TOSFOS DH v'Einah Monah Ela mi'Sha'ah she'Ra'asah
úåñôåú ã"ä åàéðä îåðä àìà îùòä ùøàúä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Chidush of this.)
úéîä ôùéèà ëéåï ãî÷åì÷ìú ìîðéðä îùòú ëéáåñ åàéðä éåãòú îúé øàúä àí ëï ìà úåëì ìñôåø æ' éîéí åìèáåì àìà îéåí îöéàú äëúí
Question: This is obvious! Since she is confused about her count from the time the garment was laundered, and she does not know when she saw, if so, she can count seven days and immerse only from the day that she found the Kesem!
åé''ì ãîééøé ùøàúä éåí àçã àå á' éîéí àçø îöéàú äëúí å÷î''ì ãàéðä îåðä îéåí îöéàú äëúí àìà îéåí ùøàúä ãàéîø ìàå îâåôä àúà àìà îòìîà:
Answer: We discuss when she saw one or two days after finding the Kesem. The Chidush is that she does not count from the day she found the Kesem, rather, from the day she saw, for I can say that [the Kesem] was not from her body, rather, from elsewhere (so her seven days of Nidah begin only from her sighting).
TOSFOS DH Aval Heicha d'Leika Drara d'Tum'ah Lo ka'Tani
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì äéëà ãìéëà ãøøà ãèåîàä ìà ÷úðé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is not listed among the stringencies of Kodshim over Terumah.)
åà''ú ìéúðé ìéä áîòìåú àçøåðåú ãàîøéðï äúí (çâéâä ãó ëà:) çîù ÷îééúà àéú ìäå ãøøà ãèåîàä ãàåøééúà àéúðäå áéï á÷ãù åáéï áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ÷ãù
Question: It should list this among the latter stringencies! We say there (Chagigah 21b) that the first five [stringencies] have Drara (grounds) of Tum'ah mid'Oraisa, so they apply both to Kodesh and Chulin Al Taharas ha'Kodesh;
áúøééúà ãìéú ìäå ãøøà ãèåîàä ãàåøééúà àéúðäå á÷ãù ëå'
The latter [five stringencies], which have no Drara of Tum'ah mid'Oraisa, apply [only] to Kodesh.
åôé' ãàéú ìäå ãøøà ãèåîàä ãàåøééúà ëìåîø ùééëé áèåîàä äðåäâú áçåìéï ãàåøééúà àáì áúøééúà ìà ùééëé ëìì áèåîàä ãàåøééúà äðåäâú áçåìéï
Explanation: "They have Drara of Tum'ah mid'Oraisa" means that they pertain to a Tum'ah that applies to Chulin mid'Oraisa. However, the latter [stringencies] do not pertain at all to a Tum'ah mid'Oraisa that applies to Chulin.
àáì àéï ìôøù ãøéùà ÷úðé èåîàä ãàåøééúà åñéôà èåîàä ãøáðï
Suggestion: Perhaps the Reisha teaches Tum'ah mid'Oraisa, and the Seifa teaches Tum'ah mid'Rabanan!
ãäà ÷úðé á÷îééúà áâãé àåëìé úøåîä îãøñ ìàåëìé ÷ãù ãäåé ãøáðï åááúøééúà ðîé ÷úðé öéøåó åøáéòé á÷ãù ãäåé ãàåøééúà
Rejection: It teaches among the first [stringencies] that garments of people who eat Terumah are Midras (considered Tamei) to people who eat Kodesh, which is mid'Rabanan. Also, it teaches among the latter Tziruf (all the contents of a Kli are considered like one) and a Revi'i (fourth level Tum'ah) for Kodesh, which are mid'Oraisa.
åé''ì ãîòú ìòú ìéú ìéä àôéìå ãøøà ãèåîàä ãøáðï
Answer: Me'Es la'Es does not have even Drara of Tum'ah mid'Rabanan.
åà''ú åäà îòú ìòú àôéìå áçåìéï èîà ëùðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù ëãàîø áñîåê ÷áìä îéðéä øá ùîåàì áøáé éöç÷ áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù
Question: Me'Es la'Es is Tamei even regarding Chulin Al Taharas ha'Kodesh, like it says below (6b) that Rav Shmuel b'Ribi Yitzchak accepted [Rav Nachman's question from a Beraisa, and established it to discuss] Chulin Al Taharas ha'Kodesh;
åäðê áúøééúà ìéúðäå áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù åàéú ìäå ãøøà ãèåîàä èôé ëãôøéùéú
The latter [stringencies] do not apply to Chulin Al Taharas ha'Kodesh, and they have more Drara of Tum'ah, like I explained!
åé''ì ìôé ùøâéìåú äåà ÷öú ùðò÷ø äãí ìôðé øàééúä ìëê âæøå øáðï àó áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù åàó ìúøåîä ìàéëà ãàîøé
Answer: It is somewhat normal that the blood is uprooted (leaves the Makor) before she sees. Therefore, Rabanan decreed even about Chulin Al Taharas ha'Kodesh, and even for Terumah, according to the other version;
åîëì î÷åí ìéú ìäå ãøøà ãèåîàä îùåí ãáùòä ùòåñ÷ä (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) áèäøåú àéï ùí ñô÷ èåîàä åàéï ìä ìäðéç åìôøåù îìòñå÷ áèäøåú ùàéðä éåãòú îúé úøàä àçøé ëï
In any case, there is no Drara of Tum'ah, for at the time she was engaged in Taharos, there is no Safek Tum'ah. She need not refrain from engaging in Taharos, for she does not know when she will see afterwards.
TOSFOS DH Mai Lav Bein d'Kodesh Bein d'Terumah
úåñôåú ã"ä îàé ìàå áéï ã÷ãù áéï ãúøåîä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not ask from our Mishnah.)
åà''ú åàîàé ìà ôøéê îîúðé' ãîèîàä îòú ìòú åðéîà îàé ìàå áéï ã÷ãù áéï ãúøåîä
Question: Why don't we ask from our Mishnah, that she is Metamei me'Es la'Es, and say "isn't this both for Kodesh and Terumah"?
åé''ì ãôøéê îäëà îùåí ãðçéú ìôøåùé àåëìéï åîù÷éï åäåä ìéä ìôøåùé âí ã÷ãù
Answer: We ask from here because [the Beraisa] was thorough to explain food and drink. It should have explained also "of Kodesh" (if it applies only to Kodesh).
åàí úàîø åàîàé ìà îééúé ñééòúà îãúðéà áôø÷ áà ñéîï (ì÷îï ðâ:) ãîèîàä òöîä å÷ãùéí ìîôøò ãîùîò ÷ãùéí åìà úøåîä å÷ùä ìàéëà ãàîøé àó ìúøåîä
Question: Why don't we bring a proof from the Beraisa below (53b) that she is Metamei herself and Kodshim retroactively? This implies Kodshim, but not Terumah. This is difficult for the version that says even for Terumah!
åé''ì ãð÷è äúí ÷ãùéí îùåí ãøùá''à ôìéâ äúí àó á÷ãùéí
Answer: It mentioned there Kodshim because R. Shimon ben Elazar argues there even about Kodshim.
TOSFOS DH keshe'Badkah Atzmah k'Shi'ur Veses
úåñôåú ã"ä ëùáã÷ä òöîä ëùéòåø åñú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is a mere cleaning.)
ìàå áãé÷ä ìâîøé ÷àîø ãáãé÷ä äåéà ìçåøéï åìñã÷éï ëãàîø ôø÷ ëì äéã (ì÷îï ãó éã:) ãäåéà èôé îùéòåø åñú àìà ëìåîø ÷ðçä òöîä
Explanation: This does not mean a total Bedikah, for a Bedikah is in holes and cracks, like it says below (14b), which is more than Shi'ur Veses. Rather, she cleaned herself.
åäåä îöé ìîéîø áãé÷ä îîù ìúìåú ãàôéìå àçø æîï äåé ñôé÷à ãàåøééúà ãîçééá ì÷îï áëì äéã (ùí) àùí úìåé
Implied question: We could have said that it was a real Bedikah to be Toleh, for even after this time, it is a Safek mid'Oraisa for which we obligate below (14b) an Asham Taluy;
åàôéìå ìîàï ãôèø äééðå îùåí ãáòé çúéëä îùúé çúéëåú àáì ñôé÷à ãàåøééúà îùåé ìä
Even the one who exempts, this is because he requires for Asham Taluy one piece among two pieces (we know that Isur was there, just we are unsure whether the person chanced upon the Isur or the Heter), but he considers it a Safek mid'Oraisa!
àìà ãðéçà ìéä ìîð÷è ùéòåø åñú åìùøåó
Answer: He prefers to mention [checking within] Shi'ur Veses, and to burn.
äâ''ä. àó áøä''ø ãáùîòúéï ùì ôøåæãåø îåëéç ãàéï çéìå÷ áéï øä''ø ìøä''é ìèåîàä ãàúà îâåôä
Comment: This is even in Reshus ha'Rabim, for in our Sugya of the Prozdor, it is proven that there is no difference between Reshus ha'Rabim and Reshus ha'Yachid for Tum'ah that comes from her body;
àáì ìàçø æîï àò''â ãäåä ñô÷ ãàåøééúà àéï ùåøôéï ëãàîø áùîòúéï ãôøåæãåø åì÷îï áôø÷ äàùä (ãó ñ:) àîøéðï ëì ùáòìä áàùí úìåé èäøåúéå úìåéåú
However, afterwards, even though it is a Safek mid'Oraisa, we do not burn, like it says in our Sugya of the Prozdor, and below (60b) we say that whenever her husband brings Asham Taluy, his Taharos are Teluyos;
åëì ùáòìä áçèàú èäøåúéå èîàåú åàéëà ãàîøé ëì ùáòìä áçèàú èäøåúéå úìåéåú àáì èîàåú ìà äåå:
Whenever her husband brings a Chatas, his Taharos are Temei'os, and some say that whenever her husband brings a Chatas, his Taharos are Teluyos, but they are not Temei'os.
TOSFOS DH b'Sha'as ha'Dechak
úåñôåú ã"ä áùòú äãç÷
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations unlike Rashi.)
ôéøù øù''é áùðé áöåøú
Explanation #1 (Rashi): This is in famine years.
åìà ã÷ ãáôéø÷éï (ì÷îï ãó è:) àîø ãàôé' øáðï îåãå áùðé áöåøú
Rebuttal: He was not precise, for below (9b) it says that even Rabanan agree about famine years.
åé''ì ãäàé áùòú äãç÷ äééðå àãí ùðâò áîòú ìòú ùáðãä åòùä îòè èäøåú ìôðé øàééúä åàçø äåøàúå òñ÷ áèäøåú äøáä
Explanation #2: "In pressed circumstances" means that a person touched me'Es la'Es of a Nidah and made some Taharos before she saw, and after [Rebbi's mistaken] ruling he engaged in much Taharos;
åìà ãîé ìùðé áöåøú ëéåï ãî÷åãí ìëï ìà äéúä ùòú äãç÷ åàôéù áèäøåú ò''é äåøàú èòåú
This is unlike famine years, since beforehand it was not Sha'as ha'Dechak, and he engaged in much Taharos through a mistaken ruling.
åòåã é''ì ùòú äãç÷ ùäùåàì äìê ìå åäéä èåøç âãåì ìøãåó àçøéå ëãàîø áôø÷ àò''ô (ëúåáåú ãó ñ:) øäè àáúøéä úìúà îéìé áçìà åìà àãøëéä
Explanation #3: "In pressed circumstances" means that the one who asked went away, and it would be a great exertion to pursue after him, like it says in Kesuvos (60b) "[Abaye] ran after him three Mil in sand [to retract a mistaken ruling], and did not catch him."
TOSFOS DH d'Afreshinhu b'Lishaihu
úåñôåú ã"ä ãàôøùéðäå áìéùééäå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Kedushah of Lachmei Todah before they are baked.)
àó òì âá ãàéï äìçí ÷ãåù àìà îù÷øîå ôðéå áúðåø åðùçè òìéå äæáç (îðçåú òç:)
Implied question: The bread is not Kadosh until it forms a crust in the oven and the Korban [Todah] is slaughtered for it (Menachos 78b)!
î''î ÷øé ìäå úøåîä ìôé ùéçãå àåúä ì÷øåú ìä ùí úøåîä ìàçø àôééä åùçéèú äæáç
Answer: In any case it is called Terumah because they designated it to call it Terumah after baking and Shechitah of the Korban;
åäéúä îåôøùú áìéùééäå åìà ìàçø àôééä îùåí ãáòåãä òéñä éëåì ìòùåúä òáåú åðàåú
It was separated during the kneading, and not after baking, because while it is dough one can make it thick and nice.
åðøàä ã÷ãåùú äôä ðîé (äâää áâìéåï) àéëà òìééäå åàñåø ìùðåúä áçìåú àçøåú
Assertion: It seems that also Kedushas ha'Peh is on it (his verbal declaration took effect), and one may not change it for other loaves;
ëãîùîò ñåó ôø÷ ÷îà ãðãøéí (ãó éá.) ëçìú àäøï åáðéå åëúøåîúå îåúøéï
Source: It connotes like this in Nedarim (12a). [If one said "this loaf is forbidden] like Chalah of Aharon (i.e. Kohanim) or his Terumah", it is permitted. (This is Davar ha'Asur, for the Torah forbids it to Zarim. A Neder must be Matfis (forbid something like) Davar ha'Nadur, something forbidden due to a vow.)
åãéé÷ äà ëúøåîú ìçîé úåãä àñåø åîå÷é ãàôøùéðäå áìéùééäå
We infer there that [had he said] "like Terumah of Lachmei Todah", it would be forbidden, and we establish it when he separated them during the kneading.
åîãàñø äëëø ùäúôéñ áìçîé úåãä îùîò ãàéëà òìéä ÷ãåùú äôä (äâää áâìéåï) áòåãä òéñä:
Inference: Since a loaf that he was Matfis in Lachmei Todah is forbidden, this implies that it has Kedushas ha'Peh while it is still a dough.
TOSFOS DH b'Shifchaso Shel R. Gamliel
úåñôåú ã"ä áùôçúå ùì ø''â
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses which R. Gamliel this was.)
ôéøù øùá''í ãäééðå ø''â äæ÷ï ãàîøéðï áùéìäé ô''÷ ãùáú (ã' èå.) äìì åùîòåï âîìéàì åùîòåï ðäâå ðùéàåúï ìôðé äáéú ÷' ùðä
Explanation #1 (Rashbam): This refers to R. Gamliel ha'Zaken, for we say in Shabbos (15a) that Hillel, Shimon, R. Gamliel and Shimon were Nesi'im for [the last] 100 years of the [second] Beis ha'Mikdash.
åîéäå àéï øâéìåú ìäæëéø ñúí ø''â àìà ø''â äæ÷ï
Question: He is not normally called Stam R. Gamliel, rather, R. Gamliel ha'Zaken!
åéëåì ìäéåú ùæäå ø''â ãéáðä çáéøå ùì øáé àìéòæø åøáé éäåùò
Explanation #2: Here we could discuss R. Gamliel (Stam, the grandson of R. Gamliel ha'Zaken, who was Nasi when the Sanhedrin moved to) Yavneh, who was the colleague of R. Eliezer and R. Yehoshua.
TOSFOS DH Nolad Lah Safek Tum'ah Ad she'Lo Gilgelah
úåñôåú ã"ä ðåìã ìä ñô÷ èåîàä òã ùìà âìâìä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when it is forbidden to be Metamei food to which Chalah or Terumah will be separated.)
ôéøåù ðåìã ìä ñô÷ èåîàä äðåäâú àó áçåìéï ÷åãí âìâåì éëåì ìâøåí ìä èåîàä åãàéú
Explanation: If there arose for it a Safek Tum'ah that applies even to Chulin before kneading, one may cause it to become Vadai Tamei;
åàéï ìàñåø îùåí îùîøú úøåîåúé ã÷åãí âìâåì àëúé ìà ôúéëà áéä çìä ëîå äîôøéù çìúå ÷îç ãìà òùä åìà ëìåí
We do not forbid due to "Mishmeres Terumosai", for before kneading, there is not yet any connection to Chalah (it is totally Chulin), like [we find that] if one separated flour to be Chalah, it has no effect.
åäôñã ëäï ðîé ìéëà ëéåï ãðåìã ìä ñô÷ èåîàä ëáø
Also, there is no loss to the Kohen, since a Safek Tum'ah already arose (so in any case, the Kohen cannot eat the Chalah).
îùâìâìä úòùä áèäøä ôéøåù àí ìàçø âìâåì ðåìã ìä ñô÷ èåîàä ãìà ùééê áçåìéï àìà áçìä úòùä áèäøä
Explanation (cont.): "After kneading, it must be processed in Taharah." I.e. if after kneading arose a Safek Tum'ah that does not apply to Chulin, only to Chalah, it must be processed in Taharah;
àò''â ãçìúä úìåéä åìéëà äôñã ëäï àñåø ìâøåí ìä èåîàä îùåí îùîøú úøåîåúé
Even though the Chalah is Teluyah and there is no loss to the Kohen (if it becomes Vadai Tamei), one may not cause it to become [Vadai] Tamei, due to "Mishmeres Terumosai."
åä''ä ãàôé' ðåìã ìä ñô÷ èåîàä ãùééëà àó ìçåìéï ãàñåø ìâøåí èåîàä
Implied question: The same applies even if arose a Safek Tum'ah that applies even to Chulin! One may not cause it to become [Vadai] Tamei!
àìà ãîôøù ááøééúà àéæä ñô÷ àîøå áñô÷ çìä ãàôéìå áñô÷ èåîàä ãìà ùééëà áçåìéï çìúä úìåéä åàùîåòéðï çåìéï äèáåìéï ìçìä ëçìä ãîå
Answer: The Beraisa explains which Safek they discussed, i.e. Safek Chalah, i.e. even a Safek Tum'ah that does not apply to Chulin, the Chalah is Teluyah. It teaches that Chulin that is Tevel to Chalah (one must separate Chalah from it) is like Chalah.
àáì àéï ìôøù ãøéùà ðîé ùðåìã ìä ñô÷ èåîàä òã ùìà âìâìä àééøé ðîé áñô÷ çìä ãäééðå áèåîàä ãìà ùééëà áçåìéï
Suggestion: Also the Reisha, in which a Safek Tum'ah arose before kneading, also discusses Safek Chalah, i.e. a Tum'ah that does not apply to Chulin;
åàò''â ãòãééï èäåøä âîåøä äéà úòùä áèåîàä åãàéú ã÷åãí âìâåì àëúé ìà àé÷øé èáåìä ìçìä åìà àñåø îùåí îùîøú úøåîåúé
Even though it is totally Tahor, one may make it Vadai Tamei, for before kneading it is not yet called Tevel to Chalah, and it is not forbidden due to "Mishmeres Terumosai."
åäôñã ëäï ðîé ìéëà ùéôøéù òìéä îî÷åí àçø
Also, there is no loss to the Kohen, for he can separate [Tahor Chalah] to exempt it from elsewhere!
ãàéï ðøàä ã÷øé ñô÷ èåîàä ÷åãí âìâåì ëéåï ùèäåøä âîåøä äéà
Rejection: It is unreasonable to call it Safek Tum'ah before kneading, since it is totally Tahor.
åàí úàîø ãàîø áòáåãä æøä ô' øáé éùîòàì (ãó ðå. åùí) àéï áåöøéï òí éùøàì äòåùä ôéøåúéå áèåîàä
Question: It says in Avodah Zarah (56a) that one may not harvest grapes with a Yisrael who processes his Peros in Tum'ah (even though now it is totally Chulin)!
åéù ôéøåù ùôéøù øù''é áäí îùåí ãàñåø ìâøåí èåîàä ìúøåîä îùåí îùîøú úøåîåúé
Answer #1: In one Perush, Rashi explained that it is forbidden to cause Tum'ah to Terumah, due to "Mishmeres Terumosai".
åäùúà äìà àéï ÷áò ìîòùø àìà òã ùé÷ôä àå òã ùéùìä åäëà àîø òã ùìà âìâìä úòùä áèåîàä
Question: There is no Chiyuv to tithe until one removes the pits and peels, or takes the wine from the pit [to bottle it]. Here we say that before kneading, one may process it in Tum'ah!
åé''ì ãäúí àí äôøéù àôéìå ÷åãí ùé÷ôä àå ùéùìä äåé úøåîä ëîå áä÷ãéîå áùáìéï
Answer: There, if he separated [Terumah] even before removing the pits and peels, or taking the wine from the pit, it is Terumah, just like one who [separated Terumah] while the grain was detached sheaves;
àáì äëà àí äôøéù çìä ÷åãí âìâåì äåé ëîå äôøéù çìúå ÷îç ãàîø áäàéù î÷ãù (÷ãåùéï ãó îå:) ãìà òùä åìà ëìåí åìëê ìà îé÷øéà èáåìä ìçìä
However, here, if he separated Chalah before kneading, this is like one who separated flour for Chalah. It says in Kidushin (46b) that it has no effect. Therefore, it is not called Tevulah to Chalah.
åòì ôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ ÷ùä ãáúåñôúà ãçìä îñééí áä äëé åëï ôéøåú òã ùìà ðâîøä îìàëúï éòùå áèåîàä îùðâîøä îìàëúï éòùå áèäøä. âé'
Comment - Question: Rashi's Perush is difficult, for the Tosefta in Chalah concludes "and similarly, Peros - before final processing, one may process them in Tum'ah. After final processing, one must process them in Taharah!"
àé ðîé éù ìôøù ãäúí ðîé ìà àñåø îùåí îùîøú úøåîåúé ëôéøù''é ëéåï ãàëúé ìà äå÷áò ìúøåí àìà îùåí äôñã ëäï àñø ìä
Answer #2: There, it is not forbidden due to "Mishmeres Terumosai", like Rashi explained, since there was not yet a Chiyuv to take Terumah. Rather, it is due to a loss to the Kohen;
àáì äëà ëáø ðåìã ìä ñô÷ åìéëà äôñã (îëàï îãó äáà) ëäï
However, here a Safek already arose, and there is no loss to the Kohen.