(a)What did the Kohen do with the Minchah after taking it from the wickerwork basket?
(b)And what does the Sotah then do with it?
(c)What does the Tana learn from the Gezeirah-Shavah "Velakach ha'Kohen mi'Yad a'Ishah" (by Sotah) from "Yadav Tevi'enah" (by Shelamim)?
(a)After taking the Minchah from the wickerwork basket - the Kohen placed it in a K'li Shareis ...
(b)... which she waves in all six directions (Tenufah).
(c)The Tana learns from the Gezeirah-Shavah "Velakach ha'Kohen mi'Yad a'Ishah" (by Sotah) from "Yadav Tevi'enah" (by Shelamim) that - just as by the latter, the Kohen has to place his hands underneath those of the owner, so too, is he obligated to place his hands underneath those of the Sotah as she waves the Minchah (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Mishnah now describes the procedure following the Tenufah (the waving). Which two Avodos did the Kohen perform with it?
(b)How many times does the Torah mention the drinking?
(a)The Mishnah now describes the procedure following the Tenufah. The Kohen then performs - Hagashah (taking the Minchah to the south-western corner of the Mizbe'ach) and Kemitzah (taking a fistful)
(b)The Torah mentions the drinking - three times.
(a)According to the Tana Kama, what do we learn from the fact that the Torah writes "Vehishkah es ha'Ishah ... " after the erasing of the Megilah?
(b)How does he then interpret the Pasuk "ve'Achar Yashkeh es ha'Ishah ... " that is mentioned after the burning of the Minchah?
(c)What is the Torah then coming to teach us?
(d)And why does the Pasuk then repeat "Vehishkah ... "?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, from the fact that the Torah writes "Vehishkah es ha'Ishah ... " after the erasing of the Megilah, we learn that - the Kohen makes her drink the water before the burning of the Minchah.
(b)He interprets the Pasuk "ve'Achar Yashkeh es ha'Ishah ..." mentioned after the burning - with reference to the erasing of Hash-m's Name in the water, which precedes the Avodah of the Minchah ...
(c)... and the Torah is coming to teach us that - she is not permitted to drink until the letters of the Megilah have been completely erased (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)The reason that the Pasuk then repeats "Vehishkah ... " is - to teach us that once the letters have been erased, we force her to drink even if she refuses to do so.
(a)Based on the word "ve'Achar" (in the middle Pasuk "ve'Achar, Yashkeh es ha'Ishah es ha'Mayim") what does Rebbi Shimon say?
(b)Regarding the third Pasuk, he concurs with the Tana Kama (See 3d). How does he then explain the first Pasuk "Vehishkah ..."?
(c)What happened to the rest of the Minchah?
(d)On which principle is this ruling based?
(a)Based on the word "ve'Achar" (in the middle Pasuk "ve'Achar, Yashkeh es ha'Ishah es ha'Mayim") Rebbi Shimon maintains - that the Sotah only drinks the water after the Korban has been brought.
(b)Regarding the third Pasuk, he concurs with the Tana Kama (See 3d), whereas the first Pasuk "Vehishkah ...", he explains to mean that - if Bedieved, she drinks the water before the Korban has been brought, she is Yotzei.
(c)The rest of the Minchah is eaten by the Kohanim ...
(d)... like all Menachos from which a Kemitzah has been taken.
(a)We already learned what happens if the Sotah refuses to drink after the Name of Hash-m has been erased in the water. What if she refuses to drink before that?
(b)Whereabouts is the Megilah placed?
(c)The Minchah is then scattered on the Beis Deshen. Where is the Beis ha'Deshen?
(d)Why is that?
(a)We already learned what happens if the Sotah refuses to drink after the Name of Hash-m has been erased in the water. Should she refuse to drink before that - the Megilah is hidden ...
(b)... somewhere at the side of the Heichal (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Minchah is then scattered (See Tos. Yom-Tov) on the Beis Deshen - in the Azarah, where all Pesulei Kodshei Kodshim are burned ...
(d)... since it was sanctified in a K'li Shareis.
(a)What do we learn, regarding the current Minchas Sotah, from the word "lah" (in the Pasuk "Ve'asah lah ha'Kohen")?
(b)What does one do, in the event that, after the Name of Hash-m has been erased in the water, the Sotah declares that ...
1. ... she is guilty?
2. ... she will not drink the water?
(c)What is the reason for ..
1. ... the former ruling?
2. ... the latter ruling? Why do we not assume that she is guilty?
(a)From the word "lah" (in the Pasuk "Ve'asah lah ha'Kohen"), we learn that - the Megilah of a Sotah must be written li'Shemah, and that consequently, even in a case where one Sotah's Megilah has not ben used, it cannot be used by another Sotah.
(b)In the event that, after the Name of Hash-m has been erased in the water, the Sotah declares that ...
1. ... she is guilty - the water is poured out and her Minchah, scattered on the ashes of the Beis ha'Deshen.
2. ... she will not drink the water - we force her to drink it (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The reason for ...
1. ... the former ruling is - because the purpose of the water is to ascertain whether she is innocent or guilty, which is not necessary now that she has confessed.
2. ... the latter ruling is - in case she is really innocent, and is refusing to drink because she is afraid (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)According to our Mishnah, one of three things that happen to a Sotah is that her face turns a greenish color. At which point does this occur?
(b)What are the two other things that happen to her?
(c)What is it that creates the impression that she is full of sinews?
(d)The author of this Mishnah is Rebbi Akiva, who holds like Rebbi Shimon. What does Rebbi Shimon say regarding the order of events?
(e)What do we learn from the Pasuk "Minchas Zikaron Mazkeres Avon"?
(a)According to our Mishnah, one of three things that happen to a Sotah - immediately after drinking the water, is - that her face turns a greenish color.
(b)The two other things that are - that her eyes protrude from their sockets and that she becomes full of sinews ...
(c)... an impression that is created - by the fact that her body swells.
(d)The author of this Mishnah is Rebbi Akiva, who holds like Rebbi Shimon (See Tos. Yom-Tov) in that - when she drinks the water, she has already brought her Korban (as we learned in Mishnah 2).
(e)We learn from the Pasuk "Minchas Zikaron Mazkeres Avon" that - the water will not cause the punishment to take effect before the Sotah's Korban has been brought.
(a)What do the people then announce
(b)What does 'the Azarah' refer to?
(c)What sort of Tum'ah were they concerned about?
(d)Why not Tum'as Meis?
(a)The people then announce - 'Take her out! Take her out! (See Tos. Yom-Tov), So that she should not render Tamei (See Tos. Yom-Tov) the Azarah'.
(b)'The Azarah' refers to - the Sha'ar Nikanor (where she is standing) and to the Ezras Nashim, which she has to traverse.
(c)They were concerned about the Tum'as Nidah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) or Zavah ...
(d)... not of Tum'as Meis - which is permitted inside the Har ha'Bayis (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)If she merits it, she can postpone the punishment that is coming to her. Which merit is the Tana talking about?
(b)For how long can her punishment be postponed?
(c)What does ben Azai learn from here (regarding a man teaching his daughter Torah)?
(d)Why is that?
(a)If she merits it - by taking her children to learn Torah and for her husband to come home from his out-of-town Kollel, she can postpone the punishment that is coming to her.
(b)Her punishment can be postponed - for one, two or three years (See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Yesh Z'chus' [1], 'Shanah' & 'Yesh Z'chus' [2]).
(c)ben Azai learns from here - that a man is obligated to teach his daughter Torah ...
(d)... so that, should she come to a situation where she has to drink Mei Sotah, she knows that, if she is guilty, and nothing happens, her punishment has merely been postponed (See Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)To what does Rebbi Eliezer compare a man who teaches his daughter Torah?
(b)What does he mean by that?
(a)Rebbi Eliezer compares a man who teaches his daughter Torah - to a man who teaches his daughter immoral behavior (Tiflus) ...
(b)... since the Shakla ve'Tarya of Torah will train her to become cunning, a trait that will enable her to obtain her sexual desires without being discovered.
(a)What does Rebbi Yehoshua mean when he says that a woman wants a Kav of 'Tiflus' more than nine Kabin of food and 'P'rishus'?
(b)He describes four categories of people as Mevalei Olam. What is the literal translation of 'Mevalei Olam'?
(c)The four are 'Chasid Shoteh, Rasha Arum, Ishah Perushah and Makos Perushim'. What is ...
1. ... 'Chasid Shoteh'?
2. ... 'Rasha Arum'? Which La'av does he transgress?
3. ... 'Ishah Perushah'?
4. ... 'Makos Perushim'?
(d)An alternative to this is called Parsuh Kuza'i. What is 'Parush Kuza'i'?
(a)When Rebbi Yehoshua says that a woman wants a Kav of 'Tiflus' more than nine Kabin of food and 'P'rishus', he means that - she prefers a small measure of adultery more than a large measure of food together with abstention (See also Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)He describes four categories of people as 'Mevalei Olam', which literally means - people who destroy the world.
(c)The four are ...
1. ... 'Chasid Shoteh' - 'a stupid Shoteh, who for example, will let a woman drown, because it is wrong to look at a woman'.
2. ... 'Rasha Arum' - 'a cunning Rasha', who for example, tells the Dayan details of the case before his opponent arrives in Beis-Din, thereby transgressing the La'av of "Lo Sisa Sheima Shav" (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
3. ... 'Ishah Perushah' - a woman who pretends to be righteous, by, for example, stopping a pregnant women from giving birth by means of witchcraft, and then when, her victim has pains in childbirth, she makes out that she is going to pray for her well-being, when all she does is remove the spell that she initially cast.
4. ... 'Makos Perushim' - a person who pretends to be humble, by walking via 'goose-steps', without raising his feet from the ground, and in the process, he knocks his toes against stones.
(d)An alternative to this is called 'Parsuh Kuza'i' - a man who walks with his eyes closed, in case he sees a woman (See Tos. Yom-Tov), with the result that he constantly bangs his head against a wall, and blood flows out.'
(a)What does Rebbi Shimon say about a Sotah's merits postponing the punishment?
(b)One of his reasons is because then the water will not plant fear in the hearts of the women, and will not therefore deter them from sinning, since every woman has some merit to her credit. What else is he afraid will result from the fact that the guilty women will not immediately be affected by the water?
(c)Rebbi agrees with the Tana Kama in principle. How does he compromise between the Tana Kama and Rebbi Shimon?
(d)What is the end result?
(a)Rebbi Shimon maintains that - a Sotah's merits cannot postpone the punishment ...
(b)... because, if they could, then a. the water will not plant fear in the hearts of the women, and will not therefore deter them from sinning (since every woman has some merit to her credit) and - b. the fact that the guilty women will not immediately be affected by the water will result in people suspecting innocent women of being guilty (and their punishment was postponed due to their merits [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(c)Rebbi agrees with the Tana Kama in principle and he compromises between the Tana Kama and Rebbi Shimon - by modifying the effects of the merits, inasmuch as they do not enable the Sotah to have children or in any other positive way, but she immediately begins to deteriorate (See Tos. Yom-Tov), thereby resolving Rebbi Shimon's worries ...
(d)... until finally all that should have happened to her initially, happens to her in the end anyway.
(a)What happens to a regular Minchah that becomes Tamei ...
1. ... before being sanctified in a K'li Shareis?
2. ... after being sanctified in a K'li Shareis?
(b)What does the Mishnah say about the equivalent cases of a Minchas Sotah?
(c)What is the reason for the latter ruling in both cases?
(a)A regular Minchah that becomes Tamei ...
1. ... before being sanctified in a K'li Shareis - is redeemed.
2. ... after being sanctified in a K'li Shareis - is redeemed too ...
(b)... and the Mishnah issues the same dual rulings with regard to a Minchas Sotah.
(c)The reason for the latter ruling in both cases is - because once it is placed in a K'li Shareis it adopts Kedushas ha'Guf, and Kudushas ha'Guf, as a rule, is subject to Pidyon.
(a)What do the following Sotos have in common ...
1. ... one who says 'Teme'ah Ani lach'; where witnesses testify that she is guilty; one who refuses to drink?
2. ... one whose husband refuses to make her drink or whose husband was intimate with her on the way to Yerushalayim?
(b)And what does the Tana say about the wife of a Kohen who brings a Minchah?
(c)Which part of the Minchah is the Tana referring to?
(d)What is the source for this ruling?
(a)A Sotah ...
1. ... who says 'Teme'ah Ani lach'; one about whom witnesses testify that she is guilty (See Tos. Yom-Tov), and one who refuses to drink all have in common that - their Minchah must be burned, and the same applies to a Sotah ...
2. ... whose husband refuses to make her drink or whose husband was intimate with her on the way to Yerushalayim.
(b)The Tana issues the very same ruling - regarding the wife of a Kohen who brings a Minchah.
(c)The Tana is referring even to - the bulk of the Minchah, which is normally eaten by the Kohanim after the Kemitzah has been burned on the Mizbe'ach.
(d)The source for this ruling is - the Pasuk in Tzav "ve'Chol Minchas Kohen Kalil Tih'yeh, Lo Se'achel".
(a)On what basis does the above ruling extend to the Minchah of a Kohenes?
(b)Then why is not completely burned (like the Minchah of a Kohen?
(c)So what exactly happens to it?
(a)The current ruling extends to the Minchah of a Kohenes - since, due to the fact that it is her husband who pays for it, it belongs partially to him.
(b)Nevertheless, it is not completely burned (like the Minchah of a Kohen - because she is the one for whom it comes to atone (and the above Pasuk refers specifically to a male Kohen
(c)Consequently - the Kometz and the Shirayim (the leftovers) are both burned independently on the Beis ha'Deshen in the Azarah (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)In which regard does the Mishnah differentiate between a Yisre'eilis who is married to a Kohen and a Kohenes who is married to a Yisrael?
(b)Based on what we just learned, what is the first distinction that the Tana draws between a Kohen and a Kohenes?
(c)From where do we learn this?
(a)The Mishnah differentiate between a Yisre'elis who is married to a Kohen - whose Minchah is burned, and a Kohenes who is married to a Yisrael - whose Minchah is not burned.
(b)Based on what we just learned, the first distinction that the Tana draws between a Kohen and a Kohenes is that - whereas the former is burned, the latter is eaten ...
(c)... since the Torah writes in Tzav "ve'Chol Minchas Kohen Kalil Tih'yeh" ... "Kohen", 've'Lo Kohenes'.
(a)The second distinction between them is that whereas a Kohenes is subject to Chilul, a Kohen is not. What makes her a Chalalah?
(b)What are the ramifications of that Chilul?
(c)How does she return to her former status?
(d)If 'Kohenes' refers to a bas-Kohen who is married to a Yisre'elis, what will be the Din by a Kohenes who is a Gerushah or an Almanah who brings a Minchas Nedavah?
(a)The second distinction whereas a Kohenes is subject to Chilul, a Kohen is not (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)The ramifications of that Chilul are that - she is forbidden to eat T'rumah and to marry a Kohen ...
(c)... forever.
(d)'Kohenes' refers to a bas-Kohen who is married to a Yisre'elis - though the same will apply to a Kohenes who is a Gerushah or an Almanah who brings a Minchas Nedavah.
(a)Which three women is a Kohen forbidden to marry?
(b)Then what will be the Din in the event that he marries one of them?
(c)What is a Kohen permitted to eat that a Kohenes is not?
(d)From where do we learn this?
(a)A Kohen is forbidden to marry - a divorcee, a Chalalah and a Zonh.
(b)In the event that he marries one of them - he is obligated to divorce her, but he does not become a Chalal.
(c)A Kohen is permitted to eat - Kodshei Kodshim, whereas a Kohenes is not.
(d)We learn this - from the Pasuk "Kol Zachar bi'Venei Aharon Yochlenah"; "bi'Venei Aharon", 've'Lo bi'Venos Aharon' (See Also Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Mishnah now discusses the Halachic differences between a man and a woman (See Tos. Yom-Tov). What does the Tana learn from the fact that the Torah writes in Tazri'a "Ish Tzaru'a Hu ... "?
(b)What distinction does the Tana draw between them with regard to declaring their small son a Nazir?
(c)What happens when the son (whose father declared him a Nazir) becomes Bar-Mitzvah
(d)What does he mean when he says that a son (but not a daughter) can 'shave on his father's Nezirus'?
(e)What is the source for the two latter Halachos?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses the Halachic differences between a man and a woman. The Tana learn from the fact that the Torah writes in Tazri'a "Ish Tzaru'a Hu ... " - that a man must perform 'P'ri'ah and P'rimah (letting his hair grow long and tearing his clothes when he becomes a Tamei Muchlat, but not a woman).
(b)The Tana rules that - whereas a father has the authority to declare his small son a Nazir, a mother does not.
(c)When the son (whose father declared him a Nazir) becomes Bar-Mitzvah - the Nezirus remains intact (See Tosfos Yom-Tov).
(d)When he says that a son (but not a daughter) can 'shave on his father's Nezirus', he means that - if a Nazir dies leaving behind Korbanos that he did not manage to bring, his son who was also a Nazir (or who now became one), can bring those Korbanos on his own behalf.
(e)The source of the two latter Halachos is - Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai.
(a)Which two things can a father do with his young daughter which a mother cannot?
(b)What does the Tana learn from the word "Oso" (in the Pasuk in ,..
1. ... Emor " ... Veragmu Oso Kol ha'Eidah")?
2. ... Ki Seitzei "Vesalisa Oso al Eitz" [in connection with someone who curses Hash-m])?
(c)Why can we not extrapolate from the former Pasuk that a woman is not stoned at all?
(d)What does the Tana finally learn from the word "bi'Geneivaso" (in the Pasuk in Mishpatim ["Venimkar bi'Geneivaso"])?
(a)A father can - sell or marry off his young daughter; a mother cannot (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)The Tana learns from the word "Oso" (in the Pasuk in ,..
1. ... Emor " ... Veragmu Oso Kol ha'Eidah") that - whereas a man is stoned naked, a woman is not (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
2. ... Ki Seitzei "Vesalisa Oso al Eitz" [in connection with someone who curses Hash-m]) that - a man who is stoned because of that is subsequently hanged until sunset, a woman is not.
(c)We cannot extrapolate from the former Pasuk that a woman is not stoned at all - because the Torah specifically writes in Parshas Shoftim that she is.
(d)The Tana finally learns from the word "bi'Geneivaso" (in the Pasuk in Mishpatim ["Venimkar bi'Geneivaso"]) that - only a man who stole and who cannot pay is sold, but not a woman.