
What is the meaning of "Kashlah Yerushalayim"?


Rashi: They all lack and fall, and do not help each other. This is because they refused to listen - and now, all of them anger.


Why does it say "vi'Yhudah Nafal"?


Malbim: Via the stumbling of Yerushalayim, the capitol, Yehudah fell. When the leader stumbles, those whom he led, they fall.


Why does it say "Leshonam u'Ma'aleleihem El Hashem"?


Rashi: [Their tongues and deeds] are against Hashem, to anger him.


Radak: They stumbled and fell because they sinned verbally and in deed to anger Him.


Malbim: In Mitzvos Bein Adam la'Makom they were flatterers. They wear "Aderes Se'ar Lema'an Kachesh" (Zecharyah 13:4), as if they serve Hashem 1 . Their tongues and deeds appear to be to Hashem.


Rashi (13:4): Aderes Se'ar is a Talis. Ibn Ezra - it is sackcloth, to show that he mourns his sin. Alshich - Nevi'im used to wear it. Metzudas Tziyon - it is an esteemed garment from hair. Malbim - it is like sackcloth. It weakens his flesh, so Ru'ach ha'Tum'ah will dwell on him.


What is "Lamros Enei Chevodo"?


Rashi #1: To anger in front of His honor.


Rashi #2: [To rebel against] Inyanei (matters of) His honor.


Radak: They transgress His Mitzvos as if he does not see their deeds. "Lamros" is like Lehamros. "Enei" is Einei; the Yud in the middle is omitted.


Malbim: This deception does not help, for their hearts are not with him. It is only to rebel against the honor of the eyes of His Hashgachah, as if they are human eyes that do not see the heart's thoughts.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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