What are the connotations of "Kol Eisev ha'Sadeh"?
Rashi (in Pasuk 32): It means the vegetation that had fully-grown - 'in its stalks'.
Ramban: It means literally 'all the vegetation'. 1
Refer to 9:31:0.1:3.
Why did Hashem punish Pharaoh with the plagues of hail and locusts, which destroyed the crops?
Oznayim la'Torah: Because of the work that they forced Bnei Yisrael to do in the fields. 1
Oznayim la'Torah: In fact, the Torah inserts the word "Sadeh" seven times - five times in connection with Barad, and twice in connection with Arbeh; this corresponds to the seven tasks that one performs in the field - plowing, digging, sowing, weeding, reaping, threshing and winnowing.