
(a)Rav Zevid quotes Rami bar Chama differently than we just quoted him. According to him, Rami bar Chama does not absolve Mechamer from Sekilah be'Meizid, but he does absolve him from a Chatas be'Shogeg. What does he gain by doing so?

(b)Once again, Rava queries Rami bar Chama from the Mishnah in Sanhedrin 'ha'Mechalel es ha'Shabbos be'Davar she'Chayavin al Shigegaso Chatas, ve'al Zedono Sekilah'. On what grounds do we reject Rava's inference 'Ha Ein Chayavin al Shigegaso Chatas, Ein Chayavin al Zedono Sekilah'? What alternative inference can we make from the Beraisa that actually concurs with Rav Zevid's version of Rami bar Chama's statement?

(c)Rava, the brother of Rav Mari bar Rachel cites Rebbi Yochanan (instead of Rami bar Chama) as saying that Mechamer is not Chayav for Mechamer. There is no Chiyuv Chatas if he did it be'Shogeg due to the Pasuk "la'Oseh bi'Shegagah" (as we explained at the end of the previous Amud). How does Rebbi Yochanan learn from the same Mishnah in Sanhedrin that Mechamer is not Chayav Sekilah if he does it be'Meizid?


(a)Who was Rav Mari bar Rachel? Why is he called after his mother and not his father?

(b)On what basis did Rav then appoint Rav Mari as an officer, in spite of the fact that he was the son of a Nochri?

(c)What problem does this create for those who have the text 've'Amri Lah Avuhah de'Rav Mari bar Rachel'?

(d)How do those who insert the second Lashon, answer the Kashya?


(a)According to Rebbi Yochanan, why is Mechamer not at least Chayav Malkos (on account of the Pasuk "Lo Sa'aseh Kol Melachah ... u'Vehemtecha")?

(b)Why will he not be Chayav Malkos, even according to those who hold that one does normally receive Malkos for a La'av she'Niten le'Azharas Misas Beis-Din?



(a)If one's donkey is carrying glass vessels, what does Rav Huna suggest one does when arriving in the first courtyard in town?

(b)How do we reconcile this with our Mishnah, which allows removing vessels that are not Muktzeh with one's hands?

(c)How do we prove this to be the case?


(a)Why does Rav Huna's advice not constitute 'Mevatel Kli Mehechano'?

(b)According to Rav Huna, why does the Beraisa rule that by (Tevel and) Ashashiyos (glass lanterns) one must open the straps and allow them to break. Why can one not bring cushions and sheets, and place them underneath, as we just learned?

(c)Why then, does the Tana write 'Af-al-Pi she'Mishtabrin' - if this does not entail a loss?


(a)What did Rebbi Shimon rule in a Beraisa, regarding a donkey that is carrying a sack of Tevel?

(b)What happened to Raban Gamliel's donkey that was carrying honey and which he refused to unload on Shabbos?

(c)How do we reconcile this with our Mishnah, which permits unloading vessels that are not Muktzeh on Shabbos?

(d)In that case, of what use was the honey?


(a)Why did Raban Gamliel not ...

1. ... simply untie the ropes and let the vessels containing the honey fall to the ground?

2. ... bring cushions and place them underneath the vessels containing the honey?

(b)We ask why leaving the containers on the animals' backs did not entail Tza'ar Ba'alei Chayim. So what if it did? Is that a reason to transgress 'Bitul Kli me'Heichano'?

(c)What do we answer?


(a)What did Abaye comment when he came across Rabah son one Shabbos playing with his by sliding him along a donkey's back. What did he comment?

(b)What did Rabah reply?

(c)How did he attempt to prove his point from our Mishnah, which permits untying the sacks from the donkey's back?

(d)How do we reject this proof?


(a)Based on the fact that Chazal's decree of using an animal is similar in details to that of using a tree, how do we query Rabah from the Mishnah in Succah, which forbids one to use a Succah which consists of two walls of a tree and one of a wall that is man-made. What Isur is the Tana referring to? Is there anything wrong with using trees as walls of a Succah?

(b)What is now the Kashya on Rabah? How do we initially establish the case?

(c)How do we refute the Kashya? If the Mishnah is not talking about walls that have been carved into the side of a tree, then what is it talking about?

(d)This answer however, is not acceptable, because of the Seifa of the Mishnah. What does the Seifa say? What will then be the problem with that?

(e)On what grounds do we refute the Kashya on Rabah from there too?


(a)We finally establish the Seifa of the Mishnah by Gav'aza Parsachna. What is 'Gav'aza Parsachna'? How does this resolve the Mishnah?

(b)Why should the Seifa differ radically from the Reisha in this point?

(c)We prove this from the conclusion of the Mishnah 'Zeh ha'Klal'. What does the Tana actually say?

(d)How does that prove our final interpretation of the Mishnah?


(a)The Tana Kama in a Beraisa learns 'Ein Olin lah be'Yom-Tov'. What does Rebbi Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar Omer in the name of Rebbi Meir say?

(b)How will Rabah explain the Machlokes?

(c)Abaye disagrees. In his opinion both Tana'im hold 'Tzedadin Asurin'. What is the basis of the Machlokes, according to him?

(d)What does Rava say to that?


(a)Rav Mesharshaya queries Rava from a Beraisa. What distinction does the Tana draw between a nail in a tree above ten Tefachim on which a basket containing an Eruv Techumin is hanging and one that is below ten Tefachim?

(b)What is the reason for this distinction?

(c)What does Rav Mesharshaya extrapolate from the fact that the Tana refers to a basket that is hanging from a nail?

(d)How does Rava refute Rav Mesharshaya's proof?


(a)What is the Halachah regarding Tzedadin and Tzedidei Tzedadin?

(b)How does this affect a ladder that is needed to climb up into a loft, in a case where one needs to use the tree to gain access to the loft?

(c)What care should one take when climbing the ladder.