TUM'OS THAT DO NOT CANCEL NEZIRUS (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 3 Daf 36b)
îúðé' àáì äñëëåú åäôøòåú
(Mishnah): However, [the following do not cancel Nezirus and obligate Korban Tum'ah -] Sechachos or Pera'os (these will be explained);
åáéú äôøñ åàøõ äòîéí
Beis ha'Peras (a field in which a grave was lost or plowed), or Chutz la'Aretz;
åäâåìì åäãåô÷
A Golel (cover of a coffin, or a monument) or its supporting stones;
åøáéòéú ãí åàäì åøåáò òöîåú
[Tum'as Ohel of] a Revi'is of blood, or Tum'as Ohel of a quarter Kav of bones;
åëìéí äðåâòéï áîú
Kelim that touched a Mes;
åéîé ñôéøå åéîé âîøå
The days of Sefirah (the seven days a Metzora counts between the two times he shaves) and the days of Muchlat (after he brought a Siman of absolute Tum'ah.
òì àéìå àéï äðæéø îâìç åîæä áùìéùé åáùáéòé åàéðå ñåúø àú ä÷åãîéí (äúçéì îåðä) [ö"ì åîúçéì ìîðåú - ÷øáï äòãä] îéã å÷øáï àéï ìå
For these, a Nazir does not shave [Tiglachas Tum'ah]. They sprinkle on him on days three and seven, he does not cancel the previous days counted, and he immediately resumes counting [after becoming Tahor], and there is no Korban Tum'ah for him.
áàîú àîøå éîé äæá åäæáä åéîé äñâéøå ùì îöåøò äøé àéìå òåìéï ìå:
B'Emes, they said that days of a Zav, Zavah and Hesger (a Metzora waiting to see if he will become Muchlat) count towards his [Nezirus].
âî' áðúééí îäå
(Gemara) Question: What is the law of Beintayim (this will be explained)?
ø' éåçðï àîø áðúééí ìä÷ì
Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): We are lenient about Beintayim.
øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àîø áðúééí ìäçîéø
Answer #2 (Reish Lakish): We are stringent about Beintayim.
îäå áðúééí æä àáø îï äîú åàáø îï äçé ùàéï òìéäï áùø ëøàåé
What is Beintayim? It is Ever Min ha'Mes or Ever Min ha'Chai that does not have enough flesh.
ø' éåñé áòé îðééï òöí ëùòåøä ìà îï äãéï ÷øééà [áîãáø éè èæ, éç] àå áòöí àãí [ö"ì äðâò áòöí - ñôø ðéø] äëà àú òáã ìä ëùòåøä åäëà àú òáã ìä ôçåú îëùòåøä
Question (against Reish Lakish - R. Yosi): A bone k'Se'orah - do we not learn [its Tum'ah] from these verses - "Oh b'Etzem Adam", "ha'Noge'a ba'Etzem"? ("B'Etzem Adam" refers to what is recognizably from a person, i.e. a spine or skull; it has Tum'as Ohel. "Ha'Noge'a ba'Etzem" teaches a bone k'Se'orah, which has only Tum'as Maga.) Here you say that it must be k'Se'orah, and here (a limb without enough flesh, which has only Tum'as Maga, and is also learned from the latter verse) you [are Metamei it even] less than k'Se'orah!
úðé øáé ùîåàì áø àáåãîà [áîãáø éè èæ] áçìì ëì ùäåà çìì áçìì æä àáø îï äîú åàáø îï äçé ùàéï òìéäí áùø ëøàåé
Answer (R. Shmuel bar Avduma - Beraisa): "Ba'Chalal" (in verse 16) is [a limb with enough flesh] of any size [which is Metamei b'Ohel]. "Be'Chalal" [in verse 18] teaches about Ever Min ha'Mes or Ever Min ha'Chai without enough flesh [which has only Tum'as Maga. Just like the former is of any size, also the latter. We explained this based on SEFER NIR.]