ONE WHO ACCEPTED A MUTITUDE OF NEZIRIYOS (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 4b)
îúðé' äøéðé ðæéø ëùéòø øàùé åëòôø äàøõ åëçåì äéí äøé æä ðæéø òåìí åîâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí
(Mishnah): If one said 'I am a Nazir like the hair on my head', 'like the dirt of the ground', or 'like the sand of the sea', he is a Nazir Olam, and shaves once every 30 days;
ø' àåîø àéï æä îâìç àçã ìùìùéí éåí åàé æäå ùäåà îâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí äàåîø äøé òìé ðæéøåú ëùéòø øàùé åëòôø äàøõ åëçåì äéí
Rebbi says, he does not shave once in 30 days. Who shaves once in 30 days? It is one who says 'are Alai Neziros like the hair on my head', 'like the dirt of the ground', or 'like the sand of the sea.'
äàåîø äøéðé ðæéø îìà äáéú àå îìà ä÷åôä áåã÷éï àåúå àí àîø àçú âãåìä ðæøúé ðæéø ùìùéí éåí
If one said 'I am a Nazir this house-full', or 'this box-full', we ask him what he meant. If he says that he accepted one long Nezirus, he is a Nazir for 30 days;
åàí àîø ñúí ðæøúé øåàéï àú ä÷åôä ëàéìå îìéàä çøãì åðæéø ëì éîéå:
If he says that he accepted Nezirus Stam (without specific intent), we view the box as if it was full of mustard seeds, and he is a Nazir all his days.
âî' àîø ø' îðé îèéìéï àåúå ìçåîøéï áúçéìä øåàéï àåúä ëàéìå îìéàä àúøåâéï åàçø ëê øîåðéí åàçø ëê àâåæéí åàçø ëê ôåðã÷øéï åàçø ëê ôìôìéï åàçø ëê ùåîùîéï åàçø ëê çøãì
(Gemara - R. Mani): We are stringent about him. Initially, we view it as if were full of Esrogim (and he accepted one Nezirus for the number of Esrogim that fit inside), afterwards pomegranates (perhaps he intended for a longer Nezirus), afterwards nuts, afterwards small nuts, afterwards peppers, afterwards sesame, and afterwards mustard. (If we knew that he intended for mustard, he would shave every 30 days, like one who said 'like the sand of the sea' (since it is However, he cannot do so, for perhaps he intended for one long Nezirus, e.g. the number of sesame seeds that it holds. I based this on SHITAH MEKUBETZES' Perush of the Bavli, 8a.)
Note: Why does it mention Esrogim, pomegranates, nuts...? Perhaps we are concerned only for these matters, which it is common to gauge with. If the house or box can hold more peppers or sesame than the days that a person normally lives, this is like mustard. In each case, we consider the largest number less than his lifetime (e.g. if it holds 15000 nuts), after 15000 days he may shave and bring Korbanos, no matter what he intended for. (PF)
ø' éåñé áøáé áåï áùí øá äðåúï ú÷åä ìðæéøåúå àéï îúéøéï àåúå ìâìç
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing Rav): One who put a limit to his Nezirus, we do not permit him to shave [before the time he fixed. Even if it is longer than he will live, he is not a Nazir Olam who may shave every 30 days.]
åúðé ëï äøéðé ðæéø ëì éîé äøé àðé ðæéø òåìí äøé æä ðæéø òåìí îàä ùðä åîàúéí ùðä àéï æä ðæéø òåìí [ö"ì àìà ðæéø ìòåìí - ÷øáï äòãä]
Support (Beraisa): 'I am a Nazir all my days', or 'I am a Nazir Olam' - he is a Nazir Olam. '[I am a Nazir] 100 years or 200 years' - he is not a Nazir Olam, rather, a permanent Nazir.
A VOW OF GIANT NEZIRUS OR MANY NEZIRIYOS (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 5a)
[ãó ä òîåã à] îúðé' äøéðé ðæéø îéëï åòã î÷åí ôìåðé àåîãéï ëîä éîéí îéëï åòã î÷åí ôìåðé
(Mishnah): If one said 'I am a Nazir from here until the place Ploni', we estimate how many days journey it is until Ploni;
ôçåú îùìùéí éåí ðæéø ùìùéí éåí
If it is less than 30 days, he is a Nazir for 30 days;
åàí ìàå ðæéø ëîéðééï äéîéí
If not, he is a Nazir like the amount of days.
äøéðé ðæéø ëîéðééï éîåú äùðä îåðä ðæéøåú ëîéðééï éîåú äùðä
If one said 'I am a Nazir like the number of days in a year', he counts Neziriyos like the number of days in a year.
àîø ø' éäåãä îòùä äéä åëéåï ùäùìéí îú:
R. Yehudah says, a case occurred in which a man did this. When he finished, he died.
âî' îä ðï ÷ééîéï
(Gemara) Question: What is the case?
àí ëîðééï éîåú äçîä ùñ"ä ðæéøéåú ëîðééï éîåú äçîä
If [he accepted] like the number of days in a solar year', this is 365 Neziriyos, like the number of days in a solar year;
åàí ëîðééï éîåú äìáðä ùð"ã ðæéøåú ëîðééï éîåú äìáðä
If [he accepted] like the number of days in a lunar year', this is 354 Neziriyos, like the number of days in a lunar year!
àí ëîðééï éîåú äùðä öøéëä
Answer: If he said Stam 'like the number of days in a year', this is a question [for which he intended].
úðé áùí ø' éåãä øàåé äéä æä ìîéúä àìà ùúìú ìå ðæéøåúå
(Beraisa - in the name of R. Yehudah): [The one who fulfilled Neziriyos like the number of days in a year, and then died,] he was proper to die earlier, but his Nezirus suspended [death] for him.
WHEN IS NEZIRUS PROPER OR IMPROPER? (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 5a)
îúðéúà ãø' éåãä
[The first Tana of] the coming Beraisa [holds like] R. Yehudah;
çñéãéí äøàùåðéí äéå îúàåéï ìäáéà ÷øáï çèàú åìà äéä äî÷åí îñôé÷ òì éãí åäéå ðåãøéí áðæéø áùáéì ìäáéà ÷øáï çèàú
(Beraisa): Early Chasidim yearned to be able to bring a Chatas, and Hash-m did not enable them to [err and] fulfill this. They would vow to be a Nazir, in order to bring a Korban Chatas (at the end of Nezirus);
øáé ùîòåï àåîø çåèàéí äéå ùäéå ðåãøéí áðæéø ùðàîø [áîãáø å éà] åëôø òìéå îàùø çèà òì äðôù çèà æä òì òöîå ùîðò òöîå îï äééï
R. Shimon says, they sinned, for they vowed to be a Nazir - it says "v'Chiper Alav me'Asher Chata Al ha'Nefesh." This one sinned against himself, for he denied himself wine.
åàúééà ãùîòåï äöãé÷ ëø"ù
Shimon ha'Tzadik holds like R. Shimon;
ãúðé àîø ùîòåï äöãé÷ îéîé ìà àëìúé àùí ðæéø àìà ôòí àçã ùòìä àçã àìé îãøåí (åøàéúéäå ãîåú) [ö"ì åøàéúéå àãîåðé òí - ÷øáï äòãä] éôä òéðéí åèåá øåàé ÷ååöåúéå úìúìéí åàîøúé ìå áðé îä øàéú ìäùçéú äùòø äðàä äæä
(Beraisa): Shimon ha'Tzadik said, in all my life I never ate from the Asham of a Nazir [Tamei], with only one exception. A Nazir came to me from the south, and I saw him red with beautiful eyes, attractive with hair in locks. I asked him - my son, why did you see proper to [become a Nazir, and] destroy (cut off) this beautiful hair?
ðåîà ìé ø' øåòä äééúé áòéøé åäìëúé ìîìàåú àú äùàåá îéí åøàéúé àú äáåáéà ùìé áúåê äîéí åôçæ éöøé òìé åá÷ù ìàáãðé îï äòåìí àîøúé ìå øùò îä àúä îôçæ áãáø ùàéðå ùìê òìé (ìä÷ãéùê) [ö"ì ìä÷ãéùï - ÷øáï äòãä] ìùîéí
He told me 'Rebbi - I was a shepherd in my city, and I went to fill the Kli used to draw water, and I saw my reflection in the water. My Yetzer Ra agitated me, and sought to make me perish from the world! I told it Rasha - why do you agitate me about something that is not yours? It is Alai to be Makdish [my hair] to Shamayim!'
åçá÷úéå åðù÷úéå òì øàùå åàîøúé ìå áðé ëîåúê éøáå òåùé øöåï äî÷åí áéùøàì òìéê äëúåá àåîø [ùí á] àéù àå àùä ëé éôìéà ìðãåø ðãø [ö"ì ðæéø] ìäæéø ìä'
I hugged and kissed him on his head, and told him 'my son - there should be more like you in Yisrael who do Hash-m's will! About you it says "Ish Oh Ishah Ki Yafli Lindor Neder Nazir Lehazir la'Shem"!
ø' îðà áòé ìîä ìé ëùîòåï äöãé÷ àôéìå ëøáé ùîòåï ìà àëì ùîòåï äöãé÷ çèàú çìá îéîéå ìà àëì ùîòåï äöãé÷ çèàú ãí îéîéå
Question (R. Mani): How does [saying that he holds like R. Shimon] explain Shimon ha'Tzadik? Even if he holds like R. Shimon, did Shimon ha'Tzadik never eat [anything due to sin, e.g.] Chatas [due to eating] Chelev in his entire life?! Did Shimon ha'Tzadik never eat Chatas Dam in his entire life?! (If so, why did he say that he never ate another Asham Nazir? If so, he never ate any individual's Chatas or Asham! - MEICHAL HA'MAYIM)
ñáø ùîòåï áðé àãí îúåê ä÷ôãúï äï ðåãøéï åîëéåï ùäï ðåãøéï îúåê ä÷ôãï ñåôå ìúäåú åîëéåï ùäåà úåäà ðòùä ÷øáðåúéå ëùåçè çåìéï áòæøä åæä îúåê ééùåá ðãø åôéå åìáå ùåéï:
Answer: (Shimon ha'Tzadik's opinion does not depend on R. Shimon.) Shimon [ha'Tzadik] holds that people vowed [Nezirus] amidst adamancy, and since they vowed amidst adamancy, in the end he regrets. Since he regrets, his Korbanos are like Chulin slaughtered b'Azarah. This [particular] Nazir vowed amidst a settled mind - his mouth and heart were equal (therefore, Shimon ate from his Asham).