WIVES WHO WERE SWITCHED BY MISTAKE (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 12 Daf 22a)
מתני' שנים שקידשו שתי נשים ובשעת כניסתן לחופה החליפו את של זה בזה ואת של זה לזה הרי אלו חייבין משום אשת איש
(Mishnah): If two men were Mekadesh two women, and at the time of Chupah they switched wives, they are liable for Eshes Ish;
ואם היו אחין חייבין אף משום אשת אח ואם היו אחיות חייבין אף משום [ויקרא יח יח] ואשה אל אחותה ואם היו נידות חייבין אף משום נידות
If they are brothers, they are liable also for Eshes Ach. If the women are sisters, they are liable also for Achos Ishto. If they were Nidos, they are liable also for Nidah;
וכולן מפרישין אותן שלשה חדשים שמא מעוברות הן ואם היו קטנות שאינן ראויין לילד מחזירין אותן מיד
All of them, we separate [each woman from her husband] for three months, lest she is pregnant (from the other man. Without separation, we would not know who is the father of children born within nine months.) If the women are minors, who cannot give birth, we return them [to their husbands] immediately;
אם היו כהנות נפסלו מן הכהונה:
If they were Kohanos, they are disqualified from Kehunah.
גמ' אם בא על השנייה. חייב שתים. משום אשת אח. ומשום אשה אל אחותה.
(Gemara): If he had Bi'ah with the second [woman to become Mekudeshes], he is liable twice [in addition to Eshes Ish] - for Eshes Ach, and Ishah Al Achosah (Achos Ishto. This opinion holds that the one who had Bi'ah with the first is liable only for Eshes Ish, for Ein Isur Chal Al Isur, even if the latter Isur is Kolel or Mosif; R. Chiyah's Beraisa below disagrees - SEFER NIR.)
תני רבי חייה פעמים ארבע פעמים שמונה פעמים שתים עשרה. פעמים שש עשרה.
(R. Chiyah - Beraisa): Sometimes [in all, the four people are liable] four [Chata'os], sometimes eight, sometimes 12, and sometimes 16;
הרי אילו חייבין משום אשת איש ההין תרתיי ההין תרתיי.
They are liable for Eshes Ish - this [couple] is liable two (one each), and this [couple] is liable two;
אם היו אחין משום אשת אח ההין ארבע וההין ארבע.
If the men were brothers, [they are liable also] for Eshes Ach - [in all] this [couple] is liable four (two each), and this is liable four;
אם היו אחיות משום אשה אל אחותה ההין שיתא וההין שיתא.
If the women were sisters, [they are liable also] for Ishah Al Achosah - this [couple] is liable six, and this is liable six;
אם היו נידות משם נידה ההין תמני וההין תמני.
If they were Nidos, [they are liable also] for Nidah - this is liable eight, and this is liable eight.
הן קטנים והן גדולות פטורין (וכולן) [צ"ל מכולן - קרבן העדה]
If the men were minors and the women were adults, they are exempt from all of them. (The Kidushin was invalid. If the men were less than nine, it is not called Bi'ah, so they are exempt even for Nidah.)
הן גדולין והן קטנות חייבין שתים (שתים - קרבן העדה מוחקו) משום נידה.
If the men were adults and the women were minors, they are liable two, [each man is liable once] for Nidah. (The Kidushin was invalid, for a minor cannot be Mekadesh herself.)
ואם השיאן אביהן משום שמונה.
[In this case] if [the girls'] father was Mekadesh them, they are liable eight (each man is liable for all four Isurim).
היו אחד גדול ואחד קטן הנבעלת מן הקטן חייבת משום אשתו של גדול הנבעלת מן הגדול פטורה משום אשתו של קטן.
If one man was an adult and one was a minor [and both women were adults], the woman who had Bi'ah with the minor is liable, for she is the adult's wife. The woman who had Bi'ah with the adult is exempt [for Eshes Ish , for she is the minor's 'wife' (i.e. she is single, for a minor cannot be Mekadesh).
רבי בא בשם רבי ירמיה אנוסה אינה צריכה להמתין שלשה חדשים.
(R. Ba citing R. Yirmeyah): One who was raped need not wait three months.
והא תנן מפרישין אותן שלשה חדשים שמא מעוברות הן. אם לא היו ראויות לילד מחזירין אותן מיד.
Question (Mishnah): We separate them for three months, lest they are pregnant. If they were not proper to give birth, we return them immediately.
שנייא היא הכא מפני תיקון הוולד.
Answer: Here is different, due to fixing the child (if she does not wait, and she gives birth within nine months, the child is a Safek Mamzer. R. Yirmeyah was lenient for a single woman. Therefore, he did not mention returning her to her husband - BIRKEI YOSEF EH 13:3, OHR YAKOV.)
אם היו כהנות נפסלו מן הכהונה.
(Mishnah): If they were Kohanos, they are disqualified from Kehunah.
אמר רבי יוסי זאת אומרת שהאונסין פוסלין בכהונה כאשת איש:
Inference (R. Yosi): Ones disqualifies from Kehunah, like an Eshes Ish (Eshes Kohen is disqualified even b'Ones. Even if her husband is a Yisrael, she is forbidden permanently to Kehunah -HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)