
How will Hashem return the exile of Sedom?


Rashi: I will heal the land from "Gafris va'Melach" (Devarim 29:22), and settle residents there.


What is "b'Sochahnah"?


Rashi: This is like b'Sochan (in them).


Radak: This word is a compound of singular (b'Sochah) and plural (b'Sochan); there is an extra Hei at the end. It refers to b'Soch the captivity of Shomron, for they are one nation. Since Sedom neighbored, it says b'Sochahnah. People say that the consolations passed, and Sedom is overturned like it was. It will return!


Malbim: This shows that your return is secondary and merely along with their return, for they are more virtuous than you.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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