What are the connotations of ?Hishamer l?cha Pen Tishkach es Hashem ? ??
Sotah, 5a: Based on Pasuk 14 ? Refer to 8:14:1:3 ? it is a La?av against conceit - since ?Hashamer? always denotes a La?av. 1
Since ?Hishame? and ?Pen? are both La?avin ? it is not clear why he does not transgress two La?avin..
What are the connotations of "Pen Tishkach es Hashem"?
Refer to 8:14:1-4.
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means 'lest you forget the fear of Hashem'.
Having written "Pen Tishkach es Hashem Elokecha", why does the Torah add "Levilti Sh'mor Mitzvosav"?
Oznayim la'Torah: It wouldn't be so bad if they forgot Hashem but still kept the Mitzvos, as the Yerushalmi states in Chagigah, 1:6 'If, after forsaking Me, they would only keep My Mitzvos, the light in them (the Mitzvos) would brng them back!'