Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now discusses the two cases of Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodoshav (Avos) that are four (plus two Toldos). Why does the Tana refer to them as 'Yedi'os ha'Tum'ah'?

(b)Why are the second two considered Toldos?

(c)The first case of the two Avos is where he initially knows that he is Tamei (He'elam Tum'ah [See Tos. Yom-Tov]) then forgets and eats Kodesh. What is the second?

(d)From which Pasuk in Vayikra do we learn He'elam Tum'ah?

(e)What are then the two Toldos?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses the two cases of Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodoshav (Avos) that are four (plus two Toldos), which the Tana refers to as 'Yedi'os ha'Tum'ah - because in order to be Chayav, there must have been a Yedi'ah at some point (See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 've'Ne'elmah ... ').

(b)The second two are considered Toldos - because they are not written explicitly (See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Ne'elam mimenu ha'Kodesh').

(c)The first of the two Avos is where he initially knows that he is Tamei (He'elam Tum'ah [See Tos. Yom-Tov]) but then forgets and eats Kodesh. The second is - where he then enters the Beis-ha'Mikdash.

(d)We learn He'elam Tum'ah from the Pasuk in Vayikra - "ve'Ne'elam mimenu ve'Hu Tamei".

(e)The two Toldos are - where he knows that he is Tamei but forgets that he is eating Kodesh or entering the Beis-ha'Mikdash (He'elam Mikdash ve'Kodoshav).


(a)In all of the above cases, what is he Chayav?

(b)What if he forgets both that he is Tamei and that he is eating Kodesh or entering the Beis-ha'Mikdash until after he has transgressed?


(a)In all of the above cases, he is Chayav - a Korban Oleh ve'Yored, and the same will apply ...

(b)... if he forgets both that he is Tamei and that he is eating Kodesh or entering the Beis-ha'Mikdash until after he has transgressed.

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah equates the Azarah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and the Tosefes ha'Azarah with regard to someone who enters be'Tum'ah. What is the Tosefes ha'Azarah?

(b)What do we learn from the fact that the king, the Navi, the Urim ve'Tumim, and various other features (which we are about to discuss) are required when sanctifying it?

(c)The source for this lies in the words "ve'Chein Ta'asu" (in the Pasuk in T'rumah, in connection with the construction of the Mishkan "ke'Chol asher Ani Mar'eh oscha ... ve'Chein Ta'asu"). To whom is the Pasuk speaking?

(d)If Aharon represented the the Urim ve'Tumim), what did Moshe represent?

(e)Which other (hitherto unmentioned) feature was present when the Mishkan was built, and is therefore required whenever one adds to the Azarah?


(a)The Mishnah equates the Azarah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and the 'Tosefes ha'Azarah' - a section that they add to the Azarah, with regard to someone who enters be'Tum'ah.

(b)We learn from the fact that the king, the Navi, the Urim ve'Tumim, and various other features (which we are about to discuss) are required when sanctifying it - that its Kedushah is on a par with that of the Azarah itself.

(c)The source for this lies in the words "ve'Chein Ta'asu" (in the Pasuk in Terumah, in connection with the construction of the Mishkan "ke'Chol asher Ani Mar'eh oscha ... ve'Chein Ta'asu"). The Pasuk is speaking - to Moshe and Aharon.

(d)Aharon represented the Kohen Gadol (the Urim ve'Tumim), and Moshe - the king and the Navi (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and the Navi.

(e)Which other (hitherto unmentioned) feature was present when the Mishkan was built, and is therefore required whenever one adds to the Azarah is - the the Sanhedrin of seventy elders (See Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)One of the two remaining required features is two Todos (thanks-offerings). What exactly does this refer to?

(b)What is the other feature?

(c)Which Kapitel in Tehilim did they actually sing?

(d)Assuming that the Levi'im (the singers and the instrumentalists) went in front of the procession (See Tiferes Yisrael) in which order did the others follow?

(e)How did they carry the two Todos?


(a)One of the two remaining features is two Todos (thanks-offerings) - with reference to two loaves of a Korban Todah.

(b)The other feature is - Shir ...

(c)... the Kapitel in Tehilim "Aromimcha Hash-m ki Dilisani" (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)Assuming that the Levi'im (the singers and the instrumentalists) went in front of the procession (See Tiferes Yisrael), they were followed by the Todos, the Sanhedrin (See Tos. Yom-Tov), whereas the people brought up the rear.

(e)They carried the two Todos - side by side.


(a)What does one do with the two Todos after carrying them round the area that is being sanctified?

(b)Which one is eaten and which one, burned?

(c)What is the source for this?


(a)After carrying the two Todos round the area that is being sanctified - one of them is eaten, the other one, burned.

(b)The inner one is eaten and the outer one, burned ...

(c)... 'al-Pi Navi'.


(a)Whom does T'nach record as having actually placed two Todos, when inaugurating the Tosefes ha'Azarah?

(b)How do we reconcile this with the fact that during the era of the second Beis-ha'Mikdah, there was neither a king nor the Urim ve'Tumim?

(c)Then what was the point of the ceremony in the time of Nechemyah?

(d)What does the Mishnah conclude with regard to a Tosefes ha'Azarah that has not been inaugurated in this manner?


(a)T'nach records - Nechemyah, as having actually placed two Todos when inaugurating the Tosefes ha'Azarah.

(b)To reconcile this with the fact that during the era of the second Beis-ha'Mikdah, there was neither a king nor the Urim ve'Tumim - we conclude that it was Sh'lomoh who inaugurated the entire area of the Beis-Hamikdash once and for all time ...

(c)... and the ceremony in the time of Nechemyah - was merely symbolical (as a Zikaron).

(d)The Mishnah concludes that if a Tosefes ha'Azarah has not been inaugurated in this manner - then a Tamei person who enters it is not Chayav Kareis.

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who becomes Tamei in the Azarah, vis-a-vis bringing a Korban Oleh ve'Yored in the event that there is either He'elam Tum'ah or He'elam Mikdash or both?

(b)He is Chayav either if he prostrates himself ('Hishtachaveh') or if he waits 'bi'Chedei Hishtachaveh'. What is the significance of the Pasuk in Divrei ha'Yamim "Vayichre'u Apayim Artzah al ha'Ritzpah Vayishtachavu ve'Hodos la'Hashem ki Tov ki le'Olam Chasdo"?

(c)How must this Pasuk be (theoretically) read to make up the Shi'ur?

(d)What does 'Vayishtachavu' then mean?

(e)On what condition will one be Patur for prostrating oneself in less time than 'bi'Chedei Hishtachavayah'?


(a)The Mishnah declares someone who becomes Tamei in the Azarah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) - subject to a Korban Oleh ve'Yored, provided there is either He'elam Tum'ah or He'elam Mikdash or both.

(b)He is Chayav either if he prostrates himself ('Hishtachaveh') or if he waits 'bi'Chedei Hishtachaveh' (See Tos. Yom-Tov). The Pasuk in Divrei ha'Yamim "Vayichre'u Apayim Artzah al ha'Ritzpah Vayishtachavu ve'Hodos la'Hashem ki Tov ki le'Olam Chasdo" is in fact - the Shi'ur of 'bi'Chedei Hishtachaveh' (should one wait in the Azarah before leaving).

(c)To make up the Shi'ur, this Pasuk must be (theoretically) read - slowly in order to make up the Shi'ur.

(d)'Vayishtachavu' then means that - one actually prostrates oneself towards the Kodesh Kodshim, but in less time than 'bi'Chedei Hishtachaveh' See Tos. Yom-Tov) before leaving.

(e)One will be be Patur for prostrating oneself in less time than 'bi'Chedei Hishtachavayah' - if one does so in any other direction.


(a)On what condition is someone who has not waited 'bi'Chedei Hishtachavayah' and has not prostrated himself ...

1. ... Chayav even if he leaves the Azarah immediately?

2. ... Patur?

(b)What kind of Mitzvah does the above Tamei fulfil if he leaves immediately by the shortest route?

(c)And what does the Tana mean when he says 'Zu hi Mitzvas Asei she'be'Mikdash she'Ein Chayavin alav'?


(a)Someone who has not waited 'bi'Chedei Hishtachavayah' and has not prostrated himself is ...

1. ... Chayav even if he leaves the Azarah immediately - if he takes any of the longer routes out of the Azarah (See Tiferes Yisrael).

2. ... Patur - provided he takes the shortest route out of the Azarah (See Tiferes Yisrael).

(b)If the above Tamei fulfil if he leaves immediately by the shortest route - he fulfils the Mitzvas Asei of "vi'Yeshalchu min ha'Machaneh Kol Tamei".

(c)When the Tana says 'Zu hi Mitzvas Asei she'be'Mikdash she'Ein Chayavin alav', he means that if Beis-Din erred and Paskened that the Tamei person should leave the Azarah by a longer route, they are Patur from bringing a Par He'elam Davar (See Tiferes Yisrael).

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Tana now presents a similar case of Mitzvas Asei with regard to Nidah. What Asei is a man Chayav to observe in the event that, during intimacy, his wife informs him that she has just become Tamei?

(b)In what way is this case similar to the previous one?


(a)The Tana now presents a similar case of Mitzvas Asei with regard to Nidah. In the event that, during intimacy, a man's wife informs him that she has just become Tamei, he is Chayav to observe the Asei - of withdrawing.

(b)This case is similar to the previous one - inasmuch as here too, he entered be'Heter and is Chayav to withdraws without undue delay (as will now be explained).


(a)On what condition is one Chayav?

(b)Why is that?

(c)What ought he to have done?

(d)What if he withdraws immediately following the Beis-Din's instructions?


(a)One is Chayav - if one withdraws immediately ...

(b)... since one derives as much pleasure from withdrawing as from entering.

(c)What he ought to have done is - to wait until the limb becomes limp before withdrawing (See also Tiferes Yisrael).

(d)In this case, if he withdraws immediately following the Beis-Din's instructions - Beis-Din will be Chayav.

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Based on the Pasuk in Vayikra "O be'Nivlas Sheretz Tamei ve'Ne'elam mimenu", what does Rebbi Eliezer Darshen, regarding a case where a person touches a Sheretz and enters the Beis-ha'Mikdash, from the juxtaposition of the words " ... ha'Sheretz ve'Ne'elam"?

(b)On what additional basis does he differentiate between Tum'as Sheretz and other Tum'os?

(c)What is the case of He'elam Sheretz, that renders him Patur?

(d)What does Rebbi Akiva say about that?


(a)Based on the Pasuk in Vayikra "O be'Nivlas Sheretz Tamei ve'Ne'elam mimenu", in a case where a person touches a Sheretz and enters the Beis-ha'Mikdash, Rebbi Eliezer Darshens (from the juxtaposition of the words " ... ha'Sheretz ve'Ne'elam") that - he is Chayav for He'elam Sheretz, but not for He'elam Tum'ah (as we will explain shortly).

(b)He differentiates between Tum'as Sheretz and other Tum'os - based on the fact that the Torah inserts "ha'Sheretz", even though it said previously "O Nefesh asher Tiga be'Chol Davar Tamei (incorporating Sheratzim).

(c)The case of He'elam Sheretz that renders him Patur is - where he does not know whether it was a Sheretz or a Neveilah that he touched.

(d)According to Rebbi Akiva - he is Chayav (See Tos. Yom-Tov), seeing as he knows for sure that he is Tamei.


(a)What does Rebbi Akiva Darshen from the juxtaposition of the words there "ve'Ne'elam mimenu ve'Hu Tamei"?

(b)And what does Rebbi Yishmael say, bearing in mind that the same Pasuk repeats the word "ve'Ne'elam"?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Rebbi Akiva Darshens from the juxtaposition of the words there "ve'Ne'elam mimenu ve'Hu Tamei" that - he is Chayav for He'elam Tum'ah (where he forgot that he is Tamei) but not for He'elam Mikdash.

(b)Bearing in mind that the same Pasuk repeats the word "ve'Ne'elam", Rebbi Yishmael rules that - he is Chayav both for He'elam Tum'ah and for He'elam Mikdash.

(c)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yishmael.