


Support (for Rava - Beraisa): (We explain according to the text of the Bach. It seems that this is also Rashi's text.) If a woman sees a Kesem (today) she is retroactively Metamei (Rashi - from the last time she washed the garment; Rambam - for 24 hours) food, drink, Mishkav u'Moshav, and Klei Cheres with a Tzamid Pasil);


She is unsure about her count. (Perhaps the seven days of Nidah and the ensuing days of Zivah begin today. If the Kesem is from before, they already began);


If a man had relations with her (during the period of Safek) he is a (Safek) Bo'el Nidah (one who had relations with a Nidah, who is Tamei like a Nidah);


She must wait seven days (starting today) before immersing.


If a woman sees blood (today) she is retroactively Metamei, for 24 hours, food, drink, Mishkav u'Moshav, and Klei Cheres with a Tzamid Pasil;


The seven days of Nidah start today. After this, she may immerse;


She does not retroactively make a man a Bo'el Nidah;


R. Akiva says, she retroactively makes him a Bo'el Nidah.


Whether she sees blood or a Kesem, we are Toleh. (We neither eat nor burn Kodshim that she touched before.)


Question: If Rava had heard this Beraisa, why did he (make a Kal va'Chomer to teach about Mishkav u'Moshav, and) not cite the Beraisa?


If he had not heard the Beraisa, how did he know that she is Metamei retroactively Klei Cheres with a Tzamid Pasil?


Answer: He had heard the Beraisa, but one could have explained that (Chachamim made a Heker, and) she is retroactively Metamei a Mishkav to be Metamei people or Kelim, but not to be Metamei a person and the garments he is wearing (unless it touches them). Therefore, he made the Kal va'Chomer.




Version #1 (Rav Huna): The 24 hours (of retroactive Tum'ah) apply to Kodshim, but not to Terumah.


Question: If so, this should have been taught with the stringencies of Kodshim over Terumah!


Answer: There, we only taught cases where there is Derara of (grounds for suspecting) Tum'ah. (This does not apply to the 24 hours.)


Question (Beraisa): She is retroactively Metamei food, drink...


Suggestion: This applies to Kodshim and Terumah.


Answer: No, it applies only to Kodshim.


Question (Mishnah - R. Yehudah): She checks herself also when she finishes eating Terumah.


Question: What is the reason? If she was Teme'ah, she already transgressed!


Answer #1 (Rav Chisda): She checks for the sake of the leftovers that she touched. (If she is Tehorah now, this will guard her leftovers from retroactive Tum'ah if she will find herself to be Teme'ah later.)


Answer (and Answer #2 to Question 1 - Rav Huna): She checks herself within "Shi'ur Veses" (a very short time. Here, "Veses" does not refer to her regular period.) If she finds herself to be Teme'ah, she burns what was in her hands just before this. (Rav Huna admits that she is retroactively Teme'ah for this amount of time.)


Question (Beraisa): A case occurred, and Rebbi ruled like R. Eliezer (that if a young woman did not see blood for three consecutive periods, Dayah Sha'atah). After he remembered he said "in pressed circumstances, one may rely on R. Eliezer's opinion."



Question: What does "after he remembered" mean?


Suggestion: He remembered that the Halachah does not follow R. Eliezer, rather, Chachamim.


Rejection: If so, even in pressed circumstances, he could not rely on R. Eliezer's opinion!


Answer: The Halachah was not decided like either of them. He remembered that Chachamim (i.e. the majority) argue with him, so l'Chatchilah one should rule like Chachamim, but in pressed circumstances one can rely on R. Eliezer.


Summation of question (h): Rebbi lived after the Churban. There were no Kodshim then. We must say that the 24 hours apply to Terumah!


Answer: The case involved food prepared to be used for Kodshim (Rashi; R. Chananel - Al Taharas ha'Kodesh), like was done in Ula's time;


(Ula): People in Galil prepare wine and oil to be used for Nesachim in case the Mikdash will be rebuilt suddenly (Rashi; R. Chananel - they eat Al Taharas ha'Kodesh).


Question (Beraisa): A case occurred in which R. Gamliel's slave was baking loaves of Terumah. Between each loaf she would wash her hands and check herself. After the last one, she found herself to be Teme'ah. R. Gamliel ruled that all the loaves are Teme'im.


The slave: I checked myself in between!


R. Gamliel: If so, the last loaf is Tamei, and the rest are Tehorim.


Summation of question: This shows that Terumah becomes Tamei due to the 24 hours!


Answer: "Terumah" refers to Terumas Lachmei Todah (the Kohen's share of breads brought with a Todah. They are Kodshim).


Question: We do not designate which loaves are Terumah at the time of baking! (They are designated only after slaughtering the Todah.)


Answer: The case is, they were designated at the time of kneading, likes Rav Tuvi taught.


(Rav Tuvi bar Rav Ketinah): If one baked four loaves of Lachmei Todah, he was Yotzei.


Objection: Forty loaves are required!


Answer: That is only l'Chatchilah.


Question: Terumah must be given to the Kohen from each of the four varieties!


Suggestion: We give him a piece of each loaf.


Rejection: "Echad" teaches that he must get a full loaf.


Answer: A tenth of the dough for each variety was separated (to be Terumah) at the time of kneading. The remainder (of each variety) was baked as one loaf. (Rav Tuvi taught that the owner's share can be four loaves. There must be another four of Terumah.)


Question (Beraisa): A case occurred in which R. Gamliel's slave was sealing barrels of wine. Between each barrel she would wash her hands and check herself. After the last one, she found herself to be Teme'ah. R. Gamliel ruled that all the barrels are Teme'im.


The slave: I checked myself in between!


R. Gamliel: If so, the last barrel is Tamei, and the rest are Tehorim.


Granted, if one of these episodes involved Terumah, she needed to ask again. However, if both involved Kodshim, why did she need to ask again?


Answer: The case of the wine involved a different slave.


Version #2 (Rav Huna): The 24 hours apply to Kodshim and Terumah;


If not, this should have been taught with the stringencies of Kodshim over Terumah!


Question (Rav Nachman - Beraisa): It applies to Kodshim, not to Terumah.


Answer (Rav Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): It applies to Chulin Al Taharas Kodesh, but not to Chulin Al Taharas Terumah. (end of Version #2)


(Mishnah): If a dough became Safek Tamei before it was kneaded, one may make it definitely Tamei;


Before kneading, it is Chulin. One may be Metamei Chulin in Eretz Yisrael;


If it became Safek Tamei after it was kneaded, one may not make it definitely Tamei;


After kneading, it is Tevel with respect to Chalah (i.e. Chalah must be separated), so it must be guarded (from Tum'ah) like Chalah itself.