
Why does it say "Gadol me'Al Shamayim Chasdecha"? Above (57:11) it says "Ad Shamayim"!


Rashi (from Pesachim 50b): For those who serve Lo Lishmah, it is until Shamayim. For those who serve Lishmah, it is above Shamayim.


Radak: Above, David discussed Hashem's Chesed with him. Here he discusses the salvation of Yisrael. It is a greater Chesed to take one nation out of many, and they were entrenched in Galus for many years, to the point that all nations thought that they will never leave from under their hands. He will take them out from under their hands Bal Korcham (against their will), and they themselves will bring them to Eretz Yisrael with great honor - "uva'Tzabim uva'Peradim uva'Kirkaros" (Yeshayah 66:20).


Why is Chesed connected to Shamayim, and Emes to Shechakim?


Malbim (36:6, 57:11): Nature is drawn after man. Men receive Brachos or curses, based on their deeds, so Chesed (miraculous conduct) is also in Shamayim, not only in Shechakim 1 . "Rumah Al ha'Shamayim Elokim" (verse 6) corresponds to "Ekra lEi'lokim Elyon" (verse 3) - He is the First of all causes, which come from Shamayim and the Ma'arachah. Everything is from Hashgachah, also in Shamayim!


Malbim (36:6): Shechakim is above Shamayim; it is associated with miracles according to the current need, i.e. Chesed. (Malbim did not discuss its connection to Emes. - PF)


Why does it say "v'Ad Shechakim Amitecha"? It said that His Chesed is above Shamayim!


Radak: Emes is not more than is proper. Chesed is more than is proper. Emes is that He will redeem us and return us to our land; it is proper that He do so, for He promised to redeem us in any case. The time of Ge'ulah was prolonged due to our sins. If we would leave by ourselves, His word would be fulfilled. However, to leave with great honor, and fulfill "v'Hayu Melachim Omnayich", "Al Tzad Tinase'u v'Al Birkayim Tesha'asha'u, "u'Vnei Nechar Ikareichem v'Chormeichem" (Yeshayah 49:23, 66:12, 61:5) and the other consolations written about us, this is great Chesed 1 .


Radak: Do not say that it is Emes, for He promised us. Perhaps He promised this great matter only if we will merit it. However, the Ge'ulah will be in its time whether or not we are worthy, just if we are worthy, He will bring it quickly.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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