
TOSFOS DH Hi To'evah v'Ein Baneha To'evin

úåñôåú ã"ä äéà úåòáä åàéï áðéä úåòáéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we needed this Drashah.)

åà''ú îä öøéê åäà ôøëéðï à÷ì åçåîø ãàìîðä ìëäï âãåì îä ìàìîðä ìëäï âãåì ùëï äéà òöîä îúçììú


Question #1: Why is this [Drashah] needed? We challenged the Kal v'Chomer from a widow to a Kohen Gadol, for there, she herself is Mischaleles!

åìéëà ìîéîø ãìàå ôéøëà âîåøä äéà


Suggestion: It is not an absolute challenge.

ãäà òì éãé äê ôéøëà äãø áéä áô' äçåìõ (éáîåú ãó îã.) îäà ã÷àîø äëì îåãéí áîçæéø âøåùúå ùäåìã ôâåí î÷ì åçåîø ãàìîðä ìëäï âãåì


Rejection: Due to this challenge we retracted in Yevamos (44a) from what it said that all agree about Machzir Gerushaso that the child is Pagum (tainted), from a Kal v'Chomer from a widow to a Kohen Gadol!

åàåîø àìà àé àéúîø äëé àéúîø


The Gemara says there "rather, if it was said, it was said as follows..."

åòåã ÷ùä ãáô''÷ ãéáîåú (ãó éã:) ÷àîø øáé éåçðï áï ðåøé ëéöã ðòùä ëãáøé á''ä ùîúéøéï àú äöøåú ìùå÷ áìà çìéöä åéáåí äåìã ôâåí ìãáøé á''ù


Question #2: In Yevamos (14b), R. Yochanan ben Nuri said "what can we do [about the argument about Tzaros (co-wives) of one who fell to Yibum to her relative]? If we will [enact that everyone] do like Beis Hillel, who permit the Tzaros l'Shuk (to marry strangers) without Chalitzah or Yibum, the child is Pagum according to Beis Shamai;

åîðìï ãäåé ôâåí àé î÷ì åçåîø ãàìîðä ìëäï âãåì àéëà ìîéôøê ëé äëà


What is the source that he is Pagum? If it is from a Kal v'Chomer from a widow to a Kohen Gadol, we can challenge this, like here!

åé''ì àäê ÷åùéà áúøééúà ãðô÷à ìï äåìã ôâåí áöøåú ìùå÷ îäéà úåòáä åàéï áðéä úåòáéï îëìì ãáòìîà àôéìå áðéä úåòáéï


Answer (to Question #2): We learn that the child of Tzaros l'Shuk is Pagum from "Hi To'evah", and her children are not To'evah. This implies that elsewhere, even the children [from Bi'as Isur] are To'evah.

îéäå áùîòúà ìéëà ìîéîø ãîùåí äëé ð÷è äàé ÷øà àò''â ãìà öøéê îùåí ãàùîåòéðï ãàéöèøéê ìéä ø' éäåùò ìîãøù áòìîà ëâåï áéáîä ìùå÷ ãáðéä úåòáéï


Suggestion: This is why in our Sugya, we mentioned this verse, even though it is not needed, to teach that R. Yehoshua needs to expound that elsewhere, e.g. Yevamah l'Shuk, the children are To'evah!

ãáùîòúéï ãéáîåú àéú ìéä ìø' éäåùò ãäåìã ùì öøåú ìùå÷ ëùø (äâäú äøù"ù) ã÷àîø áðé öøåú àðé îòéã ìëí


Rejection: In Yevamos (15b), R. Yehoshua holds that the children of Tzaros l'Shuk are Kosher for he said "I will testify for you [that two great families came from Tzaros l'Shuk, and members of these families served as Kohen Gadol]."

åé''ì àé ìàå îéòåè ãäéà äåä îô÷éðï ãåìã ôâåí îùåí ãèåîàä ëúéá áä ëòøéåú


Answer #1 (to Question #1): If not for the exclusion, we would learn that the child is Pagum because Tum'ah (Acharei Asher Hutama'ah) is written regarding [Machzir Gerushaso], like [it is written regarding] Arayos.

åàôé' ìî''ã ãìà ÷àé èåîàä àìà àñåèä ãëéåï ãàéò÷ø àéò÷ø


Implied question: There is an opinion that [this verse of] Tum'ah applies only to a Sotah, for once it was uprooted [from Machzir Gerushaso to teach about Sotah], it was uprooted! (It is as if it was written only regarding Sotah.)

î''î ìùåï úåòáä äåä àîéðà ã÷àé ðîé àáðéí àé ìàå äéà


Answer: Even so, one might have thought that the expression "To'evah" applies also to the children, had it not written "Hi".

à''ð äà ãîééúé äëà ÷øà ãäéà úåòáä äééðå îùåí ãìà ðéìó îàìîðä ìëäï âãåì åîòáã åðëøé ãúúçìì ëø' éäåãä ãáô' áúøà ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ôç.)


Answer #2: Here it brings the verse "Hi To'evah" so we will not learn from [a Tzad ha'Shavah of] a widow to a Kohen Gadol, and a Nochri or slave, that she is Mischaleles, like R. Yehudah does in Kidushin (78a).


TOSFOS DH u'Mes Echad Mehen

úåñôåú ã"ä åîú àçã îäï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Rav Sheshes understood why it says that one died.)

úéîä ìîàé ãñ''ã ãìà ÷øá àùîå åëãáòé øá ùùú ìàå÷åîé áìà îú ðîé äééðå éëåìéï ìùàåì äéàê é÷øá äùðé äìà àéðí éåãòéï îé ðôèø ëáø î÷øáï åìîé éòùå îúï áäåðåú îãí äàùí ùìà ÷øá


Question: According to the Havah Amina that he did not offer his Asham, like Rav Sheshes wanted to establish it, even if he did not die, we could ask how the second can offer. We do not know who was already exempted from a Korban, and on whose Behonos (thumb, toe and ear) they must put blood of the Asham that was not offered!

åé''ì éëåìéï ìòùåú ìùðéäí


Answer: They can [put blood of the Asham] on both of them.

åàé îùåí ñîéëä


Implied question: What can they do about Semichah? (One may not do Semichah amidst Safek, for he uses the Korban. He presses with all his strength, and it holds him up!)

é÷øéáå áìà ñîéëä îùåí ú÷åðé âáøà


Answer: They may offer without Semichah, in order to fix them (so they may eat Kodshim).


TOSFOS DH u'Mevi Chatas ha'Of ha'Ba Al ha'Safek

úåñôåú ã"ä åîáéà çèàú äòåó äáà òì äñô÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why elsewhere, we say that it is not brought amidst Safek.)

å÷ùä ãáâéèéï ôø÷ ëì äâè (ãó ëç:) âáé äùåìç çèàúå îîãéðú äéí åàå÷îéä øá ôôà áçèàú äòåó


Question: In Gitin (28b), regarding one who sends his Chatas from overseas [we ask how it may be offered without Semichah], and Rav Papa establishes it to discuss Chatas ha'Of;

äéëé ÷àîø áúø äëé åöøéëé ëå' àáì çèàú äòåó îñô÷à ìà ìééúé çåìéï ìòæøä åäà àîøéðï áùîòúéï ãáà òì äñô÷


How can it say afterwards "[the Mishnah] needed to teach all [three clauses... one might have thought that] one may not bring Chatas ha'Of amidst Safek, lest it is Chulin b'Azarah"? (The Mishnah teaches that we rely on the Chazakah that the owner is still alive, so it is not considered a Safek.) We say in our Sugya that Chatas ha'Of is brought amidst Safek!

åé''ì ãäëà ëùäîöåøò ìôðéðå îùåí ú÷åðé âáøà î÷øéáéï àåúå àñô÷à äåàéì åàéðå éëåì ìú÷ï áòðéï àçø


Answer: Here, when the Metzora is in front of us, in order to fix the person, we offer Chatas ha'Of amidst Safek, since there is no other solution;

àáì äúí ùäáòìéí áîãéðú äéí àí äéä îú àéï ìå ãéï çèàú ìäéåú ÷øá åàæ ìà é÷øéáåäå îñô÷


There, when the owner is overseas, if he died, the Chatas should not be offered. Then, [if not for the Chazakah,] we would not offer it amidst Safek.


TOSFOS DH d'Tanan Metzora she'Hevi Korban Oni v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ãúðï îöåøò ùäáéà ÷øáï òðé åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that really, it is a Beraisa.)

ãúðï âøñé' åàò''â ããáøé ø' àìéòæø àéðï ùðåééï áîùðä


Implied question: Why does the text say "Tanan"? R. Eliezer's words are not taught in the Mishnah!

ìà çù ìäàøéê åìåîø úðéà òì ãáøéå äåàéì åìà äéä öøéê ìãáøéå ë''ë àìà ìãáøé ø''ù åø''é


Answer: [The Gemara] did not want to elaborate and say "d'Tanya" regarding his words, since his words are not needed so much, only the words of R. Shimon and R. Yehudah.

àáì áòøëéï ôø÷ äùâ éã (ãó éæ:) ÷àîø úðéà ø' àìéòæø áï éò÷á àåîø ëå' åùìùúï î÷øà àçã ãøùå


Observation: In Erchin (17b), it says "Tanya, R. Eliezer ben Yakov says...", and three of them expound the same verse.


TOSFOS DH l'Macharas Mevi Ashamo v'Lugo Imo

úåñôåú ã"ä ìîçøú îáéà àùîå åìåâå òîå

(SUMMARY: 1. Tosfos explains that we discuss a Safek Nazir Tamei, and Safek Metzora. 2. Tosfos brings and explains the Tosefta that details when he shaves and brings Korbanos.)

ôéøù''é áñô÷ îöåøò àééøé å÷àîø ìîçøú èáéìúå ùäåà éåí äáàú ÷øáðåúéå îáéà àú àùîå (äâäú äá"ç)


Explanation (Rashi): We discuss a Safek Metzora. [The Gemara] says that on the day after his Tevilah, which is the day he brings his Korbanos, he brings his Asham.

åäê áøééúà îééúé ìä áæáçéí ô' äúòøåáú (ãó òå.) åùí ôé' øù''é ìîçøú áéåí ùîéðé ìöøòúå


Observation: This Beraisa is brought in Zevachim (76a), and there Rashi explained "the next day" to be the eighth day from his Tzara'as;

åä''ð îééúé ìä áîðçåú ôø÷ áúøà (ãó ÷ä.) åôé' øù''é ùí ìîçøú áéåí ñ''à


Observation: It is brought also in Menachos (105a), and there Rashi explained "the next day" is day 61.

åäëì àçã äåà ùéåí ñ''à áî÷åí ùîéðé ìöøòúå àìà ùäåöøê ìäúàçø ñ' éåí îùåí ãùîà ðæéø èîà äåà åàæ úâìçú ùðéä ùìå


Resolution: All of these are the same. Day 61 is in place of day eight from his Tzara'as, but he needed to delay 60 days, for perhaps he was a Nazir Tamei, and then (day 60) was his second shaving.

åäëé îúðéà áúåñôúà ãðæéø ñô÷ ðæéø èîà ñô÷ ðæéø èäåø àáì åãàé ðæéø äéä ñô÷ îöåøò èîà ñô÷ îöåøò èäåø àáì åãàé îöåøò äéä


Support - Citation (Tosefta Nazir 6:1): If one was a Safek Nazir Tamei, Safek Nazir Tahor, but he was Vadai a Nazir. He was a Safek Metzora Tamei, Safek Metzora Tahor, but he was Vadai a Metzora.


Note: The rest of this Tosfos cites and explains the Tosefta.

ôéøåù äåà éåãò ùäéä ðæéø àáì àéðå éåãò àí ðèîà ìîú àå ìàå åëï éåãò äåà ùîöåøò äéä àáì àéðå éåãò àí ðèäø îöøòúå (äâäú äá"ç, åëï äåà áãôåñ åéðéöéä) àé ìàå


Explanation: He knows that he was a Nazir, but he does not know whether or not he became Tamei Mes. Similarly, he knows that he was a Metzora, but he does not know whether or not he became Tahor from his Tzara'as.

àåëì á÷ãùéí ìàçø ñ (äâäú äøù"ù) åùåúä ééï åîèîà ìîúéí ìàçø îàä åë' éåí


Citation (cont.): He may eat Kodshim after 60 days, and he may drink wine and become Tamei to Mesim after 120 days;

ëéöã àåîøéí ìå ðæéø èîà àúä åöøéê àúä ìòùåú ëì ãéï ðæéø èîà åàçø úúçéì ðæéøåú èäøä äæä åùðä åâìç åäáà (ëï öøéê ìäâéä ìôé äøù"ù åòøåê ìðø) ÷øáï îðä æ' åäæä åùðä åîá÷ù ìâìç


How is this? They tell him "you are a Nazir Tamei, and you must fulfill all laws of Nazir Tamei, and afterwards you will begin Nezirus Taharah. Sprinkle [with Mei Chatas on day three] and again [on day seven], shave and bring a Korban." He counted seven days, sprinkled and repeated [Haza'ah] and he wants to shave;

àåîø ìå èäåø àúä åàéï èäåø îâìç ôçåú îì' éåí ôéøåù ùîà ðæéø èäåø àúä öà åîðä ë''â ôéøåù ëãé ìäùìéí ì'


[They] tell him "you are Tahor, and a Tahor may not shave after less than 30 days." I.e. perhaps you are a Nazir Tahor. "Go count 23", i.e. in order to complete 30 days.

îðä ì' åá÷ù ìâìç àåîøéí ìå ðæéø èäåø àúä åàé àúä îâìç àìà òì äãîéí ôéøåù òã ùéæø÷ äãí òìéå îàçã î÷øáðåúéå ùäåà îáéà â' áäîåú çèàú òåìä åùìîéí åàéï îòëá àåúå îìâìç àìà àçã îäï


He counted 30, and he wants to shave. They tell him "you are a Nazir Tahor, and you may shave only on blood", i.e. after Zerikas Dam of one of your Korbanos. He [should] bring three Korbanos - a Chatas, Olah and Shelamim. He is held back from shaving only until [Zerikah of] one of them.

ëéöã äåà òåùä îáéà òåìú áäîä åîúðä àí èäåø äåà æå çåáä åàí ìàå ðãáä åëùéæøå÷ ãîä éëåì ìâìç ôéøåù


How does he do? He brings Olas Behemah, and stipulates. If he is Tahor, this is obligatory [for Nezirus Taharah]. If not, it is Nedavah (voluntary). After Zerikah of its blood, he may shave;

ìëê éúðä îï äòåìä åìà îï äçèàú ùàéï çèàú áäîä áàä òì äñô÷


Explanation: He stipulates about Olah, and not about Chatas, for Chatas Behemah cannot be brought amidst Safek;

åëï ìà òì äùìîéí ùùìîé ðæéø èòåðéí úðåôä åæäå ñô÷ îöåøò åàéðå éëåì ìäðéó åòåã ùäï èòåðéï ìçí åæøåò áùìä åàéï ùìîéí ëàìå áàéï ðãáä


Similarly, he does not [stipulate] about Shelamim, because a Nazir's Shelamim requires Tenufah, and he is a Safek Metzora, so he cannot [entered the Mikdash] to wave. Also, [a Nazir's Shelamim] must be accompanied by bread, and the foreleg must be cooked [with the entire animal, and given to the Kohen]. Such Shelamim is not brought for Nedavah.

äéìëê àéï éëåì ìäúðåú ùéäéä îåëùø ìâìç àìà áæøé÷ú ãîé äòåìä


Conclusion: Therefore, he can stipulate to enable himself to shave only through Zerikas Dam of the Olah.

ëéöã éòùä ìäçîéø òìéå îáéà ôééìé çøñ çãùä åðåúï ìúåëä øáéòéú îéí çééí åîáéà öôåø ãøåø ôéøåù ëãøê ëì äîöåøòéí áúâìçú äøàùåðä


Citation (cont.): How do we do to be stringent about him? We bring a new flask of Cheres and put a Revi'is of water in it, and he brings a wild bird. This is like all Metzora'im on the first shaving;

åçèàú äòåó ëãéï èîà ôéøåù ãùîà ðæéø èîà äåà åúâìçú æå ùì èåîàä äéà åàéï îúçéì ðæéøåú èäøä òã ùéáéà çèàú èåîàä ùçèàúå îòëáúå


He brings Chatas ha'Of like the law of a Tamei. I.e. perhaps he was a Nazir Tamei, and this shaving is of Tum'ah, and he does not begin Nezirus Taharah until he brings the Chatas of Tum'ah, for the Chatas is Me'akev.

àáì àùîå àéðå îòëáå åéùäà àåúå (îëàï îòîåã á) òã úâìçú ùðéä ùéòùä ëùéèäø áåãàé îï äöøòú


Explanation #1: However, his Asham [Nazir Tamei] is not Me'akev, and he delays it until the second shaving, which he does after he is Vadai Tahor from Tzara'as.


àå ùîà ìà éáéà àùîå ëìì ëéåï ùàéðå àìà ñô÷ èîà åà''ö ìå ìäáéà ìäëùéøå ùåí ãáø


Explanation #2: Or, perhaps he does not bring his Asham at all, since he is only Safek Tamei, and he need not bring it to be Machshir him for anything.


Note: R. Shimon and Chachamim argue below (70b) about whether he may stipulate and bring Asham Metzora, which is Me'akev eating Kodshim. Chachamim forbid. Seemingly, all the more so they forbid Asham Nazir Tamei! Tosfos is unsure about R. Shimon. He could forbid Asham Nazir Tamei, which is not Me'akev anything. However, if so, why doesn't R. Shimon make a three-way stipulation about the Asham? If I must bring Asham Metzora, this is it. If not, and I was Tamei, it is Asham Nazir Tamei. If I am not obligated any Asham, it is a Shelamim. Perhaps he does not stipulate because Asham Metzora and Shelamim require Nesachim, but Asham Nazir Tamei does not. One cannot stipulate that the Nesachim be Nedavah, for voluntary Nesachim are unlike obligatory Nesachim. Tosfos (Chulin 23b DH d'Amar) holds that one can stipulate to bring voluntary Nesachim like obligatory Nesachim. Perhaps our Tosfos is unsure about this. If one can stipulate about this, he also brings Asham Nazir Tamei with a stipulation!)

åîä ùîáéà çèàúå áéåí úâìçúå äééðå ëø''ò ãàîø áîñëú ðæéø ùàí âìç áùîéðé îáéà ÷øáðåúéå áå áéåí åäëà æäå ëîå âéìåç áùîéðé ùùäà àåúå îôðé ðæéøåú èäøä


Remark: This that he brings his Chatas on the day that he shaves is like R. Akiva, who says in Nazir (44b) that if he shaved on the eighth, he brings his Korbanos that same day. Now, this is like shaving on the eighth. He delayed it [until the 30th] due to Nezirus Taharah.

åîúðä òì çèàúå àí èîà àðé çèàúé æå çåáúé ìðæéøåú èåîàä åòåìä ðãáä ôéøåù òåìú áäîä ùäéà ñô÷ îùåí ðæéøåú èåîàä


[The Tosefta says that] he stipulates about his Chatas [ha'Of]. If I am Tamei, this Chatas is my obligation of Nezirus Tum'ah, and the Olah is Nedavah. I.e. it is Olas Behemah, which is a Safek due to Nezirus Tum'ah;

åàí èäåø àðé òåìä æå çåáúé åçèàú îñô÷ åîâìç øàùå åæ÷ðå åâáåú òéðéå ëãøê ùäîöåøòéí îâìçéí


If I am Tahor, this Olah is my obligation, and the Chatas is due to Safek. He shaves his head, beard and eyebrows, like Metzora'im shave.


Note: It seems that this is like R. Yishmael, who includes only hair of the legs. R. Akiva includes all collections of hair on the body (Sotah 16a). Tiglachas of a Vadai Nazir overrides the Isur to cut the Pe'os, and Tiglachas Metzora Vadai overrides this and also the Isur to shave the beard, but a Safek does not! Due to this, Shmuel (Nazir 57b) said that we discuss a woman or minor.

åàçø âéìåç æä ëúåá áúåñôúà (ô''å) îáéà òåìú áäîä ëå' åðøàä ùçñø ëàï åñåôø ùìùéí éåí ôéøåù ìéîé ðæéøåú èäøä


After this shaving, the Tosefta (6:1) says that he brings Olas Behemah. It seems that it is missing here "and he counts 30 days", i.e. the days of Nezirus Taharah.

åñô÷ ðæéøåú èäøä äåà îåðä åàéðå éëåì ìâìç ìöøòúå úâìçú ùðéä äøàåéä ìäéåú ìñåó ç' éîéí ùì øàùåðä òã ùéæøå÷ òìéå îï äãîéí åùîà ðæéø èäåø äåà


He counts Safek Nezirus Taharah, and he cannot shave the second time for his Tzara'as that is proper to be eight days after the first, until Zerikah of one of the bloods, and perhaps he is a Nazir Tahor;

åèåá ìå ìäáéà òåìä îñô÷ îçèàú åùìîéí ëãôéøùúé ìòéì ìôéëê éùäà äçèàú åäùìîéí òã ñåó ðæéøåú èäøä ùéäà àçø èäøú öøòúå áåãàé


It is better for him to bring Olah amidst Safek than Chatas and Shelamim, like I explained above. Therefore, he delays the Chatas and Shelamim until the end of Nezirus Taharah, which is after he is Vadai Tahor from Tzara'as.

åîúðä òì äòåìä ùäåà îáéà òëùéå åàåîø àí èîà àðé ôéøåù àí èîà äééúé áúâìçú øàùåðä äòåìä øàùåðä äéà ðãáä åçèàú äòåó çåáä åæå úäà çåáä


[The Tosefta continues] he stipulates about the Olah that he brings now, and says "if I am Tamei", i.e. I was Tamei at the first shaving, "the first Olah was Nedavah and Chatas ha'Of was obligatory, [so] this Olah is obligatory";

åàí èäåø àðé òåìä øàùåðä äéà çåáä åæå ðãáä ëé úâìçú æå ùì òëùéå àéðä ëìåí ùàéðä öøéëä ìà ìðæéøåú åìà ìöøòú


"If I am (i.e. was) Tahor, the first Olah was obligatory, and this is Nedavah", for this shaving has no effect. It is not needed for Nezirus, and not for Tzara'as;

ëé àí äøàùåðä äéúä ùì ðæéøåú èäøä à''ë ìà äéä îöåøò ùéîé öøòúå àéðï òåìéï ìéîé ðæéøåú ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ îé ùàîø äøéðé ðæéø îâìç (ðæéø éæ:) åëï áô' á' ðæéøéí (ùí ãó ñ:)


This is because if the first was of Nezirus Taharah, if so he was not a Metzora, for the days of Tzara'as do not count towards Nezirus, like we say in Nazir (17b, 60b).

åçèàú äòåó ùäáàúé àæ ñô÷ åîâìç øàùå åæ÷ðå åâáåú òéðéå ëãøê ùäîöåøòéí îâìçéí åæå äéà úâìçú ùðéä ùì îöåøò


"Chatas ha'Of that I brought then was Safek." He shaves his head, beard and eyebrows, like Metzora'im shave. This is the second shaving of Metzora;

äøàåéä ìäéåú áñåó æ' éîé ñôéøåú îúâìçú øàùåðä àìà ùàéðå éëåì ìòùåú òã òëùéå îôðé ñô÷ ðæéøåú ùòìéå ùâéìåç ñô÷ îöåøò àéðå ãåçä àéñåø âéìåç ðæéø ëãôéøùðå


It should have been at the end seven days of counting from the first shaving, but he could not do so until now, due to Safek Nezirus on him. The shaving of a Safek Metzora does not override the Isur for a Nazir to shave, like we explained.

øáé ùîòåï àåîø ìîçø îáéà àùîå ëå' ëãéï îöåøò áùîéðé ùìå åäåà éåí ñ''à åîúðä òìéå ëå'


Citation (cont. - R. Shimon): The next day he brings his Asham, like the law of a Metzora on his eighth day. It is day 61. He stipulates about it...

åàåëì á÷ãùéí îéã äééðå àåëì á÷ãùéí àçø ùùéí éåí ã÷úðé ìòéì åîåëç áäãéà ùéåí äñ''à áùîéðé ùìå


He eats Kodshim immediately. This is what was taught above "he eats Kodshim after 60 days." It is explicitly proven that day 61 is [in place of] day eight;

åîåëç ðîé ãìîçøú æäå ìîçøú ùì ñ''à åäåà áî÷åí éåí ùîéðé ìúâìçúå ëãôøéùéú


Also, it is proven that "the next day" is the day after 61. It is [in place of] day eight from when he shaved, like I explained.


TOSFOS DH u'Semichah u'Nesachim

úåñôåú ã"ä åñîéëä åðñëéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why these were mentioned.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãáàùí ìéëà ñîéëä ëãàîøéðï áîðçåú ôø÷ ùúé îãåú (ãó öá.)


Explanation #1 (Rashi): There is no Semichah on the Asham, like we say in Menachos (92a).

åìà òééï áä ãúðï ëì ÷øáðåú äéçéã èòåðéï ñîéëä çåõ îáëåø åîòùø åôñç åàéìå àùí ìà îôé÷


Rebuttal #1: Rashi did not look there! A Mishnah teaches that all Korbanos Yachid require Semichah, except for Bechor, Ma'aser and Pesach. It did not exclude Asham!

åáôø÷ ëì äôñåìéï (æáçéí ãó ìâ.) ôìéâé àé ñîéëú àùí îöåøò ãàåøééúà àå ìà åîéäå ìë''ò ñîéëä áòé


Rebuttal #2: In Zevachim (33a), there is an argument about whether or not Semichas Asham Metzora is mid'Oraisa, but all agree that Semichah is required [at least mid'Rabanan]!

åáô''á ãðâòéí (î''ç) úðï áà ìå [àöì] àùí ñåîê á' éãéå òìéå


Rebuttal #3 - Citation (Nega'im 14:8 - Mishnah): He comes to his Asham, presses his two hands on it...

åäà ã÷àîø äëà åàåúå àùí èòåï ñîéëä


Implied question: Why does it say here that this Asham requires Semichah? (This connotes that it is only because it is a Safek Shelamim. If not, it would not need Semichah!)

äééðå áà÷åôé éãà ìî''ã ñîéëú àùí îöåøò ìàå ãàåøééúà åîùåí ãñîéëúå çìå÷ä îùàø àùîåú ÷àîø äëé


Answer: [It means that he does Semichah] without pressing his hands, according to the opinion that Semichah on Asham Metzora is not mid'Oraisa. Because its Semichah is different from other Ashamos, it says so.

åëï ðñëéí ðîé ìà ÷úðé îùåí ñô÷à ãùìîéí ãäà úðï (îðçåú ãó ö:) ãëì çèàú åàùí àéï èòåðéï ðñëéí àìà ùçèàúå åàùîå ùì îöåøò èòåðéí ðñëéí


Support: Also "and similarly Nesachim" was not taught because it is a Safek Shelamim, for a Mishnah (Menachos 90b) says that every Chatas and Asham does not need Nesachim, except for Chatas and Asham of Metzora, which need Nesachim;

àìà îùåí ãçìå÷ä îùàø àùîåú ÷à çùéá ìëì äðäå îéìé ãçìå÷ îéðééäå


Rather, because it is different from other Ashamos, it lists here all the ways in which it is different.


TOSFOS DH Kasuv Echad Omer Yisa Hash-m Panav Elecha

úåñôåú ã"ä ëúåá àçã àåîø éùà ä' ôðéå àìéê

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is considered difficult.)

ìôé äôùè ìà îùîò ùä÷á''ä ðåùà àú ôðéäí ãìà ëúéá éùà ä' ôðéê åîùîò ùéôðä àìéê ìäùéí (äâää áâìéåï, îäîøù"à) ìê ùìåí


Implied question: The simple meaning does not connote that Hash-m favors them, for it does not say Yisa Hash-m Panecha. It connotes that He will turn to you to give to you peace!

åáñôøé ðîé ãøéù ùéñéø ä÷á''ä ôðéí ùì æòí


Strengthening of question: Also the Sifri expounds that Hash-m will remove His countenance of anger from you!

îéäå äù''ñ çùéá ìéä ëàéìå ëúéá ôðéê


Answer: However, the Gemara considers it as if it were written 'Panecha.'

åèôé ä''ì ìäù''ñ ìà÷ùåéé îäðä ðùàúé ôðéê âí ìãáø äæä ãìåè (áøàùéú éè) åîï åéùà ä' ôðé àéåá (àéåá îá)


Observation: It would have been more appropriate for the Gemara to ask from "Nasati Panecha Gam l'Davar ha'Zeh" regarding Lot, and from "va'Yisa Hash-m Pnei Iyov"!


TOSFOS DH Kan Kodem Gezar Din v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ëàï ÷åãí âæø ãéï åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Berachos.)

úéîä ãáôø÷ îé ùîúå (áøëåú ãó ë:) ÷àîø àîøå îìàëé äùøú ìôðé ä÷á''ä øáù''ò ëúåá áúåøúê àùø ìà éùà ôðéí îôðé îä àúä ðåùà ôðéí ìéùøàì


Question: In Brachos (20b), it says that angels asked Hash-m "Master of the World! You wrote in Your Torah "Asher Lo Yisa Panim." Why do You show favoritism to Yisrael?

àîø ìäí ìà àùà ôðéí ìéùøàì àðé àîøúé åàëìú åùáòú åäí îã÷ã÷éí òã ëáéöä


Hash-m answered "should I not show favoritism to Yisrael? I said "you will eat and be satiated [and bless Hash-m], and they are meticulous until the size of an egg!

îùîò ùîçì÷ áéï òåáãé ëåëáéí ìéùøàì åàîàé ìà îùðé ëé äëà àå äëà ëäúí


Inference: He distinguishes between Nochrim and Yisrael. Why don't we answer [there] like here, or [answer] here like there?

åéù ìåîø ãìòåìí ùéðåéà ãäëà òé÷ø å÷øà ãàîø ìà éùà ôðéí îééøé áéï áéùøàì áéï áòåáãé ëåëáéí


Answer: Really, the answer here is primary. The verse that says "He does not favoritism" discusses both Yisrael and Nochrim;

áòåáãé ëåëáéí àôéìå ÷åãí âæø ãéï ùæäå ÷å äîùôè åìéùøàì ìàçø âæø ãéï àáì äåà ðëðñ ìäí ìéùøàì ìôðéí îùåøú äãéï åðåùà ìäí ôðéí ÷åãí âæø ãéï ëãîùîò äëà î÷øà ãéùà ä' ôðéå àìéê


For Nochrim it is even before the decree, for this is letter of the law. For Yisrael it is after the decree, but He goes beyond the letter of the law and shows favoritism to them before the decree, like the verse connotes "Yisa Hash-m Panav Elecha";

åîìàëé äùøú àîøå ìôðé ä÷ãåù áøåê äåà ìîä ðëðñú ìéùøàì ìôðéí îùåøú äãéï éåúø îìòåáãé ëåëáéí ìéùà ìäí ôðéí ÷åãí âæø ãéï åäùéá ìà àùà ìäí ôðéí åëå'


The angels ask Hash-m "why do You go beyond the letter of the law for Yisrael, more than for Nochrim, to show favoritism to them before the decree"? He answers 'should I not shows favoritism to them?!...."


TOSFOS DH Kan b'Oseh Teshuvah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ëàï áòåùä úùåáä åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses another answer to the question, in the Sifri.)

áñôøé îùðé àäê ÷åùéà ëàï ÷åãí âæø ãéï ëå'


Citation: The Sifri answers on this question "this is before the decree..."

åúéîä ãáø''ä ô''÷ (ãó éæ:) àîø âãåìä úùåáä ùî÷øòú âæø ãéðå ùì àãí ùðàîø åùá åøôà ìå


Question: In Rosh Hashanah (17b), it says "Teshuvah is great, for it tears a person's decree, for it says "va'Shav v'Rafa Lo";

îéúéáé äùá áéðúééí îåçìéï ìå ìà ùá áéðúééí ôéøåù ÷åãí âæø ãéï àôéìå äáéà ëì àéìé ðáéåú àéï îåçìéï ìå


We challenge this from [a Beraisa] that says "if he repented in between, they pardon him. If he did not repent in between, i.e. before the decree, even if he brought all the choice rams, they will not pardon him";

åîùðé ìà ÷ùéà äà áéçéã äà áöáåø


It answers "this is not difficult. This refers to an individual, and this refers to a Tzibur."

àìîà áéçéã àéï úùåáä î÷øòú âæø ãéï ùì àãí åáùîòúéï îùîò ãîåòìú úùåáä àôé' áéçéã ãåîéà ãáðé òìé åàôé' ìàçø âæø ãéï


Inference: Teshuvah of a Yachid does not tear a person's decree. Our Sugya connotes that Teshuvah helps even for a Yachid, like Eli's sons, even after the decree;

ãàéìå ÷åãí âæø ãéï ôùéèà ãä÷á''ä î÷áì úùåáä åòåã ãìäîéúí îùîò ìàçø âæø ãéï


If it were before the decree, obviously Hash-m accepts Teshuvah! Also, "to kill them" connotes after the decree.

åé''ì ãñåâéà ãùîòúéï ëøáé éöç÷ ãàîø éôä öò÷ä áéï ÷åãí âæø ãéï áéï ìàçø âæø ãéï


Answer: The Sugya here is like R. Yitzchak, who says that prayer is great both before the decree and after the decree.


TOSFOS DH v'Ein Netziv Melach Metamei

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéï ðöéá îìç îèîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is needed even according to R. Shimon.)

îùîò àáì àé ìà äåä ðöéá îìç îèîà àôéìå ìøáé ùîòåï ðîé àéëà ìîéîø ãîèîà àôéìå áàäì


Inference: If she were not a mound of salt, [her body] would be Tamei, even according to R. Shimon [who says that graves of Nochrim do not have Tum'as Ohel], we can say that it would be Metamei even in an Ohel.

åëï ðîé öéåï îòøúà ãøáé áðàä áôø÷ çæ÷ú äáúéí (á''á ãó ðç.) àúé ðîé ëø''ù


Assertion: Also, R. Bena'ah (Bava Basra 58a) marked off [the place of those buried in] Ma'aras ha'Machpelah (including Adam ha'Rishon, due to Tum'as Ohel). This is even like R. Shimon;

ãàçø îúï úåøä ãàé÷øå éùøàì àãí àéëà ìôìåâé àáì ÷åãí îúï úåøä àéï çéìå÷


Explanation #1 (for both of these): After Matan Torah, when Yisrael were called "Adam", we can distinguish [them from Nochrim]. Before Matan Torah there is no distinction.

åäøá øáé îùä îôåðèéæ''à ôéøù ãáðæéø ôø÷ ëäï âãåì (ãó ðã.) îøáé îàå á÷áø ÷áøé îúéí ùìôðé äãáåø àìîà ÷åãí îúï úåøä îèîà àò''â ãìà àé÷øå àãí


Explanation #2 (R. Moshe of Puntiza): In Nazir (54a), we include graves of those who died before the Dibur from "Oh b'Kever." This shows that before Matan Torah they are Metamei, even though they are not called "Adam".

åàé àôùø ìåîø ëê ãäê ñåâéà ãëäï âãåì ìà àúéà àìà ëøáé ùîòåï ãîîòè ìäå îàãí


Rebuttal #1: The Sugya in Nazir is only like R. Shimon. It excludes [graves of Nochrim] from "Adam"!

åòåã àå á÷áø âáé îâò ëúéá åàçø îúï úåøä îèîàéï ÷áøé òåáãé ëåëáéí áîâò åìà àéîòåè ìøáé ùîòåï àìà îàäì åäëé îñé÷ áôø÷ äáà òì éáîúå (éáîåú ãó ñà.)


Rebuttal #2: "Oh b'Kever" is written regarding Tum'as Maga (of touching). After Matan Torah graves of Nochrim are Metamei through touching. R. Shimon excludes only from Ohel. We conclude like this in Yevamos (61a).

åðøàä ìôøù ãìôðé äãáåø äééðå ÷åãí ùðàîø ôøùú àäì ãäééðå ÷åãí ùäå÷í äîùëï


Explanation: [In Nazir, "graves of those who died] before the Dibur" means before Parshas [Tum'as] Ohel was said, i.e. before the Mishkan was erected;

ëãàéúà áâéèéï ô' äðéæ÷éï (ãó ñ.) ùîåðä ôøùéåú ðàîøå áéåí ä÷îú äîùëï åçùéá ôøùú ôøä åôøùú èîàéï


This is like it says in Gitin (60a) that eight Parshiyos were said on the day that the Mishkan was erected. It counts Parshas Parah [Adumah] and Parshas Temei'im;

ãñ''ã ëé éîåú áàäì îëàï åìäáà ëúéá åìäëé àéöèøéê àå á÷áø å÷àé øéáåéà àëé éîåú åìà ààãí


One might have thought that "Ki Yamus b'Ohel" is from now and onwards. Therefore we need "Oh b'Kever." The inclusion applies to Ki Yamus, and not to "Adam".

åëé äàé âååðà àéëà áô' áúøà ãäåøéåú (ãó é.) ëé éäéä ôøè ùìôðé äãáåø ãâáé æéáä


Support: We find like this in Horiyos (10a) regarding "this excludes before the Dibur" regarding a Zavah.


TOSFOS DH Mesim l'Asid Lavo Tzerichim Haza'ah

úåñôåú ã"ä îúéí ìòúéã ìáà öøéëéí äæàä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why they didn't ask this about the Shunamis' son.)

åàí úàîø àîàé ìà áòå äê áòéà òì áï äùåðîéú ãàééøå (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä ò"ô äøù"ù) áéä


Question: Why didn't they ask this question about the Shunamis' son, which they discussed?

åé''ì ùîà îùåí ãëúéá ÷øà ìòúéã ìáà (éçæ÷àì ìå) åæø÷úé òìéëí îéí èäåøéí åîñô÷à ìäå (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä ò"ô äøù"ù) àé äê æøé÷ä äåéà ùìéùé åùáéòé àé ìà àáì áï äùåðîéú ôùéèà ìäå (äâäú äøù"ù) ãìà áòé äæàä:


Answer: Perhaps it is because the verse says about the future "v'Zarakti Aleichem Mayim Tehorim", and they were unsure whether or not this Zerikah is on days three and seven. However, it was clear to them that the Shunamis' son does not need Haza'ah.