
What ar the implications of the word ?Ish Ish ki Yih?yeh Tamei la?Nefesh??


Pesachim, 67a: It implies ?Ish Nidcheh, vein Tzibur Nidachin? - a Yachid is pushed away to Pesach Sheini, but not (the majority of) the Tzibur, who bring the Pesach be?Tum?ah on Pesach Rishon. 1


Chulin, 29a: It teaches us that ?Mechtzah ke?Mechtzah ke?Rov ? that the Din in answer #1 applies even if exactly half the Tzibur is Tamei is considered like the majority, 2 and they bring the Korban Pesach on Pesach Rishon be?Tum?ah. 3


Pesachim, 93a: It incorporates Zavin, Metzora?in and Bo?alei Nidos 4 in the Din of Pesach Sheini. 5


See Torah Temimah, note 5.


Perhaps, the Gemara learns this from the second ?Ish?, which is otherwise superfluous.


Though in this case, as opposed to the the Tehoriim must bring the Pesach be?Taharah. See Torah Temimah, note 6.


See Torah Temimah, note 8, as to why the Torah then mentions only Tamei Meis. Refer also to 9:10:0.2:1.


See note 2 in answer #2.


Why does the Torah mention specifically Tamei Meis?


Bechoros, 33a: To preclude Zavin, Metzora?in and Bo?alei Nidos 1 from eating a Korban Pesach that is brought by a Tzibur of Teme?ei-Meis.


Torah Temimah: Whose Tum?ah comes from their bodies


What will be the Din regarding a Tamei Sheretz on Erev Pesach who has Toveled and is waiting for nightfall to become Tahor. Is one permitted to Shecht and sprinkle the blood of his Korban Pesach on his behalf, to enable him to eat it after nightfall?


Pesachim, 90b: ?Ki Yih?yeh Tamei la?Nefesh? implies even on the seventh day, 1 and the Torah obligates him to bring his Korban on Pesach Sheini. 2


Torah Temimah: Which is similar to Tum?as Sheretz.


The Gemara in Zevachim, 22b, learns it from the sequence of the two Pesukim ? ?Ish Ish ki Yih?yeh Tamei la?Nefesh, ve?Asah Pesach ? ba?Chodesh ha?Sheini. See Torah Temimah, note 14, as to why the Korban Pesach differs from other Korbanos, which one can bring on bhalf of a Tamei person under the same circumstances.


What will be the Din regarding other Shog?gin and Anusin on Pesach Rishon? Do they bring Pesach Sheini?


Yerushalmi Pesachim, 9:1: We learn from a combination of Tamei and Derech Rechokah that other Shog?gin and Anusin also bring Pesach Sheini.


What are the ramifications of the comparison of Tamei to Derech Rechokah


Refer to 9:10:0.4:1.


Pesachim, 92b: It teaches us that, like Tamei la?Nefesh, 1 one cannot bring a Korban Pesach on behalf of a Derech Rechokah, to enable him to eat it after nightfall. 2


Refer to 9:10:0.3:1.


See Torah Temimah, note 12.


Seeing as every Shogeg and Oneis on Pesach Rishon brings Pesach Sheini, why does the Torah mention specifically Tamei and Derech Rechokah?


Pesachim, 92a: To exempt them from Kareis even if they do not bring Pesach Sheini, as opposed to other Shog?gim and Onsim, who are Chayav Kareis if they fail to bring Pesach Sheini. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 10.


Why is there a dot on the 'Hey' of "Rechokah"?


Rashi (citing R. Eliezer in Pesachim, 93b) and Targum Yonasan: To teach us that "Derech Rechokah" does not mean literally far away from the Azarah, and that even someone who is outside the threshold of the Azarah 1 throughout the period of Shechitas Korban Pesach is exempt from Kareis if he does not bring the Korban Pesach.


Ramban #1 (citing R. Akiva in Pesachim, 93b): Someone who, at the beginning of Z'man Shechitah is beyond Modi'in (a point fifteen Mil from Yerushalayim) and who cannot reach the Azarah [at a normal walking pace] before the end of Z'man Shechitah [is exempt from Kareis if he does not bring the Korban Pesach]. And the dot on the 'Hey' merely indicates that although he is not really far away, the Din of Derech Rechokah applies to him since he is too far away to Shecht the Korban Pesach. 2 This is why, in Pasuk 13, the Pasuk writes "u've'Derech Lo Hayah", and omits "Rechokah".


Ramban #2: The dot indicates that, although he is beyond Modi'in when the time of Shechitah arrives and is therefore exempt from Kareis if he does not bring the Korban Pesach, he still retains the option of being Yotzei with the Pesach Rishon. 3


Moshav Zekenim (citing the Yerushalmi Pesachim 9:2): We expound that the man is far, and not the road. 4


See also Ba'al ha'Turim. Moshav Zekenim ? some accurate Chumashim have dots on all the letters.


Even if he could have reached the Azarah had he walked quickly.


Refer to 9:10:2:1*. See also Torah Temimah, note 13, who elaborates.


Tiferes Yisrael: He cannot get to the Azarah in time due to distractions or weakness, but in the event that he is, He need not send someone on a horse to Shecht for him.


What will be the Din regarding someone who is neither Tamei nor 'far away' and who fails to bring the Korban Pesach for some other reason?


Ramban: Anyone who does not bring a Pesach Rishon is obligated to bring a Pesach Sheini ? even if he neglected to bring it be'Meizid! 1


Ramban: As the Gemara rules in Pesachim (93b). And the Torah mentions Tamei and rech Rechokah to exempt them from Kareis if they do not bring the Pesach, and to forbid a Tamei from bringing Pesach Rishon. Someone who is far away may, if he wishes, ask someone to bring Pesach Rishon on his behalf (and eat it when he arrives in Yerushalayim, after nightfall).


In what way does the Pesach Sheini differ from the Pesach Rishon?


Rashi: As opposed to the Pesach Rishon, the Pesach Sheini is brought and eaten even if one has Chametz and Matzah in the house, it is not a Yom-Tov and one is permitted to eat Chametz - though not together with the Korban Pesach .


Ramban (on Pasuk 3): One may possess Matzah and Chametz in the house and it only lasts for one day.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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