
What is the meaning of "ha'Lo k'Charkemish Kalno"?


Rashi: Just like Bnei Karkemish are officers and rulers, so are Bnei Kalno 1 .


Radak: This is Kalne in Amos 6:2.


What is the comparison to these cities?


Rashi: Arpad was under the sovereignty of Chamas, and I took it, and also Damesek of Aram and Shomron. "Arpad" is of Chamas 1 , therefore it is Samuch to Chamas, so it has a Patach under the Pei.


Radak: All of these cities were of Aram, and on the Pras river, and I conquered them - so [I will conquer] Shomron.


Malbim: This is his proof that he is not a mere staff of Hashem. I conquered all of these cities, even though not all were sinners against whom Hashem was angry! And even if all sinned, they did not sin equally, but they were equal in their destruction. Their demise is not due to sin, rather, to my desire!


Malbim: "Arpad" and "Chamas" are distinct cities.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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