
Why does she call to travelers?


Malbim (14-15): She does not call to city residents (a metaphor for serene people - the Yetzer ha'Ra does not block them from Avodas Hashem). Rather, she calls to travelers who did not yet reach the city. I.e. they did not fix their Midos, and their Da'as is not settled. They go in the ways of the Nefesh.


Who are "ha'Meyasherim Orchosam"?


Malbim: They want to straighten their ways. Everyone wants to do so! The nature of man's Nefesh is straight, if folly, evil images and desire will not make it stray. Derech is the big path; Archos are small paths that branch off from it. The Safek is in the individual paths; ambushers trap him and make his way crooked.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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