Why does it say that also the Giv'onim acted with guile?
Rashi: This is like Bnei Yakov did with Chamor (Shechem's father) the Chivi. Also the Giv'onim were from Chivi!
Radak #1: Also they guarded themselves from Yisrael, like Yericho, which was closed off, and Ai, which fought. However, [the Giv'onim] acted with guile.
Radak #2: They thought that Yisrael deceived Yericho and Ai, and pretended to make Shalom with them so they will not guard themselves, and then struck them.
Malbim: All the kings acted to save themselves; the Giv'onim acted with guile.
Why did the Giv'onim act with guile?
Malbim: They thought that Yisrael did not offer Shalom to Yericho and Ai, and also the Giv'onim could not make Shalom with them.
What is the meaning of "va'Yitztayaru"?
Rashi: They made themselves like Tzirim (messengers). 1 This is like "v'Tzir ba'Goyim Shalu'ach" (Yirmeyah 49:14). In Hispa'el, a Tes is added after the Tzadi.
Targum Yonasan: Izdavadu (they prepared provisions). 2
Why did they take worn out bags for their donkeys?
Rashi: They wanted to make it look like they came from far away.
What is the meaning of "Metzorarim"?
Rashi: It is cracked.