
What is so bad about being an "Am K'shei Oref"? Why does it negate the merit of inheriting Eretz Yisrael?


Seforno: Because a person who is stiff-necked sees only what he wants to see, and is incapable of turning his head to see what others show him, even when wise men show him that he is heading towards his own destruction. Consequently, his decisions cannot possibly be just and correct. 1


Seforno (on Pasuk 8): Moreover, his stubbornness prevents him from doing Teshuvah and the only solution is destruction - like we find after the sin of the Golden calf. See Sh'mos 32:9, and later, Pesukim 13 & 14.


Why does the Torah juxtapose the death of Aharon to the breaking of the Luchos?


Yerushalmi Yoma, 1:1: To teach us that the death of Tzadikim is as difficult for Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu to bear as the breaking of the Luchos. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 8.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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