
Who are "Kovav"?


Ibn Ezra 1 : Those who seek Him in truth. R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 3:9 - it says "Karov Hashem l'Chol Kore'av", but only "l'Chol Asher Yikra'uhu ve'Emes" (Tehilim 145:18)k: Those who seek Him. Similarly, "Mi Kel Kamocha Nosei Avon v'Over Al Pesha" - but only "li'Sh'eris Nachalaso" (Michah 7:18).


Palgei Mayim: It is those who seek good from Him, i.e. that He lead them in the good path.


According to the Magihah in Toras Chayim.


It says "Tov Hashem la'Kol" (Tehilim 145:9). Why does it say here "Tov Hashem l'Kovav"?


Sanhedrin 39b: A parable explains this. When one waters his orchard (this is done all at once), he waters all the trees. When he prunes (this is done one tree at a time), he prunes only the good trees.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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