
What is "Kefadah"?


Rashi: This is like "Kipadti 1 cha'Oreg Chayai" (Yeshayah 38:12); it is an expression of cutting.


Malbim: Above (23) it said "Ase ha'Ratok", which includes a chain of the causes of evils. Kefadah is the tie of this chain - the rings are tied one to another, an evil to its fellow evil.


Radak: Kefadah is mil'Eil (the penultimate syllable is accented) because it is Samuch to a word of one syllable. Alternatively, it is masculine; the Hei is extra (so the last syllable is not accented).


What Shalom do they seek, and it is not?


Radak: They seek the Shalom that the false Nevi'im promised to them.


Malbim: They will not find Shalom due to the constant afflictions (refer to 7:26:1:3).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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