
Does Hashem address the land of Yisrael?!


Radak: He addresses its settlement.


Malbim: This teaches that the punishments came due to Yisrael.


What deadline came?


Rashi: "V'Noshantem ba'Aretz v'Hishchatem?; Ha'idosi Vachem? Ki Avod Tovedun" (Devarim 4:25-26). The Gematriya of v'Noshantem is 852 (after this time, if they sin they will be eradicated). Yisrael were in the land 850 years [until the Churban]. There were 440 years until building the Beis ha'Mikdash, and it stood for 410 years.


Radak: It is a deadline that He set for the benefit of the land of Yisrael.


Why does it say "Ketz Ba ha'Ketz"?


Radak: Hashem set a deadline, and it came.


Malbim: This refers to two ends. The verse depicts that Yisrael are at one end, and the nations are at the other end. The punishments that came to the world came due to Yisrael. (a) The evil came due to their sins. (b) The evil came for them; it began with the nations, in order that Yisrael will be stricken in the end. After it came to the four corners of the world, it will return to Yisrael, who are the purpose of the evil.


It is written Arba'as, and we pronounce it Arba!


Radak: The Kesiv is masculine; the pronunciation is feminine. We find that Kenaf can be feminine 1 .


E.g. "Al Arba Kanfos Kesuscha" (Devarim 22:12). Sometimes it is masculine, e.g. "Kenaf ha'Echad" (Melachim I, 6:27). (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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