(a)On what grounds does the Mishnah forbid selling Ma'aser Sheini outside Yerushalayim, even on condition that the purchaser takes the fruit to Yerushalayim?
(b)Who must the author then be?
(c)Why may Beis-Din not take Ma'aser Sheini as a security, nor may the owner give it as a security against payment for goods or against a loan (Sh'nos Eliyahu. See also Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(d)And what does the Tana say about swapping Ma'aser Sheini for Chulin or using a Ma'aser Sheini coin as a weight?
(e)What is the reason for the latter ruling?
(a)The Mishnah forbids selling Ma'aser Sheini outside Yerushalayim, even on condition that the purchaser takes the fruit to Yerushalayim (see Tiferes Yisrael, end of note 1. See also Tos. R. Akiva Eiger) - because he holds that Ma'aser Sheini is Kadosh.
(b)The author of the Mishnah must therefore be Rebbi Meir.
(c)Beis-Din may not take Ma'aser Sheini as a security, nor may the owner give it as a security against payment for goods or against a loan (Sh'nos Eliyahu) - because the Torah uses the term 'B'rachah' in connection with it.
(d)The Tana also forbids swapping it for Chulin or using a Ma'aser Sheini coin as a weight ...
(e)... the latter - because it is considered a denigration of the Mitzvah.
(a)The Tana now forbids someone who has Ma'aser Sheini wine in Yerushalayim itself, to swap wine for oil or vice-versa. Having already taught us this with regard to Ma'aser Sheini outside Yerushalayim, why does he need to repeat it with regard to Ma'aser Sheini in Yerushalayim?
(b)And what is the Tana referring to when he extends the prohibition to other fruit? Which kind of fruit is he referring to?
(c)What about inviting someone to one's house to a meal consisting of Ma'aser Sheini?
(d)May one give it to a friend as a gift?
(a)The Tana now forbids someone who has Ma'aser Sheini wine in Yerushalayim itself, to swap wine for oil or vice-versa. In spite of having already taught us this with regard to Ma'aser Sheini outside Yerushalayim, he nevertheless needs to repeat it with regard to Ma'aser Sheini in Yerushalayim - since there is a concession to acquire food and drink with the money of Ma'aser Sheini (which is forbidden outside Yerushalayim).
(b)And when the Tana extends the prohibition to other fruit - he is referring to fruit other than corn, wine and oil, which are only Ma'aser Sheini mi'de'Rabbanan.
(c)One is permitted to invite someone to one's house to a meal consisting of Ma'aser Sheini.
(d)One may not however. give it to a friend as a gift, according to those who hold 'Matanah ke'Mecher' (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What do we learn from the Gezeirah Shavah "Lo Yimacher ve'Lo Yiga'el" (by Charamim) and "Lo Yiga'el" (by Ma'aser Beheimah)?
(b)Is there any difference as to whether the Ma'aser Beheimah animal is alive or Shechted, unblemished or blemished?
(c)Then why does the Tana say 'Tamim Chai'?
(d)What does one do with the Basar of a Ma'aser Beheimah ...
1. ... Tamim Shachut?
2. ... Ba'al-Mum Shachut?
(a)We learn from the Gezeirah Shavah "Lo Yimacher ve'Lo Yiga'el" (by Charamim) "Lo Yiga'el" (by Ma'aser Beheimah) - that, not only can Ma'aser Beheimah not be redeemed, but (like Charamim) it cannot be sold either ...
(b)... neither alive nor Shechted, neither unblemished nor blemished.
(c)The Tana says 'Tamim Chai' - because of the Seifa regarding B'chor, where there is a distinction between Tamim Chai and Tamim Shachut.
(d)The Basar of Ma'aser Beheimah ...
1. ... Tamim Shachut - is eaten by the owner in Yerushalayim.
2. ... Ba'al-Mum Shachut - is eaten by the owner anywhere.
(a)Is one permitted to betroth a woman with ...
1. ... a Ma'aser Behemah animal?
2. ... a Bechor?
(b)And what does the Mishnah say about selling a B'chor that is ...
1. ... alive and unblemished?
2. ... blemished, either alive or Shachut?
(c)What basic principle governs the distinctions between B'chor and Ma'aser Beheimah?
(d)Which is the sole case where the Din of a B'chor is the equivalent to that of Ma'aser Behemah?
(a)The owner of ...
1. ... a Ma'aser Beheimah animal - is forbidden to betroth a woman with it (just as he is forbidden to sell it).
2. ... a B'chor (who is a Kohen) - is permitted to do so ...
(b)... just as he is permitted to sell it ...
1. ... alive and unblemished (but not Shachut [see Tos. Yom-Tov]) ...
2. ... blemished, either alive or Shachut.
(c)The basic principle that governs the distinctions between B'chor and Ma'aser Beheimah is - that whereas B'chor belongs to the Kohen, Ma'aser Beheimah does not belong to the owner.
(d)The sole case where the Din of a B'chor is the equivalent to that of Ma'aser Beheimah is - Tamim Shachut (in the time of the Beis-Hamikdash), both of which are eaten by their respective owners in Yerushalayim.
(a)What sort of coin does is needed to redeem Ma'aser-Sheini?
(b)What does the Tana learn from the Pasuk in Re'ei ...
1. ... "ve'Tzarta ha'Kesef be'Yadcha"?
2. ... "ve'Nasata ha'Kesef be'Chol asher Te'aveh Nafshecha"?
(c)What is the Tana referring to when he concludes that one may not redeem with money that is not in one's possession?
(a)To redeem Ma'aser-Sheini, one needs - a minted coin.
(b)The Tana learn from the Pasuk in Re'ei ...
1. ... "ve'Tzarta ha'Kesef be'Yadcha" - that a coin with which one redeems Ma'aser Sheini must be minted ('Kesef Tzurah').
2. ... "ve'Nasata ha'Kesef be'Chol asher Te'aveh Nafshecha" - that the coin must be in circulation (i.e. it must have purchasing power [see Tiferes Yisrael]).
(c)When the Tana concludes that one may not redeem with money that is not in one's possession - he is referring to a case where the owner's purse has fallen into the sea, and divers must be hired to retrieve it.
(a)What is the ideal thing to do with one's Ma'aser Sheini money in Yerushalayim?
(b)What do we learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Sham" "Sham" from Har Gerizim and Har Eival?
(c)What does the Tana say about the skin of a Shelamim animal or of a Chayah that one purchases with Ma'aser Sheini money?
(d)What is he coming to teach is? What might we otherwise have thought?
(a)The ideal thing to do with one's Ma'aser Sheini money in Yerushalayim is - to purchase with it Shelamim ...
(b)... which we learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Sham" "Sham" from Har Eival.
(c)The Tana rules that the skin of a Shelamim animal or of a Chayah that one purchases with Ma'aser Sheini money - goes out to Chulin (see Tos. Yom-Tov) and can be taken out of Yerushalayim.
(d)We might otherwise have thought - that one needs to redeem it and purchase with the proceeds food to be eaten in Yerushalayim.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about closed barrels of wine that one purchased with Ma'aser Sheini money?
(b)Under which circumstances will neither the skin of the Shelamim nor the barrel in which the wine is sold go out to Chulin? Why is that?
(c)And what about the shells of nuts and almonds that one purchased with Ma'aser Sheini money?
(d)Why can one not purchase Temed before it has turned sour and become vinegar?
(a)The Mishnah rules that closed barrels of wine that one purchases with Ma'aser Sheini money - go out to Chulin (provided that they are customarily sold together with the barrel).
(b)Neither the skin of the Shelamim nor the barrel in which the wine is sold will go out to Chulin - if the seller or the purchaser is a tanner or a potter (respectively), because then the skin and the barrel is not sold merely on account of the animal and the wine, but in its own right (in which case it adopts the 'Kedushah' of Ma'aser Sheini and must be 'eaten' in Yerushalayim).
(c)The shells of nuts and almonds that one purchases with Ma'aser Sheini money - go out to Chulin.
(d)One cannot purchase Temed (wine-dregs [see Tos. Yom-Tov]) before it has turned sour and become vinegar - because it is considered water, which cannot be purchased with the money of Ma'aser Sheini (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What does the Torah say about purchasing Chulin animals with Ma'aser Sheini money?
(b)Why did the Chachamim then forbid it?
(c)What happens if someone uses Ma'aser Sheini money to purchase a Chayah as a Shelamim or a Beheimah as Chulin?
(d)What does the Tana then mean when he says 'Lo Yatza ha'Or le'Chulin'?
(a)The Torah permits the purchase of Chulin animals with Ma'aser Sheini money ...
(b)... but the Chachamim forbade it - because they saw that everybody was purchasing Chulin, instead of adorning the Mizbe'ach with Shelamim (as the Torah intended).
(c)If someone uses Ma'aser Sheini money to purchase a Chayah as a Shelamim or a Beheimah as Chulin - his sale is invalid ...
(d)... and when the Tana says 'Lo Yatza ha'Or le'Chulin', he means - that it is outside the realm of the category of an animal, whose skin goes out to Chulin (See Meleches Shlomoh).
(a)And what does the Mishnah say about someone who purchases ...
1. ... open or closed barrels of wine where one generally sells them open?
2. ... baskets of olives or grapes where one generally sells the basket together with the fruit?
(a)The Mishnah rules that if someone purchases ...
1. ... open or closed barrels of wine where one normally sells them open - the barrels do not go out to Chulin; and the same applies to ...
2. ... the baskets of olives or grapes, which are normally sold without the basket (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)Which basic principle do we learn from the Pasuk in Re'ei "ve'Nasata ha'Kesef be'Chol asher Te'aveh Nafshecha, ba'Bakar, ba'Tzon, ba'Yayin u'va'Sheichar u've'Chol ashar Tish'alcha Nafshecha"?
(b)How does this preclude water and salt?
(c)We also learn from here that there are times that one cannot even purchase fruit either, such as fruit that is attached to the ground. Under which circumstances may one not purchase even fruit that is detached?
(d)In the event that one does purchase any of the above, what is the status of ...
1. ... the fruit?
2. ... the money?
(a)Basically, we learn from the Pasuk "ve'Nasata ha'Kesef be'Chol asher Te'aveh Nafshecha, ba'Bakar, ba'Tzon, ba'Yayin u'va'Sheichar u've'Chol ashar Tish'alcha Nefshecha" - a 'K'lal u'P'rat u'Ch'lal', that one can only use Ma'aser Sheini money to purchase things that are similar to cattle, sheep, wine and strong wine.
(b)This precludes water and salt - which are not 'fruit from a fruit and do not grow from the ground (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)We also learn from here that there are times that one cannot even purchase fruit either, such as fruit that is attached to the ground - or even fruit that has been detached but will go bad before it reaches Yerushalayim ('Eino Miskayem').
(d)In the event that one does purchase any of the above ...
1. ... the fruit - remains Ma'aser Sheini, and ...
2. ... the money - Chulin
(a)What happens in a case where someone purchases fruit with Ma'aser Sheini money outside Yerushalayim be'Shogeg? What does 'be'Shogeg' mean?
(b)What will be the Din in the equivalent case, but where he purchased the fruit be'Meizid ...
1. ... when the Beis-Hamikdash was standing?
2. ... nowadays, when there is no Beis-Hamikdash?
(c)Why can he not redeem it with money?
(a)In a case where someone purchases fruit with Ma'aser Sheini money outside Yerushalayim be'Shogeg - which means without realizing that the money is Ma'aser Sheini money, the sale is invalid.
(b)In the equivalent case, but where he purchased the fruit be'Meizid ...
1. ... (when the Beis-Hamikdash was standing) - he must take it to Yerushalayim and eat it there.
2. ... nowadays, when there is no Beis-Hamikdash - he must let it rot.
(c)He cannot redeem it with money - because Tahor fruit purchased with Ma'aser Sheini money cannot be redeemed outside Yerushalayim.
(a)What happens in a case where someone purchases an animal with Ma'aser Sheini money ...
1. ... outside Yerushalayim be'Shogeg
2. ... be'Meizid when the Beis-Hamikdash is standing?
3. ... nowadays, when there is no Beis-Hamikdash?
(a)If someone purchases an animal with Ma'aser Sheini money ...
1. ... outside Yerushalayim be'Shogeg - the sale is invalid.
2. ... be'Meizid when the Beis-Hamikdash is standing - he must take it to Yerushalayim and eat in in Yerushalayim (see Tiferes Yisrael).
3. ... nowadays, when there is no Beis-Hamikdash - he must kill it and bury it together with its skin.
(a)Why does the Mishnah prohibit using Ma'aser Sheini money to purchase Avadim, Shefachos, Karka'os and Beheimah Teme'ah?
(b)What must one do if one nevertheless did so?
(c)Why does the Tana not simply declare the sale invalid (like it did in Mishnah 5)?
(a)The Mishnah prohibits using Ma'aser Sheini money to purchase Avadim, Sh'fachos, Karka'os and Beheimah Teme'ah - because, since they are not food, they are precluded from the 'K'lal u'P'rat u'Chelal'.
(b)If one nevertheless did - he must eat fruit to the value of what he purchased, in Yerushalayim (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Tana does not simply declare the sale invalid (like it did in Mishnah 5) - because he is speaking either when the seller has disappeared or be'Meizid.
(a)The Tana forbids using Ma'aser Sheini money to purchase Kinei Zavin and Kinei Yoldos, Chata'os and Ashamos. What do Kinei Zavin and Kinei Yoldos comprise?
(b)On what grounds does the Tana forbid it?
(c)What about Olos?
(a)The Tana forbids using Ma'aser Sheini money to purchase Kinei Zavin, Kinei Yoldos, Chata'os and Ashamos. Kinei Zavin and Kinei Yoldos comprise - a pair of pigeons or young doves.
(b)The Tana forbids it - because an obligatory Korban can only be purchased with Chulin money.
(c)It goes without saying - that one cannot purchase Olos with Ma'aser Sheini money, since they are not eaten (Tiferes Yisrael).