Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where somebody told two Nezirim that he saw one of them rendering himself Tamei, but did not know which one. He is believed - provided the two Nezirim remain silent ...

(b)... because one witness is not believed there where the defendant contradicts him.

(c)Both of them are then obligated - to shave and to bring a Korban Tum'ah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and a Korban Taharah ...

(d)... and to stipulate - that if he is the one who is Tamei, then the Korban Tum'ah belongs to him, and the Korban Taharah, to his friend.

(e)The Mishnah must be speaking where the witness only saw what happened from afar - because if he was standing together with them, three people constitute a R'shus ha'Rabim, and we have a principle that 'Safek Tum'ah bi'Reshus ha'Rabim, Tahor'.


(a)They both count thirty days before proceeding - provided they both declared S'tam Nezirus on the same day (and the same will apply if, on the same day they both specified the same amount of days).

(b)Upon bringing a second Korban Taharah, they both stipulate that - 'If I am the one who was Tamei, then the Korban Tum'ah was mine and the Korban Taharah yours; and the current Korban Taharah is mine; whereas if you were the one who was Tamei, then the Korban Tum'ah was yours and the Korban Taharah mine, and the current Korban Taharah is yours'.


(a)In the event that one of the Nezirim dies, Rebbi Yehoshua says that - the remaining Nazir should find someone from the street who is willing to undertake Nezirus corresponding to the number of days that he himself is a Nazir.

(b)The third Nazir will become a Nazir immediately, assuming that the remaining Nazir was ...

1. ... Tamei, whereas if he was ...

2. ... Tahor, he (the third Nazir) will become a Nazir in thirty days time.

(c)After counting thirty days, the original Nazir brings a Korban Tum'ah and a Korban Taharah. He then stipulates - 'If I was Tamei, then the Korban Tum'ah is mine and the Korban Taharah, yours. Whereas if I was Tahor, then the Korban Taharah is mine and the Korban Tum'ah is a Safek.

(d)When he says 've'Korban Tum'ah be'Safek - he is referring to the Chatas ha'Of ...

(e)... which is not eaten but must be burned.


(a)After counting a another thirty days, he brings a second Korban Taharah and finally stipulates - 'If I am the one who was Tamei, then the Korban Tum'ah was mine and the Korban Taharah, yours, and the current Korban Taharah is then mine. Whereas if you were the one who was Tamei, then the Korban Tum'ah was yours and the Korban Taharah mine, and the current Korban Taharah is yours.

(b)ben Zoma objects to Rebbi Yehoshua's ruling - due to the unlikelihood of finding someone to volunteer to be a Nazir.

(c)Consequently, he says, the remaining Nazir brings a Chatas ha'Of and an Olas Beheimah. He ...

1. ... then stipulates that - if he was the one who was Tamei, then the Chatas is his Korban Tum'ah and the Olah, a Nedavah. Whereas if he was Tahor, then the Olah is part of his Korban Taharah and the Chatas is a Safek.

2. ... stipulates thirty days later when he brings a second Olas Beheimah as a Korban Taharah together with the remaining Korbanos - if he was the Tamei one, then the first Olah was a Nedavah and the second one, a Chovah.

(d)Assuming he was Tamei - he cannot bring the Asham that a Tamei Nazir is Chayav to bring (since one cannot bring an Asham be'Safek) ...

(e)... and ben Azai holds like the Chachamim earlier, who maintain that, if one brought one's Chatas and not the Asham, one may still count thirty days.


(a)Rebbi Yehoshua objects to ben Zoma's explanation - since the Nazir then brings his Korbanos in two lots (assuming he was Tahor, he brought his Olah first and his Chatas and Shelamim thirty days later).

(b)The Halachah is nevertheless like ben Zoma - because, despite Rebbi Yehoshua's objection, the Chachamim agree with him (See also Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)A Nazir who is a Safek Tamei or a Metzora Muchlat Vaday may only eat Kodshim after sixty days - when he brings his Korban at the termination of his (Safek) Tzara'as ...

(b)... since a Mechusar Kipurim is disqualified from eating Kodshim.

(c)The Safek Tum'ah of Nezirus does not prevent him from eating Kodshim - because the Din of Mechusar Kipurim is confined to someone whose Tum'ah comes from his body.

(d)Assuming that the Safek Tum'ah and the Safek Tzara'as occurred on the first day of his Nezirus, he is permitted to shave only after thirty days - in case he is Tahor (and a Tahor Nazir is forbidden to shave until the termination of his Nezirus in thirty says time and he has brought his Korbanos.


(a)The triple Safek he is now faced with when he shaves is - Safek Tiglachas Metzora, Safek Nazir Tamei and Safek Nazir Tahor.

(b)He then brings ...

1. ... two Korb'nos Of - for the Tiglachas Chaluto of a Metzora (if he is a Metzora Muchlat) ...

2. ... a Chatas ha'Of - which is brought for a Safek Nazir Tamei, and ...

3. ... an Olas Beheimah - that is brought by a Nazir Tahor.

(c)In spite of the fact that he did not bring the other Korbanos of a Nazir Tahor - he is able to shave for his Nezirus - based on the ruling that if a Nazir shaved on just one of the three Korbanos, he is Yotzei.

(d)Seeing as he may well be Tamei - he stipulates that should this be the case, the Olas Beheimah will be a Nedavah.


(a)The second shaving of a Metzora Muchlat normally takes place - seven days later.

(b)The problem in this case is - that he also a Safek Nazir Tahor, who is not permitted to shave until the termination of his Nezirus.

(c)Consequently, he shaves - after a second set of thirty days have elapsed (See Tos. Yom-Tov), incorporating the shaving of a Safek Nezirus Taharah (See Tos. Yom-Tov),

(d)The Olas Beheimah that he then brings (See Tos. Yom-Tov) - enables him to eat Kodshim.

(e)And when he brings it stipulates that - if his first Olas Beheimah was for his Nezirus Taharah, then this one will be an Olas Nedavah, whereas if the first one was an Olas Nedavah as we explained), then this one will be his Korban Nezirus Taharah.


(a)On the following day, the Safek brings - his Korban Metzora, the Chatas ha'Of (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and the Chatas Beheimah ...

(b)... but not the Asham Beheimah - which cannot be brought on a Safek.

(c)This finally permits him - to eat Kodshim.

(d)He is not yet permitted to drink wine and to render himself Tamei Meis however - in case he is a Tamei Muchlat Vaday - and the shaving that he performed covers the Tzara'as, but not the Nezirus (either Tahor or Tamei [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).


(a)The Safek will be able to drink wine and render himself Tamei Meis - only sixty days later (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)Although shaving after his Tzara'as overrides the shaving of the Nazir - that applies only to a Vaday Metzora, but not to a Safek.

(c)The two shavings that he still requires are - one for a Nazir Vaday and one for a Nazir Safek.

(d)The two previous shavings will not be effective - in case he is a Metzora Vaday, seeing as the days that a Nazir counts when he is a Metzora do not count.


(a)He therefore divides the following sixty days into two sets of thirty, and follows exactly the same procedure as he did regarding the first two sets of thirty days.

(b)The reason that he cannot drink wine and render himself Tamei Meis after the first set of thirty days is - because a. perhaps he was a Metzora Vaday (as we have already explained) and b. perhaps he was a Nazir Tamei, in which case the shaving that takes place then is the Tiglachas of a Nazir Tamei, in which case he needs to wait a final thirty days ...

(c)... when he is finally permitted to drink wine and render himself Tamei Meis - since, at that point, he finally shaves because of his Nezirus Taharah.


(a)In the equivalent case, but where the Noder undertakes to be a Nazir for a year, and where the same S'feikos occur at the beginning of the year, the first time he shaves (for the three S'feikos) is at the end of one year ...

(b)His next shaving takes place - a year later, at which point he is permitted to eat Kodshim ...

(c)... and he is still obligated to wait - another two years before becoming permitted to drink wine and to become Tamei Meis.