
What is the significance of not knowing one's time?


Ibn Ezra: Times [of the Ma'arachah] and occurrences prevent one from doing his desires. Death can come upon him suddenly, and he did not know.


Ri Kara: Here, "Es" is a time for evil.


Seforno: He cannot guard from it. If he knew beforehand, perhaps he could have guarded himself.


How are fish trapped in "Metzudah Ra'ah"?


Rashi: Big fish are caught in an inferior, weak trap. This is a hook (Sanhedrin 81b); it is like a mere needle, and a big fish is caught 1 on it.


Metzudas Tziyon: It is a net.


Metzudas Tziyon: "Ne'echazim" is an expression of being held and trapped.


What is the comparison of people to fish and birds?


Rashi: At the time of punishment for evil, people stumble in a small, weak pitfall, like a bad trap and a snare [catch fish and birds]. The evil comes on them suddenly. "Kahem" is 'like them.' Ri Kara - it refers to the trap and the snare.


Ibn Ezra, Ri Kara: The fish and birds do not know [the danger] until they fall in the trap, and they cannot be saved. "Yukashim" is an adjective.


Rashbam: Also man does not know when he will fall. "Yukashim" is like "Yekushim" (Yirmeyah 5:26), an expression of Asuyim (made) 1 .


Ri Kara: They stick food on the hook. Fish gather to eat the food, and they are caught. Also birds see food scattered in a snare, and think that they will eat it, and they are caught. So men's hearts are trapped. People do many things that they think that they will be good for them, and they turn out to be for their evil.


Ri Kara: This cannot be. If so, there would be a Dagesh in the Kuf, like Yuledu!


What is the grammatical form of "Pis'om"?


Ibn Ezra: The Mem is extra 1 . Pis'om is like "[Shomer] Pesa'im [Hashem]" (Tehilim 116:6).


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): The root is Pasah (to be foolish).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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