[111a - 55 lines; 111b - 63 lines]

1)[line 9]שלישי של שםSHELISHI SHEL SHEM- the third son of Shem. This refers to Arpachshad, who was actually the third son of Shem's third son.

2)[line 12]דברים ככתבןDEVARIM K'KESAVAN- the words of the Torah are meant exactly as they are written. This means that one Jew from an entire city and two from an entire nation will be redeemed.

3)[line 19]חייף רישיהCHAYEF RESHEI- [he would] shampoo his hair

4)[line 21]מילת קא לייטת ליMEILAT KA LAITAS LI- are you cursing me?

5)[line 23]שמחיה עצמו עליהSHE'MECHAYEH ATZMO ALEHA- [you will not find Torah in one] who provides life for himself over it. [Rather, Torah is acquired by one who denies himself physical comforts.] (YAD RAMAH)

6)[line 34]מעכוMI'ACHU- they crushed [them]

7)[line 46]מריבהMERIVAH- quarrel

8)[line 53]ארך אפיםERECH APAYIM- slow to anger


9)[line 4]בדרגאB'DARGA- on the steps

10)[line 5]ינוקאYENUKA- a child

11)[line 10]"ביום ההוא וגו'""BA'YOM HA'HU YIHEYEH HASH-M TZEVAKOS LA'ATERES TZEVI..."- "On that day shall HaSh-m be a crown of glory, and a tiara of beauty, to the remnant of His people, and as a spirit of judgment to him who sits in judgment, and for strength to those who turn the battle to the gate" (Yeshayah 28:5-6) - The Gemara interprets each phrase of these two verses.

12)[line 12]ומצפים לישועתוU'METZAPIM LI'YESHU'ASO- and [for] those who wait for His salvation

13)[line 14]למי שמשים עצמו כשיריםL'MI SHE'MESIM ATZMO K'SHIRAYIM- for a person who considers himself superfluous, unnecessary; i.e. for a humble person. (Just as people do not consider leftover scraps of food ("Shirayim") significant, this righteous person does not consider himself significant.

14)[line 16]הרודה את יצרוHA'RODEH ES YITZRO- the one who rules over his [evil] inclination

15)[line 23]"וגם אלה ביין שגו וגו'""V'GAM ELEH BA'YAYIN SHAGU..."- "But they also reel through wine, and stagger through strong drink; [the Kohen and the prophet reel through strong drink, they are confused by wine; they stagger through strong drink; they err in vision,] they stumble in judgment" (Yeshayah 28:7).

16)[line 24]פוקהPUKAH- a stumbling block

17)[line 25]פלילהPELILAH- judgment

18)[line 27]עיר הנדחתIR HA'NIDACHAS

(a)A city that was led astray (Nidach) to the extent that its inhabitants willfully committed idolatry, must be destroyed. All of those who were led astray must be killed and the city burned, along with all of the possessions of its inhabitants, as stated in Devarim 13:13-19. The righteous people who were not led astray are not killed, but their possessions are burned. The Madichim, those who influenced the city to commit idolatry, are punished with Sekilah (stoning) (RAMBAM Hilchos Avodas Kochavim 4:1).

(b)Other requirements to classify a city as an Ir ha'Nidachas is that the Madichim must be male residents of the city and must be from the same tribe to which the city belongs. There must be at least two Madichim, who must influence the majority of the city (with a minimum of 100 people). In addition, the city cannot be a border town (RAMBAM ibid. 4:2).

19)[line 34]והתראהV'HASRA'AH (HASRA'AH)

(a)If a person transgresses a Lav for which the punishment is the death penalty or lashes, he can only be put to death or lashed if he has been given a proper Hasra'ah (warning). The witnesses to the sin or others in the presence of the witnesses administer the warning. The warning must be, "Abstain, because this action is prohibited and you will be punished with the death penalty (or with lashes) for doing it," or something to that effect. The warning must specifically name the Lav or Av Melachah that the person is about to transgress.

(b)In addition, in order to be punished, the sinner must state explicitly that he accepts upon himself the possibility that he will be punished if he sins. For example, if the sinner is warned that he will receive the death penalty, he must state, "Al Menas Ken Ani Oseh" - "I am transgressing with the intention that I be killed for my sin." If he merely remains silent, nods his head, or even states, "I know," he is not punished with death or Malkus mid'Oraisa (RAMBAM Hilchos Sanhedrin 12:2). The Rambam writes (ibid. 18:5) that in these cases, he is lashed with Malkus mid'Rabanan.

20)[line 37]ממונם פלטMAMONAM PALET- their property is spared. (When an individual is killed for idolatry, he is put to death but his property passes to his heirs.)

21)[line 39]החמרת והגמלתHA'CHAMERES VEHA'GAMELES- a convoy of donkey-drivers or a convoy of camel-drivers

22)[line 46]רחובRECHOV- an open marketplace

23)[line 51]ירקבוYIRKEVU- [the Terumah portion] should be left to rot

24)[line 54]עולה כלילOLAH KALIL- [it is considered as though you brought before Me a Korban Olah with is] entirely burned on the Mizbe'ach. (Since the Ir ha'Nidachas is burned in its entirety, it is comparable to the Korban Olah which is also completely burned.)

25)[line 57]חרון אףCHARON AF- HaSh-m's fury [which will disappear from the world when the wicked perish]

26)[line 59]בני בליעלBENEI BELIYA'AL- people of villainy. The Beraisa expounds the word "Beliya'al" to be mean, "Beli Ol," or "without [the] yoke [of heaven upon them]."

27)[line 63]לפרוש פרושיLIFROSH PERUSHI- the verse should have said explicitly [which tribe gave five and which tribe gave four]