
Why did Hashem harden Pharaoh's heart specifically now, at Makas Shechin?


Ramban #1: Because, whereas by the earlier Makos, Pharaoh's magicians encouraged him to stand firm, thereby making it possible to harden his own heart; now in their absence he was on his own and vulnerable, and he did not therefore have the strength to refuse. 1


Seforno: Because boils, which strike the body, are something that is particularly difficult to bear. 2


Refer to 7:3:1:1.


Seforno: As we find by Iyov - See Iyov 2:5.


Why did Hashem begin to harden Pharaoh's heart - a pattern which would continue during the latter five Makos?


As for why Pharaoh was deserving of this removal of free will, see the various answers to question 7:3:1, above.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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