
What should you do as much as you can?


Rashi: Hashem's desire.


Ibn Ezra #1, Rashbam: Good in this world.


Ibn Ezra #2: Bodily pleasures (refer to 9:10:3:4).


Ri Kara: Beautify yourself [with Chachmah].


Seforno: Attain eternity and eternal happiness.


Metzudas David: Both Mitzvos and pleasures.


What is "b'Chochacha"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: At a time when you are in your strength.


Rashbam: While you are alive.


Seforno: In your lifetime, when you find [opportunity], it is available to you, and you have the ability (Shabbos 151b).


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 4): It is with your power of choice.


What is the significance that there is no Ma'aseh


Rashi citing a Midrash: No act will be for your merit after you die. If you did [Hashem's will as much as you can], you have nothing to worry about. The verse should be re-arranged. There is no Ma'aseh, Da'as and Chachmah in the grave for Resha'im, and no Cheshbon for Tzadikim when the Resha'im will give reckoning.


Rashi: One can explain the verse without re-arranging it; Cheshbon is an expression of Machshavah - what else can you do to be exempt from judgment?!


Ibn Ezra #1: The world to come is a world of payment.


Ibn Ezra #2: These verses are the speech of the heart, as if one speaks to himself. "Libo" refers to Nafsho. Eat, drink and wear nice garments, anoint with oil constantly, and rejoice with the woman that you desired. All these are pleasures of the body alone. People say like this, but the Emes is, Hashem will judge every matter (7:3, and Ibn Ezra there). The grave is called She'ol even for Tzadikim - "Ki Ered El Bni Avel She'olah 1 " (Bereishis 37:35).


Ri Kara: Man cannot beautify himself with Chachmah there, and the body does not do any act after the Neshamah is taken from it.


Rid: After death, no one will seek to judge you. This is folly that people say in their hearts, for they see "Mikreh Echad la'Kol" (3), and do not see a difference between Tzadik and Rasha in this world.


Seforno: There is no good or bad deed, Da'as attained via investigation, Chachmah received via tradition, or Machshavah of good or bad action to be carried out. Once a person dies, he is exempt from Mitzvos (Shabbos 151b).


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 4): Cheshbon is accounting of his deeds.


Metzudas David: There is no act of pleasure, or thought of Binah, Da'as or Chachmah.


There is no proof according to Chazal, that Yakov had a Siman that if none of his children die in his lifetime, he will not go to Gehinom (Rashi Bereishis 46:30, from Tanchuma Vayigash 10). Now, he expected to go to Gehinom! (PF)


Why does it say "Asher Atah Holech Shamah"?


Metzudas David: The day of death is constantly getting closer. It is as if one approaches the grave.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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