
To where should Hashem return us?


Ibn Ezra: To the city where Your name dwells.


Ri Kara, Palgei Mayim: In Teshuvah.


What is the Chidush that if Hashem will return us, "v'Nashuvah"?


Ibn Ezra: If You will return us to the city where Your name dwells, we will serve You like in the olden days.


Ri Kara: Normally, if a slave rebels against his master, and the master afflicts him, and the slave regrets, the master accepts him. You - "Lamah la'Netzach Tishkachenu" (20)? Since v'Nashuvah (we want to return), accept us!


Why is it written v'Nashuv, and we pronounce it v'Nashuvah?


R. Avigdor: The Gematriya of Nashuvah equals that of Mashi'ach.


What is "k'Kedem"?


Ri Kara: It is like when Yisrael were on their land. Yerushalayim dwelled in serenity, and its cities around it. If Yerushalayim was Your throne below, before it was destroyed, Return to make it so! "Zos Menuchasi Adei Ad Po Eshev Ki Ivisiha" (Tehilim 132:14), "Beis Zevul Lach Machon l'Shivtecha Olamim" (Melachim I, 8:13).


Palgei Mayim: At Yetzi'as Mitzrayim, You began [to return Yisrael in Teshuvah].


Why do we repeat this verse after reading the next (final) verse of the Megilah?


Rashi (22): Because the Sefer ends with Tochachah, we need to repeat the verse before [in order to end with something good]. The same applies to Yeshayah, Trei Asar and Koheles.


R. Avigdor: It says "Lo Me'astim v'Lo Ge'altim Lechalosam 1 " (Vayikra 26:44). We find repetition even within one verse 2 - "Kave El Hashem Chazak v'Ya'ametz Libecha v'Kave El Hashem" (Tehilim 27:14).


Perhaps he expounds "Lechalosam" to finish, i.e. to finish a Sefer with a verse showing displeasure with Yisrael. (PF)


Here, the repetition is not in the Megilah, only in how we read it! Perhaps if we did not find a verse that repeats, we would not enact to repeat a verse when reading it. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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