
TOSFOS DH Aval Badkah bid'R. Yehudah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì áã÷ä áãøáé éäåãä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot say that she checked only in R. Yosi's Bein ha'Shemashos.)

åà"ú ãìîà àáì áã÷ä áãøáé éåñé åìà áã÷ä áãø' éäåãä ìà çééùéðï ãáéï äùîùåú ãø' éäåãä éîîà äåà


Question: Perhaps if she checked in [Bein ha'Shemashos] of R. Yosi, but not in that of R. Yehudah, we are not concerned, for Bein ha'Shemashos of R. Yehudah is day!

åé"ì ãáäà ø' éäåãä áï àâøà îåãä ãìà çééùéðï ëéåï ãáã÷ä áãø' éåñé.


Answer: Regarding this, R. Yehudah ben Agra admits that we are not concerned, since she checked in that of R. Yosi.


TOSFOS DH she'Af Chachamim Lo Nechleku v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ùàó çëîéí ìà ðçì÷å ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that we answer like this in several places.)

áëîä ãåëúéï îùðé ëé äëà


Observation: In several places we answer like here.

àáì áôø÷ äæäá (á"î ãó ðã.) âáé çåîù åîòùø åáôø÷ ëì äáùø (çåìéï ãó ÷è.) âáé àôùø ìñåçèå ìà îùðé äëé


Implied question: In Bava Metzi'a (54a), regarding Chomesh and Ma'aser, and in Chulin (109a) regarding Efshar Lesochto (a piece that became forbidden due to absorptions), we do not answer like this!

îùåí ùéëåì ìééùá áòðéï àçø áäâää îåòèú.


Answer: That is because we can resolve differently, through a small change in the text.


TOSFOS DH u'Mah Ilu Nidah she'Lo Hifrishah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä åîä àéìå ðãä ùìà äôøéùä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves R. Yosi with what he taught below.)

åà"ú ãáô"á (ãó ñç:) ì÷îï à"ø éåñé âåôéä ãäéà áçæ÷úä


Question: Below (68b), R. Yosi himself said that she is in her Chazakah!

åé"ì ãäúí îééøé áùáã÷ä éåí á' àå éåí â' åîöàúä èäåøä ùôñ÷ä åäëà áãìà áã÷ä


Answer #1: There, we discuss when she checked on the second or third day and found that she is Tehorah, for she stopped [seeing]. Here, she did not check.

à"ð äëà îééøé ùáã÷ä ùçøéú ùì ùáéòé åîöàúä èîà.


Answer #2: Here, she checked in the morning of the seventh day and found that she is Teme'ah.


TOSFOS DH mi'Chlal d'R. Yehudah ben Agra...

úåñôåú ã"ä îëìì ãøáé éäåãä áï àâøà...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not say that she checked only in R. Yosi's Bein ha'Shemashos.)

äùúà äåä îöé ìîéôøê äà îùîéä ãøáé éåñé ÷àîø


Observation: Now, we could have asked that he cited R. Yosi. (Surely R. Yosi is concerned for his own Bein ha'Shemashos!)

åà"ú åàéîà îëìì ãøáé éäåãä áï àâøà ñáø ãáã÷ä áãø' éåñé âøéãà àéðä çåùùú åøáé ñáø çåùùú ëéåï ãìà áã÷ä áãøáé éäåãä


Question: We should infer that R. Yehudah ben Agra holds that if she checked only in R. Yosi's Bein ha'Shemashos, she is not concerned, and Rebbi holds that she is concerned, since she did not check in R. Yehudah's Bein ha'Shemashos;

ãáéï äùîùåú ãøáé éåñé îéùê ùééê áãø' éäåãä ëãàîø áñåó


This is because R. Yosi's Bein ha'Shemashos is included in R. Yehudah's, like it says at the end [of this Sugya].

åäùúà ìà äåä öøéê ìîéîø úøé úðàé åàìéáà ãø' éäåãä áï àâøà


Strengthening of question: If we would say so, we would not need to say that two Tana'im argue about the opinion of R. Yehudah ben Agra!

åé"ì ãåîéà ãáøééúà ãìòéì ãîééøé øáé éäåãä áï àâøà ëùáã÷ä áãøáé éäåãä åìà áã÷ä áãøáé éåñé.


Answer: [We assume that this Beraisa] is like the Beraisa above, in which R. Yehudah ben Agra discusses when she checked in R. Yehudah's Bein ha'Shemashos, but did not check in R. Yosi's.



TOSFOS DH Atzmah v'Kodshim

úåñôåú ã"ä òöîä å÷ãùéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that "herself" refers to her count.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ òöîä ìèäøåú


Explanation #1 (Rashi): She herself [is Teme'ah retroactively] regarding Taharos.

åúéîä àîàé àéöèøéê ìîúðé ÷ãùéí ãë"ù äåà


Question: Why did we need to teach Kodshim? [If she is Teme'ah regarding Taharos,] all the more so regarding Kodshim!

åé"ì ãîùåí øùá"à ð÷èéä ãîñé÷ ãàôéìå ÷ãùéí àéðä îèîàä


Answer #1: He said so due to R. Shimon ben Elazar, who concludes that she is not Metamei even Kodshim.

à"ð úðà ÷ãùéí ìâìåéé ãòöîä àó ìèäøåú


Answer #2: He taught Kodshim to reveal about herself, that even for Taharos [she is Teme'ah].

åîéäå ìéùðà ãòöîä ìà îùîò ìèäøåú


Objection #1: The word "herself" does not connote for Taharos!

åòåã ÷ùä ìøùá"à àëúé äåé ëúîä çîåø îøàééúä


Objection #2: According to R. Shimon ben Elazar, still, her Kesem (stain) is more stringent than her sighting!

ãäà àéäå âåôéä àîø áñîåê ãúåìä áøàééú éåîå àáì ëúí ùîöàä áéåí ùìôðé äøàééä èîàä ìîôøò åî÷åì÷ìú ìîðééðä îùòú ëáåñ


He himself said below that she is Toleh (attributes) to what she saw that day, but a Kesem she found the day before her sighting, she is Teme'ah retroactively and confused about her count from the time she laundered [the garment on which the Kesem was found].

åðøàä ìôøù ãòöîä äééðå ùî÷åì÷ìú ìîðééðä îùòú ëáåñ


Answer: "Herself" means that she is confused about her count from the time she laundered;

åøùá"à ôìéâ àúøåééäå ãàéðä î÷åì÷ìú ìîðééðä åìà îèîàä ÷ãùéí àìà îòú ìòú


R. Shimon ben Elazar argues about both of them. She is not confused about her count, and she is Metamei Kodshim only me'Es la'Es.

åäà ã÷àîø øùá"à áñîåê ãúåìä ëúîä áøàééú éåîå äà ëúí ãàúîåì ìà úìéà áøàééä


Implied question: Why does R. Shimon ben Elazar say below that she is Toleh a Kesem to a sighting that day, which implies that a Kesem from yesterday she is not Toleh?

ìàå îùåí ùúäà î÷åì÷ìú áëúîä ãàúîåì îùòú ëáåñ


Answer: It is not because she is confused about her count due to yesterday's Kesem from the time of laundering;

àìà ò"é øàééä ãäùúà åëúí ãàúîåì äéà î÷åì÷ìú ãìà éãòä àé îðéà îäéåí àå îëúí


Rather, through the sighting today and yesterday's Kesem she is confused, for she does not know whether to count from today, or from [yesterday, the day she found] the Kesem.

åà"ú àëúé ëúîä çîåø îøàééúä


Question: Still, her Kesem is more stringent than her sighting!

ãáëúîä äéà î÷åì÷ìú ìîðééðä îòì"ò àáì áøàééúä àò"â ãì÷ãùéí åìèäøåú îèîàä îòì"ò î"î àéðä î÷åì÷ìú ãîåðä îéåí ùøàúä


Due to her Kesem, she is confused in her count me'Es la'Es. Regarding her sighting, even though for Kodshim and Taharos she is Metamei [retroactively] me'Es la'Es, she is not confused, for she counts from the day she saw!

åé"ì ãìà çééù øùá"à àìà ùìà éäéä ëúîä çîåø îøàééúä áæîï ìèîàåú éåúø îòì"ò.


Answer: R. Shimon ben Elazar is concerned only that her Kesem not be more stringent than her sighting regarding time, to be Metamei more than 24 hours [retroactively].



úåñôåú ã"ä àéôåê

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of this.)

ô"ä ðøàéï ãáøé îãáøéå


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [The text should say] "my words are more reasonable than his words."

à"ð àéôåê ùäåà îòååúä åàðé îú÷ðä åäîçîéø òãéó.


Explanation #2: We must switch, [and say] that he ruins her, and I fix her, and the one who is stringent is preferable.


TOSFOS DH she'Hu Metaken Hilchoseha li'Ydei Zivah

úåñôåú ã"ä ùäåà îú÷ï äìëåúéä ìéãé æéáä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the leniency of R. Shimon ben Elazar.)

ô"ä ãìø"ù àí øàúä áç' åè' åé' ìëúîä ìà äåéà æáä åìøáé ãúåìä ëúîä áøàééúä äåéà æáä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): According to R. Shimon, if she saw on days eight, nine and 10 from her Kesem, she is not a Zavah, and according to Rebbi, who says that she is Toleh her Kesem on her sighting, she is a Zavah!

åàéï ðøàä ãìø"ù ðîé äåéà î÷åì÷ìú ìîðééðä ëãôøéùéú ìòéì


Rebuttal: This is wrong. Also according to R. Shimon she is confused about her count, like I explained above;

åàãøáä ø"ù îçîéø èôé ùîèîà îîöéàú äëúí îòì"ò


Just the contrary, R. Shimon is more stringent! He is Metamei her me'Es la'Es from when she found the Kesem.

åîä ùôéøù ðîé ãìøáé èåáìú áùáéòé ìëúîä åîùîùú


Explanation #1 (cont. - Rashi): According to Rebbi, she immerses on [the night after] the seventh day from her Kesem.

àéï ðøàä ìä÷ì ëåìé äàé åìà úìéðï ëúîä áøàééúä


Rebuttal: One may not be so lenient. We do not attribute her Kesem to her sighting [to say that she Vadai began Nidah from the time of the Kesem].

åðøàä ëôø"ç ëùîöàä äëúí áéåí äøàééä ìøáé ãúìé ëúîä ëì îòú ìòú áøàééä äéà î÷åì÷ìú ëì îòú ìòú åäåéà ëàéìå øàúä ùðé éîéí éåí äøàééä åéåí ùìôðéå


Explanation #2 (R. Chananel): When she found the Kesem on the day of the sighting, according to Rebbi, who is Toleh her Kesem all 24 hours on her sighting, she is confused for all 24 hours. It is as if she saw two days - the day of the sighting and the day before;

åàí øàúä âí ìîçø äåéà æáä àí òåîãú áéîé æåáä


If she saw also the next day, she is a Zavah, if she was in the days of Zivah.

åìø"ù ãìà úìé àìà éåîå à"ë ìà çùáéðï ëàéìå øàúä àúîåì åìà úäéä æáä òã ùúøàä òåã ùðé éîéí


According to R. Shimon, it depends only on days. If so, we do not consider it as if she saw yesterday, and she is not a Zavah until she sees another two days.

åäééðå ø"ù îú÷ðä åøáé îòååúä ãø"ù îé÷ì èôé


Support: This is why he says that R. Shimon fixes her and Rebbi ruins her, for R. Shimon is more lenient.

åîéäå àí øàúä äéåí åàúîåì åîöàä ëúí øáé ùîòåï îçîéø ëãôéøùðå.


Disclaimer: However, if she saw today and yesterday, and found a Kesem, R. Shimon is stringent, like we explained.


TOSFOS DH Tzerichah Hefsek Taharah

úåñôåú ã"ä öøéëä äôñ÷ èäøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is between laundering and finding the Kesem.)

ô"ä öøéëä áãé÷ä ìäôñé÷ áùáéòé ìëúîä ëãé ìèáåì áòøá


Explanation #1 (Rashi): She needs to check [that she is clean now] on the seventh day from her Kesem in order to immerse at night;

åôéøù ãìø"ì àí áã÷ä áùáéòé ìëúîä ãâìéà ãòúä ãëúîä îøàééúä äåà


According to Reish Lakish, if she checked on the seventh day from her Kesem, she revealed her intent that her Kesem is due to her sighting;

àáì ìà áã÷ä îåðä (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) îï äøàééä ôéøù ìôé ùéèúå


However, if she did not check, she counts from her sighting. He explained so according to his opinion.

åàéï ðøàä ãàéï ìä ìèáåì áìéì ùîéðé ìëúîä ãøáé ìà àîø ùúåìéï ëúîä áøàééúä áåãàé àìà áñô÷ ëãôé'


Rebuttal #1: This is wrong. She may not immerse on the eighth night from her Kesem, for Rebbi did not say that we Vadai attribute her Kesem to her sighting. Rather, it is a Safek, like I explained.

åúå äéëé îåëç îäëà ãáëúí öøéëä áãé÷ä áùáéòé ãùàðé äëà ùøàúä øàééä åãàéú


Rebuttal #2: How is it proven from here that for a Kesem, she needs to check on the seventh day? Here is different, for she saw a Vadai sighting!

åúå àãøáä îã÷àîø øáé éåçðï àò"ô ùìà áã÷ä áùáéòé ìëúîä èåáìú ìòøá à"ë àéðä öøéëä áãé÷ä


Rebuttal #3: Just the contrary! Since R. Yochanan said that even though she did not check on the seventh day, she may immerse at night, if so she need not check!

åðøàä ìôøù öøéëä äôñ÷ú èäøä áéï äëáåñ ìîöéàú äëúí


Explanation #2: Rather, she needs Hafsakas Taharah between laundering and finding the Kesem;

ããìîà äà ãúìé øáé ëúîä áøàééúä åìà îèîà îùòú ëáåñ äééðå ëùáã÷ä áéï ëáåñ ìîöéàú äëúí


Perhaps Rebbi attributes her Kesem on her sighting, and he is not Metamei from the time of laundering, i.e. when she checked between laundering and finding the Kesem;

å÷àîø øéù ì÷éù åäåà ùáã÷ä ôéøåù ñîåê ìîöéàú äëúí úåê îòú ìòú


Reish Lakish said "this is when she checked", i.e. close to the time she found the Kesem, within 24 hours;

àáì àí éù îòú ìòú îáãé÷ä ìîöéàú äëúí îèîàéï ìä ìîôøò òã ùòú äáãé÷ä


However, if there are 24 hours between checking and finding the Kesem, we are Metamei her retroactively until the time of checking.

åøáé éåçðï àîø àó òì ôé ùìà áã÷ä ôéøåù ñîåê àìà éù îòú ìòú áéï áãé÷ä ìîöéàä


R. Yochanan said "even though she did not check", i.e. close [to finding the Kesem]. Rather, there were 24 hours between checking and finding;

àôéìå äëé úìéðï äëúí áøàééúä ëéåï ãîùòú ëéáåñ ìéëà îòú ìòú ðîé ìéëà


Even so, we attribute the Kesem to her sighting, since there is no [retroactive Tum'ah] from the time of laundering, also there are not 24 hours [of retroactive Tum'ah].

àìîà ìëåìé òìîà öøéëä äôñ÷


Inference: All agree that she needs Hefsek;

ãàéï ðøàä ìåîø ãìøáé éåçðï àò"ô ùìà áã÷ä ëìì ÷àîø ãëåìé äàé ìà äåä ôìéâ àøéù ì÷éù.


It is improper to say that according to R. Yochanan, he said [that we attribute the Kesem to her sighting] even though she did not check at all. He would not argue so much with Reish Lakish.