[67a - 20 lines; 67b - 13 lines]

1)[line 2]שקייםSHE'KIYEM (KIYUM NEDARIM - Endorsing Vows)

(a)A man has the right to annul certain vows of his wife and his daughter, as the Torah states in Bamidbar 30:6, 9, 13-14. He accomplishes this if on the day that he hears the vow he states "Mufar Lach" ("it is annulled") - see previous Background entry.

(b)If the father or husband is "Mekayem" the vow even before the day is over (i.e. he upholds or endorses the vow; this is also referred to as "Kiyum" or "Hakamah"), by stating "[the vow] is endorsed," he can no longer be Mefer the vow. His wife or daughter must abide by her vow. (There is a disagreement among the Poskim as to whether the wife or daughter can remove the Neder through Hataras Nedarim after Hakamah, see Insights to Nedarim 69:1:a:1.)

2)[line 14]"ואם היו תהיה לאיש...""V'IM HAYO SIHEYEH L'ISH..."- "And if she shall be married (or betrothed) to a man and her vows were upon her, [or any utterance of her lips with which she prohibited something upon herself (lit. with which she bound her soul);]" (Bamidbar 30:7)

3)[line 18]"ואם בית אישה נדרה""V'IM BEIS ISHAH NADARAH..."- "And if she vowed in her husband's house, [or she established a prohibition upon herself through an oath (lit. bound her soul by a bond with an oath);]" (Bamidbar 30:11)

4)[last line]שאין הבעל מיפר בקודמיןSHE'EIN HA'BA'AL MEIFER B'KODMIN

(a)A father may annul his daughter's vows while she is young, starting from the age at which her vows are valid (11 years old) until she becomes a Bogeres (six months after she becomes a Na'arah by growing two pubic hairs). If the father marries her off before she becomes a Bogeres, during the period of Eirusin both the father and the husband, or "Arus," must annul the vows in order for the annulment to be effective. After the consummation of the marriage through Nisu'in, the husband may annul the vows by himself. The father no longer has rights over her vows after her marriage, even if she is divorced before becoming a Bogeres. (See Background to Nedarim 66:33.)

(b)Vows that a Na'arah made before her Kidushin (betrothal), or that a wife made before her Nisu'in (wedding) are referred to as "Kodmin." If a Na'arah made vows before her Kidushin (but her father was not Mefer or Mekayem them), after her Kidushin her Arus is able to annul these vows in conjunction with the father on the day that they hear the vows. However, if a wife made vows before her Nisu'in (and her father and Arus were not Mefer them or Mekayem them), after her Nisu'in her husband is not able to annul the vows on the day that he hears them. The Gemara (Nedarim 67b) learns this from the words, "v'Im Beis Ishah Nadarah..." - "If she made vows after her marriage..." (ibid. 30:11).


5)[line 3]"ואסרה איסר בית אביה""... V'ASRAH ISAR [B]'VEIS AVIHAH..."- "[If a woman also vows a vow to HaSh-m,] and establishes a prohibition in her father's house [in her youth;]" (Bamidbar 30:4)

6)[line 4]"(יניא) [הניא]... אותה...""...(YANI) [HENI]... OSAH..."- "[But if her father] restrained her [on the day that he hears; all of her vows, or prohibitions that she established upon herself shall not stand; and HaSh-m shall forgive her, because her father restrained her.]" (Bamidbar 30:6)