Nedarim Chart #1
Chart for Nedarim Daf 11a-13b
1 | "KORBAN" (13a) |
Asur (R. Meir) Mutar(R. Yehudah) (1) |
Mutar (2) |
2 | "HA KORBAN" (13a-13b) |
Mutar (2) | Mutar (2) |
3 | "HA'KORBAN", "K'KORBAN" (13a-13b) |
Asur | Mutar (2) |
4 | "LA'KORBNAN" (11b, 13a) |
Asur (3) | Asur (6) |
5 | "CHULIN" (11b, 13b) |
Mutar | Mutar(R. Meir) (4) Asur (R. Yehudah) |
6 | "LA'CHULIN" (10b, 11b) |
Mutar(R. Meir) (4) Asur (R. Yehudah) (5) |
Asur (7) |
7 | "LO CHULIN" (11b) |
Mutar(R. Meir) (4) Asur (R. Yehudah) |
Asur (7) |
(1) Rebbi Yehudah requires the word that the Neder is made with to have the prefix "Kaf" (Kaf ha'Dimyon). Even though the word "Pigul" may be used in a Neder without the "Kaf," since it has a pure connotation of Isur, Rebbi Yehudah maintains that the word "Korban" alone does not connote Isur; rather it implies the procedure of offering a Korban. Alternatively, without the letter "Kaf," the word "Korban" implies "by the life of the Korban" ("b'Chayei Korban") -- like "Korban she'Lo Ochel Licha," see 1:B. (RAN 11a)
(2) This is not a Neder because it means "b'Chayei Korban," "by the life of the Korban," which is meaningless as a Neder.
(3) Even though "La'Korban" can also imply "Lo Korban" ("it shall not be a Korban"), nevertheless, since it also has the connotation of "l'Korban" ("it shall be a Korban"), we rule stringently and the Neder takes effect. (RAN 11b)
(4) Rebbi Meir holds that "Michlal Lav Iy Atah Shome'a Hen," that the converse of a statement cannot be inferred from the statement automatically. (Even when he says "Lo Chulin," there is a since the statement was said in the negative and did not refer to Kodesh outright, we cannot infer the inverse from the statement -- see Insights; RAN 11b and beginning of 14a).
(5) This is because "la'Chulin" implies "Lo Chulin," meaning Hekdesh.
(6) Even according to Rebbi Meir, who normally holds that "Michlal Lav Iy Atah Shome'a Hen," in this case the Neder takes effect. The reason for this is because it is as if the person said, "l'Korban Yehei, l'Fichach Lo Ochel Lecha" -- "it shall be Korban, and therefore I shall not eat from you."
(7) See above, footnote 6. Even if the person does not say "l'Korban," but he says "la'Chulin" or "Lo Chulin," Rebbi Meir here agrees that we can infer the inverse from his statement since the person concluded his statement by saying, "she'Lo Ochel Licha" (RAN 11a, and Rishonim).