
What made Yehudah so certain that if Yosef saw Binyamin, he would send them back in peace?


Seforno: Because he was a G-d-fearing man (as he had claimed and proved).



Rashi writes: "Had we not delayed - due to you." Why does Rashi add this?


Gur Aryeh: Why does Yehudah add this sentence in his words to Yaakov? He is implying that it is due to Yaakov that their trip was held up.


Rashi writes: "... We would have already returned with Shimon, and you would not have been in pain for this whole time!" Perhaps Yehudah simply means, 'we would have already returned with Binyamin,' thus sparing you the extended worry over this impending trip?


Gur Aryeh: Yaakov would not have gained by sending Binyamin earlier. He would still be in sorrow during his absence for the same duration of time, whether sooner or later. We must explain that it is the pain over Shimon that could have been diminished.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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