TOSFOS DH Davar ha'Gorem Soser v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä ãáø äâåøí ñåúø ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Yoledes b'Zov does not disprove this.)
åà"ú éåìãú áæåá úåëéç ãñåúøú ìøá ãàîø îòéï àçã äåà àò"â ããí èåäø àéðå âåøí ùåí èåîàä
Question: Yoledes b'Zov is Yochi'ach! She is Soser according to Rav, who says that there is one Mayan, even though Dam Tohar does not cause any Tum'ah!
åé"ì ããí èåäø çùéá âåøí èôé ëéåï ùàí ìà éìãä äåéà æáä àå ðãä ìøá ãàîø îòéï àçã äåà
Answer: We consider Dam Tohar to cause Tum'ah, for if not for the birth, she would be a Zavah or Nidah according to Rav, who says that there is one Mayan. (I.e. the same blood causes Tum'ah at other times.)
åìà ãîé ì÷åùé ãìòåìí ãí ùúøàä îçîú ÷åùé ìéãä àéðå âåøí æéáä.
This is unlike Dam Koshi, for whatever blood she sees due to pain of birth does not cause Zivah.
TOSFOS DH Naktinan d'Ein Koshi Soser
úåñôåú ã"ä ð÷èéðï ãàéï ÷åùé ñåúø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos infers that we do not expound the word "Es".)
îëàï îùîò ëîàï (äâäåú éùðåú) ãìà ãøùé àúéí àí ìà ùðôøù ìòéì (ãó ìä.) åøáðï àúéí ìà ãøùé äééðå ìäê ãøùà
Inference: This implies that we hold like the opinion that does not expound "Es", unless we will explain above (35a) "Rabanan do not expound 'Es'", i.e. for this Drashah;
àê îùîò ãìà ãøùé ëìì.
However, the Gemara connotes that they do not expound it at all.
TOSFOS DH Abaye Amar Einah Soseres v'Einah Olah
úåñôåú ã"ä àáéé àîø àéðä ñåúøú åàéðä òåìä
(SUMMARY: 1. Tosfos explains that here we discuss according to R. Merinus. 2. Tosfos brings two opinions about whom the Halachah follows.)
ëúá øù"é áúùåáä àçú ãàáéé îåãä ãéîé ìéãä ùàéðä øåàä áäï òåìéí ìñôéøú æéáúä
Explanation (Rashi, in one Teshuvah): Abaye agrees that Yemei Leidah in which she does not see, they count towards Sefiras Zavah (the seven clean days that she must count);
ãäëé îåëç ôø÷ áà ñéîï (ì÷îï ãó ðã:) îï äáøééúà
Source: This is proven from a Beraisa below (54b. A woman saw blood for two days of Zivah, and on the third day we are unsure what she miscarried. Clean days of Tum'as Leidah count towards Sefiras Zavah.)
åäëà àìéáà ãø' îøéðåñ ÷ééîéï
Explanation (cont.): Here, we discuss according to R. Merinus.
úãò ãàéï øâéìåú ìîéáòé çãà îéìúà áúøé ãåëúé ãáòé ìä äëà åáùéìäé áô' áà ñéîï (ùí)
Support #1: The Gemara does not normally ask the same matter in two places. It asks here, and below (54b). (Rather, here, we discuss according to R. Merinus.)
åúå äéàê çåì÷ àáéé àáøééúà ãäúí
Support #2: How could Abaye argue with the Beraisa there?
åúå ãîä ìäí ìàáéé åøáà ìäæëéø ñúéøä ìà äéä ìäí ìäæëéø àìà òìééä ãôìéâé áä
Support #3: Why did Abaye and Rava mention Stirah? They should have mentioned only Aliyah (whether the days count), which they argue about!
àìà àìéáà ãø' îøéðåñ áòé îäå ùúòìä ãîãð÷è àéï ìéãä ñåúøú åìà ÷àîø ðîé ãòåìä îëìì ãñáéøà ìéä ãàéðä òåìä
Conclusion: Rather, we asked whether the days count according to R. Merinus. Since he said that Leidah is not Soser, and he did not say that it counts, this connotes that he holds that it does not count;
àå ãìîà äà áäà úìéà ëéåï ãàéðä ñåúøú ò"ë òåìä îåàçø úèäø ùìà úäà èåîàä îôñ÷ú áéðéäï
Or, perhaps these depend on each other. Since it is not Soser, you are forced to say that it counts, from "v'Achar Tithar" - Tum'ah may not interrupt between [the days counted].
åîééúé øáà îðà àîéðà ìä ãîñúîà øáé îøéðåñ ìà ôìéâ à÷øà
Explanation (cont.): Rava brings his source. Presumably, R. Merinus does not argue with a verse.
åàáéé îééúé îðà àîéðà ìä ãàéëà úðà ãôìéâ àáøééúà ãáà ñéîï (ùí) åàéëà ìîéîø ãø' îøéðåñ ñáéøà ìéä ðîé äëé îãìà ÷àîø ø' îøéðåñ àéðä ñåúøú åòåìä
Abaye brings his source, that there is a Tana who argues with the Beraisa below (54b). We can say that also R. Merinus holds like this, since R. Merinus did not say "it is not Soser, and it counts", this connotes that he holds that it does not count;
åä"ä ãäåä îöé àáéé ìàúåéé áøééúà ãèåòä áäîôìú (ìòéì ãó ëè:) ãñáøä ãàéï òåìä
Implied question: Abaye could have brought the Beraisa of To'eh (one who is unsure when she gave birth - 28b), which holds that the days do not count!
àìà ãøáà äåä îå÷é ìä ëø' àìéòæø ëãîå÷é áøééúà ãáñîåê ëï ôøù"é
Answer: Rava would have established it like R. Eliezer, like he establishes the Beraisa below. Rashi explained like this.
åîä ùôéøù ãîééúé øáà îðà àîéðà ìä ãîñúîà ìà ôìéâ ø' îøéðåñ à÷øà ÷ùä ãäà ò"ë ø"à ôìéâ
Question: Rashi explained that Rava's source was that presumably, R. Merinus does not argue with a verse. This is difficult, for you are forced to say that R. Eliezer argues [with the verse]!
åé"ì ãäåä îöé ìîéîø åìéèòîéê àìà áìàå äëé ãçé ìéä àáéé ùôéø
Answer: [Indeed, Abaye] could have said "according to you [you are forced to say that R. Eliezer argues]!" Abaye properly rejected Rava without saying so.
åîä ùôéøù áøééúà ãäîôìú (ùí ãó ëè:) îå÷é ìä øáà ëøáé àìéòæø
Observation: Rashi explained that Rava would establish the Beraisa [of To'eh, 29b] like R. Eliezer;
ãå÷à áäà äåéà ëøáé àìéòæø ãàéï òåìéï ìä àáì ìâîøé ìà äåéà ëø' àìéòæø
He would establish it like R. Eliezer only regarding this, that the days do not count, but it is not totally like R. Eliezer;
ãäà îå÷é ìä ëø"ò ãáòé ñôåøéí áôðéðå åø"à ôìéâ òìéä áô"÷ (ìòéì ãó æ:)
We establish it like R. Akiva, who requires that she count the days in front of us, and R. Eliezer argues with him above (7b).
åø"ú îôøù ãäìëúà ëàáéé ãàéï òåìéï åëáøééúà ãäîôìú (ùí ãó ëè:)
Opinion #1 (R. Tam): The Halachah follows Abaye, that the days do not count, and like the Beraisa [of To'eh, 29b].
åîã÷ã÷ îãìà ÷àîø òìä (ìòéì ì.) ù"î àøáò ãéîé ìéãä àéï òåìéï ìàôå÷é îï äáøééúà ãìòéì ììåé ìçã ùéðåééà
Source - Implied question: The Gemara (30a learned three matters from the Beraisa. Why did it) not say that we learn four matters, [including] that Yemei Leidah do not count, to teach unlike the Beraisa above according to Levi, according to one answer (at the bottom of 36a)?
åîáøééúà ãáà ñéîï (ì÷îï ãó ðã:) ãñáøé ãòåìéï
[This would also teach unlike] the Beraisa below (54b), which holds that the days count.
àìà àéðå îåðä àìà ãáøéí ùì çãåù àáì äà ôùéèà ìï ãàéï òåìéï
Answer: The Gemara listed only [three] Chidushim that we learn from the Beraisa. This was obvious, that the days do not count.
åòåã àåîø ø"ú ãáøééúà ãáà ñéîï àéëà ìîéîø ëãîôøù ìéä øá ôôà îùåí ãàéîà éìãä æëø ìäëé òåìä ùáåò ùðé ìñôéøú æéáúä
Explanation #2 (cont. - R. Tam): Also, we can explain the Beraisa below (54b) like Rav Papa explains it, because I can say that she gave birth to a male, therefore the second week counts towards Sefiras Zavah. (We need not say that days of Tum'as Leidah count.)
åãáøéå ðøàä èôé îã÷úðé åàéï ÷øáðä (äâäú éòá"õ) ðàëì à"ë àéëà ìîéîø àéîø ìà éìãä åàôé' éìãä àéîà éìãä æëø
Support (for Rav Papa): The Beraisa teaches that her Korban is not eaten. If so, we can say that [perhaps] she did not give birth, and even if she gave birth, perhaps she gave birth to a male. (Due to a Sefek-Sefeka, we say that the days counted.)
åúãò ãìà ÷éáì ãáøé øá äåðà ãäúí åìà äãø áéä àìà ñáø ãàéï òåìéï
Assertion: Rav Papa did not accept the words of Rav Huna there (who challenged him), and he did not retract. Rather, he holds that the days do not count.
îã÷àîø áùîòúéï øá ôôà àîø ò"ë ä÷éùï äëúåá
Source: It says in our Sugya (37b) "Rav Papa said, you are forced to say that the verse equated them";
åàé ñáø òåìéï à"ë ò"ë öøéê ìàå÷îé ëø"à ëãîå÷é øáà
If he holds that they count, he must establish it like R. Eliezer, like Rava establishes it;
åàîàé ãçé÷ ìàå÷îé ëøáðï ãø"à ãàîøé àéï ãðéï àôùø îùàé àôùø ëéåï ãáìàå äëé öøéê ìàå÷îé ëø"à ãàîø àéï òåìéï
What forced him to establish it like Rabanan of R. Eliezer, who do not learn the possible from the impossible? In any case he must establish it like R. Eliezer, who says that they do not count!
àìà åãàé ìà äãø áéä
Conclusion: Rather, surely he did not retract.
åîéäå àé âøñéðï ìòéì ãàîø ñåúø øáé àìòæø åäëà øáé àìéòæø àéï ìäåëéç ëìåí
Rebuttal: However, if above the text says that R. Elazar says that it is Soser, and here the text says R. Eliezer, we cannot prove anything [from this];
åãáøé øá ôôà ãì÷îï àéëà ìîéîø ãàéðå òé÷ø àò"ô ãäåé ñô÷ ñôé÷à ùáåò ùðé àéðå òåìä ìñôéøú æéáúä
We could say that Rav Papa's words below (54b) are not primary. Even though it is a Sefek-Sefeka, the second week does not count towards Sefiras Zavah. (Rather, the Beraisa proves that days of Tum'as Leidah count.)
ãàéëà ìîéçù ãéìîà ð÷áä äéà ëãàîø øá äåðà äúí îùåí ãàéëà ðîé ñô÷ ñôé÷à áñåó éîé èåäø ãñúøä ìä
This is because we must be concerned lest it is a female, like Rav Huna says there, for there is also a Sefek-Sefeka at the end of Yemei Tohar that contradicts [Rav Papa's Sefek-Sefeka. I.e. if later she sees on days 34 and 41, she need not count seven days of Nidah due to a Sefek-Sefeka. If she did not give birth, she is Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom. And even if she gave birth, perhaps it was a female, and this is Dam Tohar!]
ëãôøéùéú ìòéì âáé äîôìú çéä åòåó (ãó ëæ. ñã"ä çåîø)
This is like I explained above regarding one who gave birth to a Chayah or bird (27a. We cannot be lenient due to a Sefek-Sefeka, if another leniency results from a Sefek-Sefeka that contradicts this one.)
åîéäå ëéåï ãàéï ÷øáðä ðàëì àéëà áìàå äëé ñô÷ ñôé÷à ùîà ìà øàúä åàôéìå øàúä ùîà ìà éìãä
Defense (of support for Rav Papa): However, since her Korban is not eaten, in any case there is a Sefek-Sefeka. Perhaps she did not see [blood on the third day to make her a Zavah], and even if she saw, perhaps she did not give birth [to something for which there is Tum'as Leidah].
åàåîø ø"ú ãéîé ìéãä ùàéðä øåàä áäï äåà ìî"ã îéò"ì ÷â"í åìà ìçé äòåîã îàéìéå áô"÷ ãòéøåáéï (ãó èå.)
Explanation (R. Tam): Yemei Leidah in which she does not see [blood] is the Lamed of Ya'al Kegam (an acronym of the six places in which the Halachah follows Abaye against Rava), and not Lechi (a vertical post to permit carrying in a Mavoy) that came about automatically, in Eruvin (15a).
åøá ñòãéä ëúá ãðùéí ùìðå ãçùáéðï ìäå ëéåìãåú áæåá
Opinion #2: Rav Sadya Gaon wrote that we consider our women to be Yoledes b'Zov;
àí òáøå éîé èåîàú æ' ìæëø àå é"ã ìð÷áä åñôøä ùáòä ð÷ééí áéîé èåäø àå àôéìå áéîé èåîàä îåúøú ìáòìä
If the seven days of Tum'ah for a male passed, or the 14 for a female, and she counted seven clean days during Yemei Tohar, or even during the days of Tum'ah (of Leidah), she is permitted to her husband.
òã î' ìæëø åô' ìð÷áä àò"ô ùøåàä ãí äëúåá ÷øàå ãí èåäø
Until 40 days for a male or 80 for a female, even if she sees blood, the verse called it Dam Tohar.
ùëï ùðå çëîéí éîé ìéãä ùàéðä øåàä áäï òåìéí ìä ìéîé ñôéøú æéáúä
So Chachamim taught, that Yemei Leidah in which she does not see count towards Sefiras Zavah.
äøé áäãéà çåì÷ òì ø"ú
Observation: [Rav Sadya Gaon] explicitly argues with R. Tam.
åäà ãìà ÷àîø áäîôìú (ùí ãó ì.) ù"î ã'
Implied question: Why didn't the Gemara (30a) say that we learn four matters?
àéëà ìîéîø îùåí ãìà ÷àîø àìà äéëà ãîöé ìîéîø äà îðé ôìåðé äéà ëã÷àîø ù"î ø"ò äéà ù"î ø"ù äéà ù"î èáéìä áæîðä îöåä ìàôå÷é îãø' éåñé áø' éäåãä
Answer: It lists only matters for which we can say "this is like Ploni", like it says "we infer that this is like R. Akiva", "we infer that this is like R. Shimon", "we infer that Tevilah bi'Zmanah Mitzvah, unlike R. Yosi b'Rebbi Yehudah";
àáì áäà ãàéï òåìéï ìà îöé ìîéîø äà îðé øáé àìéòæø äéà ãìàáéé ìë"ò àéï òåìéï.
However, here that the days do not count, we cannot say "this is like R. Eliezer", for Abaye holds that all agree that they do not count.
TOSFOS DH Rava Amar Einah Soseres
úåñôåú ã"ä øáà àîø àéðä ñåúøú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with what Rava taught below.)
åà"ú åäà øáà ñåáø áô"á (ãó ñå.) (äâää áâìéåï) ãàé àôùø ìôúéçú ä÷áø áìà ãí åà"ë úñúåø ãäëà áòéðï ùáòä ð÷ééí îãí
Question: Rava holds below (66a) that the womb cannot open [for birth] without blood. If so, it should be Soser, for here we require seven clean days without blood!
åé"ì ãøáà (äâää áâìéåï) àìéáà ãø' îøéðåñ ÷àîø ëãôøéùéú åñáø ãàôùø ìôúéçú ä÷áø áìà ãí ãäà ÷àîø ãàéðä ñåúøú.
Answer: Rava said according to R. Merinus, like I explained [in the previous Dibur], and he holds that the womb can open without blood, for he says that it is not Soser.
TOSFOS DH Mah Yemei Nidasah d'Ein Re'uyin l'Zivah
úåñôåú ã"ä îä éîé ðãåúä ãàéï øàåéï ìæéáä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara on 54a.)
åà"ú ãáùéìäé áà ñéîï (ì÷îï ãó ðã.) àîø éîé ðãåúä ùàéðä øåàä áäï òåìéï ìñôéøú æéáúä
Question: Below (54a), it says that Yemei Nidah in which she does not see, they count towards Sefiras Zavah!
åé"ì ãäúí îééøé áæáä ÷èðä ùøåàä éåí é"à ãéåí é"á äåéà áéä úçìú ðãä åòåìä ìä.
Answer: There we discuss a Zavah Ketanah (Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom) who sees on day 11. Day 12 is the beginning of Nidah, and it counts for her. (There we discuss a girl who alternates between eight consecutive days of blood, and eight consecutive clean days. She sees on days 17 and 18 (days 10 and 11 of Zivah. This obligates guarding a clean day before she is permitted.) She becomes Nidah on day 19. Bi'ah is permitted on day 26. We must say that day 25 (her next clean day), even though it was her seventh day of Nidah, counts for Shemirah - Aruch l'Ner.)
TOSFOS DH Al Korchacha Hikishan ha'Kasuv
úåñôåú ã"ä òì ëøçê ä÷éùï äëúåá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why elsewhere, some say that a Hekesh does not warrant learning the possible from the impossible.)
åàéï îùéáéï òì ääé÷ù
Explanation: We do not challenge a Hekesh (even though we learn from what is impossible).
åà"ú åäà áô' äúåãä (îðçåú ãó ôá.) ôøéê ø"ò ìø' àìéòæø åëé ãðéï àôùø îùàé àôùø àò"â ãèòîà ãøáé àìéòæø ããøéù äé÷ùà îåòáãú ùéäå ëì äòáåãåú ùååú
Question: In Menachos (82a), R. Akiva challenged R. Eliezer "do we learn the possible from the impossible?!", even though R. Eliezer expounded a Hekesh from "v'Avadta" - all Avodos are the same. (Just like Pesach Mitzrayim was from Chulin, for there was no Ma'aser or Hekdesh at the time, also Pesach Doros.)
åø"ò ðîé àéú ìéä äé÷ùà ãåòáãú áôø÷ îé ùäéä èîà (ôñçéí ãó öå.)
Also R. Akiva expounds the Hekesh of "v'Avadta" in Pesachim (96a)!
åé"ì ãäúí ìà îöé ìîéîø òì ëøçê ä÷éùï äëúåá ãàéöèøéê äé÷ùà ìäðäå ãøùåú ãôñçéí (ãó öå.).
Answer: There, we cannot say "you are forced to say that the Torah equated them", for we need the Hekesh for those Drashos in Pesachim.
TOSFOS DH Arba'im Miba'i
úåñôåú ã"ä àøáòéí îéáòéà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses places in which the Gemara asks this, and places in which it does not.)
áñåëä ìà ôøéê ëé äàé âååðà àøáé éäåãä ãîëùéø òã àøáòéí åçîùéí àîä
Implied question: In Sukah (2b) we do not ask like this against R. Yehudah, who is Machshir a Sukah up to 40 or 50 Amos!
äúí îùåí ã÷éí ìéä ãìàå ãå÷à àìà àøáòéí åçîùéí ëãàîøé àéðùé åàôéìå èåáà
Answer: There, we knew that this was not precise. Rather, he says "40 or 50" like people say, and even if it is more;
àáì äëà äåé ãå÷à çîùéí ëã÷úðé áñîåê åçîùéí ùäåìã îèäø
However, here it is specifically 50, like it teaches below "the 50 [days] that a baby is Metaher."
åáôø÷ îôðéï (ùáú ãó ÷ëå:) ãôøéê äùúà ä' ÷åôåú ã' îéáòéà
Citation (Shabbos 126b) Question: (The Mishnah taught how much grain one may clear out to make room for guests.) It taught five baskets. Need it teach four?!
äî÷ùä ñáø ããå÷à ð÷è åîùðé ãìàå ãå÷à ð÷è àìà ã' åä' ëãàîøé àéðùé
Explanation #1: The Makshan thought that [five] is precise. The Gemara answered that it is not precise. Rather, it is like people say "four or five" [and even more].
åòåã îùðé ãäåä ãå÷à ã' îàåöø ÷èï åä' îàåöø âãåì
Explanation #2: The Gemara gave another answer, that we permit only four from a small storehouse, or five from a big storehouse.
åáôø÷ àò"ô (ëúåáåú ãó ñ.) úéðå÷ éåð÷ àôé' ã' åä' ùðéí
Citation (Kesuvos 60a - Beraisa - R. Yehoshua): A child may nurse four or five years.
ðîé ìà ãéé÷ äúí îùåí ãìàå ãå÷à ä' àìà ìôé öøëå ëã÷àîø äúí åàôéìå çáéìúå òì ëúôå
Explanation: Also there, we do not ask, because five is not precise. Rather, it is as much as he needs, like it says there "even if he can carry a bundle on his shoulder."
åáôø÷ äæøåò (çåìéï ãó ÷ìá:) ãàîø ëäï èáç á' åâ' ùáúåú ôèåø îï äîúðåú îëàï åàéìê çééá áîúðåú
Citation (Chulin 132b): A Kohen Shochet is exempt for two or three weeks from Matanos (giving the foreleg, jaw and stomach of a slaughtered Chulin animal to a Kohen). After this, he must give the Matanos [to another Kohen].
äúí ð÷è á' ìøáé ãàîø áúøé æéîðé äåä çæ÷ä åìøùá"â â'.
Explanation: There, it says two according to Rebbi, who holds that two occurrences make a Chazakah, and three according to R. Shimon ben Gamliel.
TOSFOS DH v'Rav Ada bar Ahavah Amar...
úåñôåú ã"ä åøá àãà áø àäáä àîø...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of what Rav Ada adds to Rav's words.)
åà"ú îä äåñéó òì ãáøé øá äà ìøá ðîé äøàåééï ìñôéøä äééðå æ' éîéí àçø é"à éåí åàæ îúçéìåú é"à àçøéí ùäí éîé æéáä
Question: What did Rav Ada add? Also according to Rav, days proper for Sefirah [and not for Zivah] are the seven days [of Nidah] after 11 days [of Zivah], and then begin 11 more days, which are days of Zivah;
åà"ë ìãéãéä ðîé ìòåìí ÷åùé îèäø
If so, also according to Rav, Koshi is always Metaher!
åé"ì ãàéðä ðãä òã ùéòáøå ùáòä éîé äñôéøä àçø é"à åàí øàúä àæ àó á÷åùé èîàä ìøá
Answer #1: She is not a Nidah until seven days of Sefirah pass after 11 days [of Zivah, and then she sees]. If she sees then, even b'Koshi, she is Tamei according to Rav. (The days are not proper for Zivah or Sefirah);
åìøá àãà èäåøä ãøàåééï ìñôéøú ñúéøú æéáúä
According to Rav Ada she is Tehorah, for the days are proper for Sefirah [after] Stirah [of days counted for] Zivah.
åø"ç ôé' ãìåé àéðå îèäø àìà úùòä éîéí äøàåéï ìéòùåú áäï æáä àáì é' åé"à ãàéðí øàåééï ìéòùåú áäï æáä
Answer #2 (R. Chananel): Levi is Metaher only nine days proper to become a Zavah, but not days 10 and 11, which are not proper to [begin to] become a Zavah;
ãàôéìå øàúä àôé' âí áé"á àéðä àìà ðãä
Even if she saw [on 10 and 11, and] also on day 12, she is only a Nidah.
åøá îåñéó éîéí äøàåééï ìñôéøä ëâåï òùéøé åé"à åçîùä éîéí àçøé ëï
Rav adds days proper for Sefirah (for one who already became a Zavah), e.g. 10 and 11, and the five days after them;
àáì ùðé éîéí îùáòä éîéí àçøåðéí àí øàúä áäï èîàä ìøá
However, if she saw in the last two days of the last seven days (starting from 12, i.e. 17 or 18), she is Teme'ah according to Rav.
åøá àãà îåñéó àó àåúí ùðé éîéí åðîöà ëåìï èäåøéï.
Rav Ada adds even those two days (they are proper for Sefirah for one who finished becoming a Zavah on day 10 or 11). It turns out that all of them are Tehorim.