
What is the connection between this Pasuk and the previous one?


Ramban: If the food, drink and the air 1 are abundant and healthy, then the women will conceive and give birth without, difficulty, nor will they be barren or have problems producing milk 2 to feed their babies. 3


The Ramban inserts air here, though he did not mention it earlier.


Both included in "va'Akarah" (Ramban).


See also Ba'al ha'Turim.


Why does the Torah mention specifically women here?


Ramban #1: Because infertility is more common among women than men.


Ramban #2: Seeing as the Torah generally speaks in masculine terms, infertility in men is included in the previous phrase - "va'Hasirosi Machlah mi'Kirbecha". 1


Referring to both men and women as it does in Devarim 7:14 [Ramban).


Why does the Torah add the word "be'Artz'cha"?


Ramban: To teach us that even the animals will not be barren.


What is the significance of "Es Mispar Yamecha Amalei"?


Ramban: Concluding the blessings contained in the previous Pesukim, the Torah writes that if they will obey the angel that guides them, they will not die in war or in a plague that is caused by a change of climate, but that they will live a full life of seventy 1 or eighty years. 2


Seforno: It means that you will live a full life, 3 and thus be able to fulfill the Mitzvah of teaching your sons and grandsons Torah. 4


Targum Yonasan: It means that you will live your life to the full, from day to day - you will die on the same date as you were born. 5


Kidushin, 38a: It means that Hashem sits and fills in the years of Tzadikim from day to day and from month to month. 6


See Ba'al ha'Turim.


As the Pasuk prescribes in Tehilim, 90:10).


Like the oil in the Menorah, that did not extinguish (See Seforno).


As the Torah writes in Va'eschanan, Devarim 4:9, and as we find in connection with Levi, K'has and Amram. See Va'eira, Sh'mos 6:16-20 (Seforno).


The mark of Tzadikim, as the Gemara states in Sotah, 13b (Peirush Yonasan).


See Torah Temimah, note 62.


How will we reconcile the Pasuk in Melachim 2, 20:6 where Yeshayah said to Chizkiyahu ha'Melech "Vehosafti l'cha Chameish-Esrei Shanah" with the current Pasuk?


Yevamos, 49b: The current Pasuk is referring to the alloted time of each individual in the event that he deserves it. 1 It is possible to increase his quota of years, 2 as Yeshayah told Chizkiyahu ha'Melech, or to detract from it should one lose one's rights.


The Gemara relates how Menasheh killed Yeshayah for this statament, because he (Menasheh) followed the opinion of R. Akiva - that one cannot increase one's quota of years, as appears from the current Pasuk (Torah Temimah). See Yevamos 50a. It is one thing to say that Menashah the Rasha argues with Yeshayah ha'Navi, but it is unclear how R. Akiva, can do so?


Rashi (in Yevamos, Ibid.): Because "Amalei" can also mean 'to add'.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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