(a)If the witness who saw the new moon is not known to the Beis-Din in Yerushalayim - a pair of witnesses who know him accompany him to Yerushalayim and testify on his integrity.
(b)At one stage Beis-Din would accept testimony from anybody (See Tos. Yom-Tov). They initiated this change - after the Miynim (See Tos. Yom-Tov & Tiferes Yisrael) hired false witnesses to testify that they had seen the new moon even if they hadn't.
(a)What do they do if the witness who saw the new moon was not known to the Beis-Din in Yerushalayim?
(b)At one stage Beis-Din would accept testimony from anybody (See Tos. Yom-Tov). What brought about this change?
(a)The Mishnah describes the initial method of informing the Golah that it was Rosh Chodesh as 'Masi'in Masu'os'. What does this mean?
(b)When did they light torches and when didn't they?
(c)What made them switch to sending Sh'luchim?
(d)What did the Kutim do?
(a)The Mishnah describes the initial method of informing the Golah that it was Rosh Chodesh as 'Masi'in Masu'os' -which means that they lit torches (See Tos. Yom-Tov) on various high vantage points along the way, as we shall see shortly.
(b)They lit torches - if Beis-Din declared Rosh Chodeh on the thirtieth of the month, but not on the the thirty-first (See Tos.Yom-Tov DH 'mi'she'Kilk'lu').
(c)The switched to sending Sh'luchim - after the Kutim (SeeTos. Yom-Tov) spoilt the system ...
(d)... by lighting torches on the thirtieth of the month even if Beis-din had not declared it Rosh-Chodesh.
(a)The chief item of the torch was the long poles. Of what kind of wood were they made?
(b)If two of the other three items comprised canes and oil-wood, what was the fourth item?
(c)What did they do with the piece of string?
(d)What did the Shali'ach Beis-Din then proceed to do, after kindling the torch?
(e)For how long did they continue doing this?
(a)The chief item of the torch was the long poles, which were made of -cedar-wood.
(b)The other three items comprised canes, oil-wood - and flax-shavings ...
(c)... which they tied to the pole - with the piece of string.
(d)After kindling the torch - the Shali'ach Beis-Din then proceeded to wave it in all six directions (like a Lulav [SeeTos. Yom-Tov]) ...
(e)... until he saw his colleague doing the same thing on the next mountain.
(a)Where did they light the first of the five torches to inform the Golah that it was Rosh Chodesh?
(b)The other four mountains were called 'Sart'va, G'rofina, Chavran and Beis-Biltin'. Whereabouts was Beis-Biltin?
(c)What happened next?
(d)What are the implications of 'Kol ha'Golah Lefanav ki'Meduras Eish'?
(a)They lit the first of the five torches to inform the Golah that it was Rosh Chodesh - on Har ha'Mishchah (Har ha'Zeisim), facing Yerushalayim on the east.
(b)The other four mountains were called 'Sart'va, G'rofina, Chavran and Beis-Biltin'. Beis-Biltin - was just outside Bavel (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Shali'ach Beis-Din continued to wave the torch until he saw the entire Galus before him like a gigantic bonfire ...
(d)... since everyone who saw his waving torch would go up on to his rooftop and do likewise.
(a)What was the significance of the large Chatzer (courtyard) in Yerushalayim called 'Beis Ya'zek?
(b)What did the Chachamim used to do to encourage the witnesses to come again on future occasions should they see the new moon?
(c)What is the basis of the fact that initially, the witnesses were forbidden to leave the Chatzer the entire Shabbos?
(d)What did Raban Gamliel subsequently institute?
(a)The large Chatzer (courtyard) in Yerushalayim called 'Beis Ya'zek was - where on Shabbos (See Tos.Yom-Tov) all the witnesses (of the new moon) used to gather for questioning.
(b)To encourage the witnesses to come again on future occasions should they see the new moon, the Chachamim used to - organize big parties for them.
(c)Initially, the witnesses were forbidden to leave the Chatzer the entire Shabbos - based on the Halachah that someone who arrives in town from outside the T'chum on Shabbos is forbidden walk more than four Amos from where he was (See Tos.Yom-Tov).
(d)Raban Gamliel subsequently instituted - that they should be allowed to walk fwo thousand Amos in all directions.
(a)What is the connection between Raban Gamliel's current Takanah and a midwife who came from another town to deliver a baby?
(b)Besides someone who arrives from another town to save people from a fire or from a band of robbers, which other two cases did they incorporate in this Halachah?
(a)Raban Gamliel's current Takanah -extended to a midwife who came from another town to deliver a baby ...
(b)... to someone who arrives from another town to save people from a fire or from a band of robbers - from an overflowing river or from an earthquake (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Mishnah now describes the cross-examination of the witnesses, whom they summon one at a time. In which specific order do Beis-Din cross-examine them?
(b)What does the Tana mean when he says that they asked the witness whether it was 'Lifnei ha'Chamah' or 'le'Achar ha'Chamah'?
(c)They asked him whether he saw the new moon to the north of the sun or to its south. What is the point of all these questions? What difference does the witnesses' answer make?
(a)The Mishnah now describes the cross-examination of the witnesses, whom they summon one at a time - in the order that they arrive.
(b)When the Tana says that they asked the witness whether it was 'Lifnei ha'Chamah' or 'le'Achar ha'Chamah', they meant 'Was it (i.e. its two visible ends) pointing towards the sun or away from it'.
(c)They asked him whether he saw the new moon to the north of the sun or to its south. The point of all these questions was - that if their testimony clashed with the Beis-Din's knowledge of how it ought to be, it was disqualified (See Tosb Yom-Tov).
(a)They then asked the witness how high in the sky it was. What will be the Din if one of the says that it was ...
1. ... one height, and the other one says it was two?
2. ... three heights, and the other one says it was five?
(b)Finally, they asked him in which direction it was pointing and how wide it was. On what basis does the width differ from one sighting to another?
(c)When the Tana concludes 'Im Amar "Lifnei ha'Chamah", Lo Amar K'lum', to which of the above cases is he referring?
(d)Why is his testimony rejected?
(a)They then asked the witness how high in the sky it was. If one of the says that it was ...
1. ... one height, and the other one says it was two - their testoimony is nevertheless accepted.
2. ... three heights, and the other one says it was five -it is not.
(b)Finally, they asked him in which direction it was pointing and how wide it was. On what the width differ from one sighting to another - depending on how high in the sky the moon is at the time.
(c)When the Tana concludes 'Im Amar "Lifnei ha'Chamah", Lo Amar K'lum', he is referring to - the first case ...
(d)... since (for obvious reasons) the two visible ends of the moon can never face the sun.
(a)Following that, Beis-Din called in the second witness. On what condition did they accept their testimony?
(b)Having accepted the first pair of witnesses, what was the point of asking the other witnesses who had come to testify, some basic questions?
(a)Following that, Beis-Din called in the second witness. They accepted their testimony - on condition that their testimonies tallied.
(b)In spite of having accepted the first pair of witnesses, Beis-Din proceeded to ask the other witnesses who had come to testify, some basic questions - to prevent the feeling of disappointment at having come all the way for nothing, as a result of which they will be discouraged from coming the next time.
(a)According to the Tana Kama, the senior Dayan announces Rosh Chodesh irrespective of whether the new moon is seen in its time or not. What does 'in its time' mean?
(b)What does Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Tzadok say?
(c)Why is that?
(d)How does he learn this from the Pasuk in B'har "Vekidashtem es Sh'nas ha'Chamishim Shanah"?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, the senior Dayan announces Rosh Chodesh irrespective of whether the new moon is seen in its time - (on the eve of the thirtieth) or not.
(b)According to Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Tzadok - if it was not seen in its time, then Beis-Din are not Mekadesh it ...
(c)... since Shamayim already did so.
(d)He learns this from the Pasuk in B'har "Vekidashtem es Sh'nas ha'Chamishim Shanah", implying that - the Yovel year require Kidush, but months don't.
(a)According to Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Tzadok, why are Beis-Din Mekadesh Rosh Chodesh at all?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Tzadok, Beis-Din are Mekadesh Rosh Chodesh at all is in order to be Mechazek (to strengthen the institution of Rosh Chodesh (See also Tiferes Yisrael).
(b)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Tzadok.
(a)What did Raban Gamliel have in his attic which he used to cross-examine the witnesses?
(b)Where were they placed?
(c)What did Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri say when a pair of witnesses once testified that they saw the new moon in the morning in the east and in the evening in the west?
(d)What was basically wrong with their testimony?
(a)Raban Gamliel had in his attic - the various shapes and positions of the moon, which he used to cross-examine the witnesses.
(b)They were placed - on a board and on the wall.
(c)When a pair of witnesses once testified that they saw the new moon in the morning in the east and in the evening in the west, Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri -declared them to be false witnesses.
(d)Their basic testimony was wrong - because once the new moon is sighted in the morning in the east, it cannot be seen in the evening in the west.
(a)What did Raban Gamliel say when those witnesses arrived in Yavneh?
(b)Why was that? Why was he not bothered about the discrepancy?
(c)What then was Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri's real reason for disqualifying the witnesses?
(d)What did Raban Gamliel say to that?
(a)What those witnesses arrived in Yavneh however - Raban Gamliel accepted their testimony.
(b)The discrepancy did not bother him, since he realized that what they saw in the morning was the light of the moon shining on the clouds.
(c)Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri's real reason for disqualifying the witnesses was - because according to his reckoning, the new moon was not due to be seen on that night.
(d)Raban Gamliel replied - that the moon's course differs slightly from one month to the next, and that consequently, assuming the moon's course on the previous month was a little shorter that on the previous month, it was possible for the witnesses' testimony to have been correct.
(a)And what did Raban Gamliel rule when two witnesses once arrived in Yavneh and claimed that they had seen the new moon on the eve of the thirtieth, but not on the thirty-first?
(b)On what grounds did Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas consider them false witnesses?
(c)To what did he compare it?
(d)And what did Raban Gamliel say to that?
(e)How did he then justify their claim that they could not see it on the following night?
(a)When two witnesses once arrived in Yavneh and claimed that they had seen the new moon on the eve of the thirtieth, but not on the thirty-first, Raban Gamliel - accepted their testimony.
(b)Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas considered them false witnesses - because once the new moon has been seen, it does not then become invisible.
(c)He compares it to - a woman who gave birth and then the enxt day she was still pregnant.
(d)Here too, Raban Gamliel accepted the witnesses - because he knew that the new moon could have been seen on the night that the witnesses claimed they saw it ...
(e)... and the reason that they could not see it on the following night was because it was covered by a cloud, or hidden from their view for some other reason.
(a)What did Rebbi Yehoshua say to Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas?
(a)Rebbi Yehoshu'a told Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas - that he agreed with him (and that one ought therefore to declare the month a full month.
(a)What did Raban Gamliel decree on Rebbi Yehoshua?
(b)What did Rebbi Akiva find when he came before Rebbi Yehoshua?
(c)Why was Rebbi Yehoshua obligated to obey Raban Gamliel?
(d)How did he comfort him, based on the Pasuk in Emor "Eileh Mo'adei Hash-m asher Tikre'u Osam Mikra'ei Kodesh"?
(a)Raban Gamliel decreed on Rebbi Yehoshua - to appear before him with his stick and his money, on the day that, according to his reckoning, was Yom Kipur.
(b)When Rebbi Akiva subsequently came before Rebbi Yehoshua (his Rebbi), he found him deeply distressed.
(c)Rebbi Yehoshua was obligated to obey Raban Gamliel - becus he was the Nasi.
(d)Based on the Pasuk in Emor "Eileh Mo'adei Hash-m asher Tikre'u Osam (See Tos. Yom-Tov) Mikra'ei Kodesh", he comfortws him - which indicates that the decision of Beis-Din (over which Raban Gamliel presided), is final,even if they erred by one day (in which case, even assuming that Rebbi Yehoshua was right, the Halachah was like Raban Gamliel, in which case Rebbi Yehoshua would not be desecrate Yom Kipur).
(a)How did Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas explain comfort Rebbi Yehoshua when the latter came to visit him? On what grounds did they have no option other than to accept Raban Gamliel and his Beis-Din's decision?
(b)How did he prove his point from the Pasuk in Mishpatim " ... Moshe and Aharon, Nadav and Avihu and all the elders of Yisrael went up"?
(c)What does not mentioning them prove?
(a)When Rebbi Yehoshua came to visit Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas, the latter comforted him - by pointing out that if one were to question the competence of Raban Gamliel Beis-Din, one may just as well question the competence of each and every Beis-Din from the time of Moshe Rabeinu and onwards.
(b)...And he based this on the Pasuk in Mishpatim " ... Moshe and Aharon, Nadav and Avihu and all the elders of Yisrael went up", on the fact that the Torah declines to mention the names of the remaining members of Moshe's Beis-Din.
(c)Not mentioning them - allows us to draw the conclusion that, even if the members of the Beis-Din of his time are not equal to Moshe and Aharon, or of Eldad and Meidad themselves, perhaps they are on a par with the unmentioned members of their respective Batei-Din.
(a)What did Rebbi Yehoshua subsequently do?
(b)what was Raban Gamliel's reaction to that?
(c)What did he say to him?
(a)Rebbi Yehoshua subsequently - appeared before Raban Gamliel with his stick and his money on the day that qa Yom Kipur according to his reckoning.
(b)Raban Gamliel reacted to that- by standing up and kissing him on his head ...
(c)... and declaring 'Come in peace my Rebbe and my Talmid; my Rebbe, in wisdom and my Talmid, because you accepted my orders!'