[13a - 28 lines; 13b - 16 lines]
1)[line 2]äøé àðé ðæéø çåáäHAREI ANI NEZIR CHOVAH- I am a Nazir because of my original stipulation
2)[line 8]ìëùàáðä äåà ã÷àîøLECHESHE'IBANEH HU D'KA'AMAR- "when I will be built up [with progeny]" is what he meant
3)[line 10]åìã ãîéçùá áéðé àéðùéVELAD D'MICHSHAV BEINEI INSHEI- a child who is considered significant by people
4)[line 12]øáé éäåãä ãëøéREBBI YEHUDAH D'KERI (SAFEK NAZIR L'HAKEL)
When a doubt arises in the laws of Nezirus, the Halachah is decided in favor of the lenient opinion.
5)[line 21]ìâéæúå åìòáåã áåL'GIZASO V'LA'AVOD BO (GIZAH V'AVODAH)
It is forbidden to shear or work with an animal that is Kodesh, as is learned from Devarim 15:19. Even if the animal develops a Mum (a blemish that invalidates it), this prohibition remains, as Chazal learn in Bechoros 15a, from the verse in Devarim 12:15.
6a)[line 24]àãéáåøéä îùîòA'DIBUREI MASHMA- do his words have the connotation that they refer to the first person's speech [and imply that he too will become a Nazir when the first person has a son]
b)[line 24]àâåôéä îùîòA'GUFEI MASHMA- do his words have the connotation that they refer to himself [and imply that he will become a Nazir when he, himself, has a son]
7)[last line]øçéîðà ìê ëååúéêRECHIMNA LACH KAVASICH- I love you as much as you do [and I will become a Nazir when you have a son]
8)[last line]ëì áàðôéäKOL B'ANPEI- whenever he is in his presence
9)[line 1]ëñéôà ìéä îéìúàKESIFA LEI MILSA- it is embarrassing for him [to stipulate that he will become a Nazir when he, himself, will have a son]
10)[line 4]úéáòéTIBA'I- the questions remain unanswered (this is the equivalent of "Teiku" in other places in the Gemara)
11)[line 13]ëéåï ãäìéï îàä áòùøéï ìà ùìîéïKEIVAN D'HALEIN ME'AH, B'ESRIN LO SHALMIN- since this 100-day period of Nezirus will not be completed within twenty days [when he has to start counting a period of Nezirus of thirty days]
12)[line 14]ëéåï ãàéú ìéä âéãåì ùòø ìáñåóKEIVAN D'IS LEI GIDUL SE'AR LEVA'SOF- since his hair will grow the required amount [of thirty days during the remaining eighty days of the 100-day Nezirus] when he completes the thirty day period of Nezirus
13)[last line]çãà îâå çãà ÷à îéáòéà ìéäCHADA MIGO CHADA KA MIBA'YA LEI- that is, he pondered this question in an "Im Timtzeh Lomar" ("Were you to say") format, as follows: Even if you were to say that a Nezirus Mu'etes is not Halachically binding, would you say so in the case of a Nezirus Merubah?