Whom will Hashem shield?
Radak: Yehudah and Efrayim, who were mentioned.
What will they consume?
Rashi: The spoils of their enemies.
Malbim: Food, and while they eat, Hashem will kill their enemies.
What is the meaning of "v'Chavshu Avnei Kela"?
Rashi: They will conquer under them slingers - the Yevanim, who were trained archers and slingshot throwers.
Radak: Not only will Hashem shield them, lest their enemies conquer them - they will consume their enemies, and overpower the remnant and make them slaves. Bnei Yavan are called "Avnei Kela", for they are rocks slung in a slingshot, and this is opposite to Bnei Yehudah, who are called "Avnei Nezer" (16) - gems put in a crown.
Malbim: Via eating, they will conquer the war and the slingshot rocks that the enemy will shoot at them.
What is the comparison "[v'Shasu] v'Hamu Kemo Yayin"?
Rashi: The clamor of their voice of Simchah will be like that of those who drink wine.
Radak: They will drink the blood of their enemies and clamor over them as if they drink wine. This is like "veche'Asis Damam Yishkarun" (Yeshayah 49:26). Hemiyah (clamor) is said about wine - "Hismahmehu u'Smahu... Shachru v'Lo Yayin" (ibid. 29:9).
What will they fill?
Rashi: They will fill their Nefashos with all good.
Radak: They will be full of blood of their enemies.
What is the comparison to a Mizrak?
Rashi: It is full of blood in front of the Mizbe'ach.
Malbim: Blood in the Mizrak is pleasing to Hashem - so Hashem will be pleased with their deeds and victory.
What is the comparison to the corners of the Mizbe'ach?
Rashi: They pour a libation of wine there 1 , and the wine floats, like we learned in Sukah (49b). "Shechar" is an expression of satiation and inebriety.
Radak: Blood is thrown [Malbim - or spilled] on the corners.
Rashi (Zevachim 61b): Nesachim are poured into the Shisin, which were by the southwest corner of the Mizbe'ach.