
In Divrei ha'Yamim 1 8:33, it says that Kish's father was Ner, who was his brother (Ben Avi'el - below, 1:14:51)!


Radak: Perhaps Avi'el was also called Ner, and he called one of his sons by his own name.


Radak, Malbim (from Yerushalmi Shevi'is 3:7, Vayikra Rabah 9:2): Kish's father is called Ner, because he used to light lamps for people in dark alleys. 1


Malbim: This shows good Midos to help the Rabim. One of them reasons why Hashem chose Sha'ul was his lineage. Kish himself was valiant; this leads to valiance in the son. He was also apt to succeed as king due to his appearance (refer to 9:2:1:1) and height (mi'Shichmo va'Ma'alah Gavoha mi'Kol ha'Am" - verse 2).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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