
What do we learn from "v'Eilamav El Chatzer ha'Chitzonah"?


Rashi: The Ulam of the inner gate was not inside, like it was for the outer gate. Rather, it jutted outside. Malbim ? the Ulam was in front of the cells. After the 12 Amos of the cell's width, wall and border of one Amah, the Ulam began. It was next to the wall of the eastern cell outside, and extended six Amos outside.


What do we learn from "v'Simorim El Eilav"?


Malbim: The Eilim of the cells and Ulam, and the Eilim of the steps, had Timorim (Malbim 16 - forms of date trees).


What is the significance of "u'Ma'alos Shemoneh Ma'alav"?


Radak: They ascended from Ezras Yisrael to Ezras Kohanim via eight steps. In Bayis Sheni there were only three steps.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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