

(c)What does he then do with the copper Ma'aser coins?

(d)Why is that?

(e)Why did the Tana not simply permit taking one of the two Sela coins and stipulating that if it is the Ma'aser coin all's well and good, and if not, then the Kedushah of the other coin should be transferred on to it?


(a)The best thing for someone whose Ma'aser Sheini Sela coin got mixed up with a Chulin one outside Yerushalayim to do is - to take both coins to Yerushalayim and spend them both on a Shelamim or fruit, to eat in Yerushalayim.

(b)However, if he wants to spend the Chulin Sela outside Yerushalayim - then he must take a Sela-worth of copper coins and transfer the Kedushah of the Ma'aser coin on to them ...

(c)... and then transfer the Kedushah back on to the best of the two coins ...

(d)... because the Chachamim only permit using copper coins for Ma'aser Sheini in case of emergency, and only temporarily.

(e)The Tana does not simply permit taking one of the two Sela coins and stipulating that if it is the Ma'aser coin, all well and good, but if not then the Kedushah of the other coin should be transferred on to it - for fear that the owner might then just take one of the coins without making the necessary stipulation (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 7
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(a)Beis Shamai forbid transferring one's Ma'aser Sheini Sela'im into golden Dinrim (in order to lighten his load). Why is that?

(b)What do Beis Hillel say?

(c)What did Rebbi Akiva say he did on behalf of Raban Gamliel and Rebbi Yehoshua?


(a)Beis Shamai forbid transferring one's Ma'aser Sheini Sela'im into golden Dinrim - for fear that this will cause the owner to postpone going up to Yerushalayim on Yom-Tov, as long as he has not changed them all.

(b)Beis Hillel - permit him to do so.

(c)Rebbi Akiva - attested that he transferred silver Ma'aser Sheini Sela'im into golden Dinrim on behalf of Raban Gamliel and Rebbi Yehoshua.

Mishnah 8
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(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who wishes to transfer Ma'aser Sheini P'rutos for a silver Sela. Why would he want to do that?

(b)Beis Shamai permit him to transfer the entire amount. What do Beis Hillel say?

(c)What is Beis Hillel's reason?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who wishes to transfer his Ma'aser Sheini P'rutos on to a silver Sela - in order to lighten his load (and presumably that is also the reason why he wanted to transfer his silver Sela'im for golden ones in the previous Mishnah).

(b)Beis Shamai permit him to transfer the entire amount. Beis Hillel limits him to transferring half the Sela for a Shekel, leaving the remainder P'rutos ...

(c)... because he is afraid - that otherwise, when he arrives in Yerushalayim, he will go to the bank to change his Sela'im back into P'rutos for his immediate food expenses (which come out of his Ma'aser Sheini money); and the sudden pressure on the bankers to supply P'rutos will cause them to raise the price of P/rutos, causing Ma'aser Sheini to lose (see also Tos-Yom-Tov).


(a)Rebbi Meir forbids transferring half a Dinar plus half a Dinar's worth of fruit on to a Dinar. What do the Chachamim say? Why is that?

(b)In which case do the Chachamim concede that it is forbidden?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Rebbi Meir forbids transferring half a Dinar plus half a Dinar's worth of fruit on to a Dinar. The Chachamim - permit it, because half a Dinar is too little to transfer on its own (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)The Chachamim concede however - that it is forbidden for someone who has a Dinar to combine it together with a Dinar's worth of fruit and transfer it on to a Shekel.

(c)The Halachah is like the Chachamim.

Mishnah 9
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(a)Beis Shamai permit the owner to exchange an entire Sela of Ma'aser Sheini money for P'rutos in Yerushalayim (to cover his day to day expenses). What do Beis Hillel say?

(b)Why is that?

(c)The 'Danin Lifnei Chachamim' permit changing one Dinar's worth of a Sela into P'rutos. Who are the 'Danin Lifnei Chachamim'?

(d)Rebbi Akiva and Rebbi Tarfon are even more stringent than 'Danin Lifnei Chachamim'. Rebbi Akiva permits him to change only a quarter of a Dinar into P'rutos at a time (one sixteenth of a Dinar). What does Rebbi Tarfon mean when he says four Aspri of silver?


(a)Beis Shamai permits the owner to exchange an entire Sela of Ma'aser Sheini money for P'rutos in Yerushalayim (to cover his day to day expenses) - Beis Hillel permit him to exchange only half (see Tos, Yom-Tov) ...

(b)... in case he uses up only some of them and is forced to leave the others in Yerushalayim until the following Yom-Tov, by which time they will have gone moldy (as copper coins tend to do).

(c)'Danin Lifnei Chachamim' refers to - ben Azai, ben Zoma and Chanan ha'Mitzri (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)Rebbi Akiva and Rebbi Tarfon are even more stringent than 'Danin Lifnei Chachamim'. Rebbi Akiva permits him to change only a quarter of a Dinar into P'rutos at a time (one sixteenth of a Dinar). When Rebbi Tarfon says four Aspri of silver - he means that one is permitted to exchange four Aspri per Dinar to one of copper, which is the equivalent of one twentieth of a Sela.


(a)Shamai does not permit exchanging a Sela for P'rutos at all. Why not?

(b)Then what does he do if he needs to purchase food?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Shamai does not permit exchanging a Sela for P'rutos at all - because he is afraid that the owner may forget that they are Ma'aser, and treat them as Chulin coins.

(b)According to him, to enable him to purchase food - he leaves the Sela with the storekeeper and deducts from it with each purchase until it is finished.

(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.

Mishnah 10
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(a)What problem does our Mishnah discuss with regard to someone with Ma'aser Sheini wine outside Yerushalayim and some of whose sons are Tamei?

(b)What can he do about it?


(a)The problem our Mishnah discusses with regard to someone with Ma'aser Sheini wine outside Yerushalayim and some of whose sons are Tamei is - there where he wants them all to drink from the same earthenware vessel containing wine which includes Tevel of Ma'aser Sheini.

(b)What he must do is - place a Sela coin before they begin to drink and declare all the wine that his Tahor sons drink Ma'aser Sheini retroactively (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tiferes Yisrael).