What is the meaning of "Im Chomah Hi"?
Refer to 8:9:2:1, 5.
Rashi: If she will be strong in her Emunah and fear, to be like a copper wall that the nations cannot enter - i.e. she will not intermarry with them, and they will not come to her and she will not accept their enticement.
Seforno: If [Tzadikim's] merit will suffice to protect their generation.
Malbim (Melitzah): Hashem says, if she will be strong like a closed wall, and the Yetzer ha'Ra and desire will not rule over her...
What do we learn from "[Im Chomah Hi] Nivneh Aleha Tiras Kesef [v'Im Deles Hi Natzur Aleha Lu'ach Erez]"?
Torah Temimah citing Yuma 9b: Kel detests Bnei Bavel. Had you made yourselves like a wall, and all ascended in the days of Ezra, you would be compared to silver, which does not rot. Now that you ascended like doors 1 , you are compared to cedar wood, which rots.
Rashi: We will be for her a fortified city, a crown and beauty. We will build for her Ir ha'Kodesh and the Beis ha'Mikdash.
Seforno: We will build the Beis ha'Mikdash from silver - it will not be flammable.
Malbim (Melitzah): We will bring her to Gan Eden - the desired dwelling of Tzadikim
Malbim (Mashal): If she will be like a closed wall, and not consent to [Melech Shlomo], we will close her in a strong dwelling of silver - we will give it to her a husband for whom she will yearn, and he will remove her from Beis Shlomo.
Rashi (9b): Had all ascended, the Shechinah would have dwelled in Bayis Sheni. Rather, they returned like doors, i.e. partially (a gate with two doors, they open one and close the other), and a little vision of Shechinah was there
Why does it say "v'Im Deles Hi"?
Rashi: It swings on the hinge-pin. One strikes it, it opens. Also [Yisrael] - if she will open for [the nations] to enter, and she will enter among them... (refer to 8:9:4:2.
Seforno: If [Tzadikim] will not close the door in back of them - they will not be concerned to fix the commoners.
Why does it say "Natzur Aleha Lu'ach Erez"?
Refer to 8:9:2:1
Rashi: We will make wooden doors, which rot, and worms consume them.
Seforno: We will make a Beis Midrash of esteemed cedar wood, and the Beis ha'Mikdash will not be built in their merit.
Malbim (Melitzah): If she will open her doors to the enticing snake (desires), we will make for her a cedar board, and she will decay with the body in the grave, under a wooden coffin.
Malbim (Mashal): If she will open her door to love Shlomo, we will make for her a cedar board that does not endure. I.e. we will make her Hefker to him.