What is the meaning of "b'Sarmah"?
Rashi: It is like b'Mirmah 1 , b'Tarmis, i.e. stealthily.
Radak citing his father: It is the name of a place. It is Arumah (verse 41). Malbim - Avimelech was there.
Radak: Like in Bereishis 34:13. It was covert, so Anshei Shechem would not know. My father rejected this, for we do not find this form in which the Lamed (the third letter of the root) is a Hei.
Why does it say that they are coming to Shechem? They are already there!
Malbim: They want to settle there.
Why did he say "Tzarim Es ha'Ir Alecha"? Avimelech was not inside!
Radak: Just like a siege to prevent people from leaving a city is called Matzor, the same applies to a siege to prevent people from entering a city.
Malbim: They agreed to go out tomorrow to besiege Arumah (where Avimelech was).