(a)The Tana Kama declares Pasul a Parah Adumah that was Shechted she'Lo li'Sh'mah. Why is that (bearing in mind that it is Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis)?
(b)What if the Kabalah and the Haza'ah were also performed ...
1. ... she'Lo li'Sh'mah?
2. ... with a dual thought of she'Lo li'Sh'mah and li'Sh'mah?
3. ... first li'Sh'mah and then she'Lo li'Sh'mah?
(c)With which of the above cases does R. Eliezer disagree?
(d)Why is that?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Tana Kama declares Pasul a Parah Adumah that is Shechted she'Lo li'Sh'mah - because (despite the fact that it is Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis) the Torah specifically refers to it as 'Chatas' (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)If the Kabalah and the Haza'ah are also performed ...
1. ... she'Lo li'Sh'mah - it is Pasul too, as it is if it is Shechted ...
2. ... with a dual thought of she'Lo li'Sh'mah and li'Sh'mah, and even if it is Shechted ...
3. ... first li'Sh'mah and then she'Lo li'Sh'mah.
(c)R. Eliezer disagrees - with all the cases ...
(d)... since it is not Shechted in the Azarah.
(e)The Halachah - is not like Rebbi Eliezer.
(a)What do the Tana Kama and R. Eliezer respectively, say about a Parah that the Kohen Shechted without having washed hands and feet?
(b)Why does he use the expression 'Rachutz Yadayim ve'Raglayim' rather than 'Kidesh'?
(c)What is ...
1. ... the Tana Kama's source for this ruling?
2. ... the source of R. Eliezer who disagrees with him?
(a)The Tana Kama disqualifies a Parah that the Kohen Shechted without having washed hands and feet, whereas R'Eliezer declares it Kasher.
(b)He uses the expression 'Rachutz Yadayim ve'Raglayim' rather than 'Kidesh' - because neither is the washing confined to the Azarah, nor does it require a K'li Shareis (which 'Kidesh' implies it does [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(c)The ...
1. ... Tana Kama's source for these rulings is - (the same as the reason for his earlier ruling, namely) the fact that the Torah refers to the Parah Adumah as "Chatas"
2. ... source of R. Eliezer, who disagrees with him - is the Pasuk in Tzav, obligating a Kohen to wash his hands only if he approaches the Mizbe'ach or enters the Heichal.
(a)Which Kohen does the Tana Kama require to prepare the Parah?
(b)What does R. Yehudah say? Like whom is the Halachah?
(c)What does the Mishnah say there where the Kohen burned the Parah not wearing ...
1. ... proper Begadim? Which Begadim is he referring to?
2. ... all the required garments (Mechusar Begadim)?
(d)From where the Tana learn the former Halachah?
(a)TheTana Kama requires - the Kohen Gadol to prepare the Parah.
(b)R. Yehudah says - 'any Kohen', and that is the Halachah.
(c)The Mishnah - disqualifies the Parah if the Kohen is ...
1. ... not wearing proper Begadim (i.e. the four white garments of a Kohen (see Tos. Yom-Tov) whilst burning it.
2. ... Mechusar Begadim (see Tos Yom-Tov).
(d)The Tana learns the former Halachah - from the Gezeirah-Shavah "Chukas Olam" "Chukas Olam" from Yom Kipur.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about a Parah that is burned ...
1. ... outside its prepared location ('Chutz mi'Gitah')?
2. ... in two prepared Gitos?
3. ... together with a second Parah?
(b)And what does he learn from the Pasuk (in connection with sprinkling the blood "el Nochach P'nei Ohel Mo'ed"?
(a)The Mishnah rules that a Parah that is burned ...
1. ... outside its prepared location ('Chutz mi'Gitah') - is Pasul, as is one that is burned ...
2. ... in two prepared Gitos or even inside its Gas, but ...
3. ... together with a second Parah.
(b)And from the Pasuk (in connection with sprinkling the blood "el Nochach P'nei Ohel Mo'ed" - he learns that if the Kohen sprinkles the blood (see Tos. Yom-Tov) in any direction other than towards the Heichal, his Haza'ah is Pasul.
(a)What will be the Din if the Kohen refers to ...
1. ... the sixth Haza'ah as the seventh and continues with the seventh as if nothing has happened?
2. ... the seventh Haza'ah as the eighth, and continues with the eighth?
3. ... the seventh Haza'ah as the eighth, and stops?
(b)How does he learn the former ruling from the Pasuk "Sheva Pe'amim ... "?
(c)In the very last ruling, the Tana might add the phrase 'and continues with the eighth' in order to balance with the previous cases. Alternatively, what might he be coming to teach us?
(a)If the Kohen refers to ...
1. ... the sixth Haza'ah as the seventh and continues with the seventh as if nothing has happened - the Parah is Pasul.
2. ... the seventh Haza'ah as the eighth, and continues with the eighth (which is not required) - it is Kasher (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
3. ... the seventh Haza'ah as the eighth, and stops - it is Kasher, too.
(b)He learn the former ruling from the Pasuk "Sheva Pe'amim ... " - implying in the correct order.
(c)In the very last ruling, the Tana might add the phrase 'and continues with the eighth' in order to balance with the previous cases. Alternatively, he might be coming to teach us - that the additional Haza'os do not disqualify the Parah.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about a Parah that is burned ...
1. ... without any wood at all or with wood other than that specified in the previous Perek?
2. ... with straw or stubble?
(b)Why is that?
(c)The Parah is generally burned whole. What do we learn from the Pasuk "es Orah ve'es Besarah"?
(a)The Mishnah - validates a Parah that is burned ...
1. ... without any wood at all, with wood other than that specified in the previous Perek ...
2. ... with straw or with stubble ...
(b)... because the Torah does not specify as to how it should be burned.
(c)The Parah is generally burned whole. From the Pasuk "es Orah ve'es Besarah" however, we learn - that it is Kasher even if it has been flayed before burning.
(a)What does the Tana Kama say in a case where the Kohen Shechted the Parah having in mind ...
1. ... to eat some of its flesh or to drink some of its blood?
2. ... to sprinkle some of its blood tomorrow?
(b)What is the reason for the earlier ruling?
(c)With which of these rulings does R. Eliezer disagree?
(d)What is R. Eliezer's reason?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Tana Kama - declares Tahor a Parah if the Kohen Shechted it having in mind ...
1. ... to eat some of its flesh or to drink some of its blood (see Tos. Yom-Tov-Tov) - but Tamei if he has in mind ...
2. ... to sprinkle some of its blood tomorrow.
(b)The reason for the earlier ruling is - because it is no different than any real Korban if one had had the intention to eat what is supposed to go on the Mizbe'ach (as we learned in a Mishnah in Zevachim).
(c)R. Eliezer disagrees - with the latter ruling, maintaining that P'sul Machshavah does not apply to the Parah at all (even by the Haza'ah) ...
(d)... because whatever is prepared outside the Azarah does not have a Din Kodshim (as we learned earlier).
(e)The Halachah - is like the Tana Kama.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about all those who deal with the Parah from beginning to end with regard to ...
1. ... Tum'ah?
2. ... working with it?
(b)How do we learn the earlier ruling from the fact that the Torah first writes "ve'Hishlich Osah el Toch Sereifas ha'Parah" and then "ve'ha'Soref Osah Yechabes Begadav"?
(c)What do we learn (regarding the latter ruling) from the Pasuk ...
1. ... "ve'Shachat Osah"?
2. ... "ve'Saraf es ha'Parah"?
(d)Why does the Torah find it necessary to write both?
(a)The Mishnah - declares Tamei (together with the clothes that they are wearing) all those who deal with the Parah from beginning to end with regard to ...
1. ... Tum'ah, and ...
2. ... eligible to invalidate the Parah if they perform any other work at the same time.
(b)We learn the earlier ruling from the fact that the Torah first writes "ve'Hishlich Osah el Toch Sereifas ha'Parah" and then "ve'ha'Soref Osah Yechabes Begadav" - because, being otherwise superfluous (since it is a 'Kal va'Chomer' from the former), the latter Pasuk must be coming to teach us that all those who deal with the Parah from beginning to end are Metamei Begadim.
(c)And we learn from the Pasuk ...
1. ... "ve'Shachat Osah" - that they disqualify the Parah by doing any other work whilst Shechting it.
2. ... "ve'Saraf es ha'Parah" - that they disqualify the Parah by doing work whilst burning it.
(d)The Torah writes both - to teach us that the same applies to all the Avodos in between (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What does the Mishnah say with regard to those who deal with the Parah after it becomes Pasul?
(b)What distinction does the Tana now draw between a Parah that became Pasul during the Shechitah and one that became Pasul during the Haza'ah?
(c)And what does he mean when he adds 'Nimtze'ah Chumrah Kulah' (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(a)The Mishnah rules - that all those who deal with the Parah after it becomes Pasul are not Metamei Begadim (nor are they themselves Tamei [Mishnah Achronah]).
(b)Consequently, if a Parah became Pasul during the Shechitah - all those who dealt with it remain Tahor (see Tos. Yom-Tov), but if it that became Pasul during the Haza'ah - then only those who dealt with it after that remain Tahor, but those who dealt with it before, together with their clothes, are Tamei.
(c)When the Tana adds 'Nimtze'ah Chumrah Kulah', he means - that the Chumra of P'sul Melachah causes whoever deals with the Parah after Melachah was performed with it remains Tahor.
(a)What are the ramifications of the statement 'Le'olam Mo'alin Bah'?
(b)What do we learn in this regard, from the word ...
1. ... "Chatas" (in the phrase "Chatas Hi")?
2. ... "Hi"?
(c)Up to which point does one continue to add wood to the pyre?
(a)The ramifications of the statement 'Le'olam Mo'alin Bah' are - that whoever derives benefit from the Parah both before and after the burning is obligated to bring a Korban Me'ilah.
(b)We learn from the word ...
1. ... "Chatas" (in the phrase "Chatas Hi") - that the Parah is subject to the Isur Hana'ah (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
2. ... "Hi" - that once the Parah turns into ashes the Isur Hana'ah becomes permitted (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Le'olam Mo'alin').
(c)One continues to add wood to the pyre - until the Parah has turned into ashes.
(a)When are most of the Avodos connected with the Parah performed?
(b)The three exceptions are gathering the ashes, the Miluy, the Kidush and the Haza'ah (the sprinkling). What is ...
1. ... 'Miluy'?
2. ... 'Kidush'?
3. ... 'Haza'ah'?
(c)The same three Avodos plus a fourth do not require a Kohen. What is the fourth?
(d)Gathering the ashes and Haza'ah are learned from similar Pesukim. What does the Torah write instead of 've'Asaf ha'Kohen' and 'vi'Hizah ha'Kohen'?
(a)Most of the Avodos connected with the Parah are performed - during the day.
(b)The three exceptions are gathering the ashes ...
1. ... Miluy - filling the K'li with spring-water ...
2. ... 'Kidush' - adding the ashes to the water.
3. ... 'Haza'ah' - sprinkling the ashes on the Tamei person or object.
(c)The same three Avodos - plus Haza'ah, do not require a Kohen.
(d)Gathering the ashes and Haza'ah are learned from similar Pesukim. Instead of 've'Asaf ha'Kohen' and 'vi'Hizah ha'Kohen', the Torah writes - "ve'Asaf Ish Tahor" and "ve'Hizah ha'Tahor al ha'Tamei" (see also Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)Up to which stage does Melachah invalidate the Parah?
(b)Melachah disqualifies the water too. How do we learn this from the Pasuk "ve'Haysah la'Adas B'nei Yisrael le'Mishmeres le'Mei Nidah, Chatas Hi"?
(c)At which stage does the water no longer become Pasul through Melachah?
(a)Melachah invalidates the Parah - until it becomes ashes.
(b)Melachah disqualifies the water too. We learn this from the Pasuk "ve'Haysah la'Adas B'nei Yisrael le'Mishmeres le'Mei Nidah, Chatas Hi", which teaches us that - the water of the Parah becomes Pasul through Melachah just like the Parah does.
(c)The water no longer becomes Pasul through Melachah - from the moment the ashes have been added (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Ad she'Yatilu' & 'she'Yatilu').
(a)What is the Shi'ur of ashes that one throws into the water?
(b)What does one then do with the water?
(a)The Shi'ur of ashes that one throws into the water is - enough to be discernable floating on the surface.
(b)The water is then sprinkled on the Tamei Meis.
Hadran alach 'Paras Chatas'