
What do we learn from "Mi kehe'Chacham u'Mi Yode'a Pesher Davar"?


Brachos 10a: Who is like Hashem, who knows how to make a Pesharah (compromise) between two Tzadikim, Chizkiyah and Yeshayah. Chizkiyah thought, Yeshayah should come to me, for we find that Eliyahu went to Melech Ach'av. Yeshayah thought, Chizkiyah should come to me, for Yehoram ben Ach'av went to Elisha ha'Navi! Hashem made Chizkiyah sick, and told Yeshayah to visit him.


Rashi citing Sotah 13b: [When Moshe died,] Hashem asked "who is like the Chacham, who knows how to mediate (between Me and Yisrael)?"


Rashi: Who is important in the world like a Chacham, and who knows the explanation of a matter? We find that Daniel, amidst his Yir'as Shamayim, explanations of secrets were revealed to him (Daniel 2:24).


Ibn Ezra #1: It means Mi kehe'Chacham u'Mi k'Yode'a Pesher 1 Davar; the prefix Kaf applies also to Yode'a. Metzudas David - who in the world is considered a Chacham? Who is happy like one who knows the solution for everything? The matter is repeated in different words.


Ibn Ezra #2: Mi kehe'Chacham? Mi she'Hu Yode'a Pesher Davar. Why do people engage in many calculations that do not help? Pesher is [an expression of explaining], like "Ki Lo Porash" (Bamidbar 15:34); the last two letters are switched.


Ri Kara: Who is esteemed like a Chacham, or equal to him? Who knows the Pitaron (solution) to answer a questioner, like Yosef explained Pharaoh's dream and Daniel did for Nebuchadnetzar 2 ?


Rid: Who knows to be careful from these [evil] thoughts, lest they lead him to sin?


R. Avigdor: Chacham is Hashem - "b'Chachmah Yasad Aretz" (Mishlei 3:19). He Piresh (explained) the Torah to Yisrael.


Seforno: Who is a Chacham like that one out of 1,000 that I found [that does not repeat a sin, rather, he repents from it]? Who can explain the story of the snake 3 ?


Ibn Ezra: Pesher is Arame'ic.


Granted, Yosef and Daniel were Chachamim. However, surely Daniel answered via Ru'ach ha'Kodesh. He did not hear the dream! (PF)


I.e. if the snake was Arum, why did it not fear punishment? Or, how was Adam transformed to heresy, and enticed to eat from the fruit, in spite of punishment of death? (PF)


What is the significance of Chachmah illuminating his face?


Rashbam: It delights him. Ri Kara - see the advantage of Chachmah over wealth! Wealth increases worry, and does not let its owner sleep. Chachmah illuminates his face for Simchah!


Rid: It gives to him a crown and honor.


Seforno: He will veer from the pitfall [that resulted from] the snake.


Metzudas David: Due to his Chachmah, all treasure his words and heed him. This widens his heart and makes his face happy.


What do we learn from "v'Oz Panav Yeshune"?


Ta'anis 7b: Anyone who is brazen, one may hate him. We read Yeshune like Yisna. R. Avigdor (7:26) - this is why "Yeshune" has an Aleph at the end. If he is brazen and does not admit to the Emes, it is a Mitzvah to hate him; Az Panim l'Gehinom (Avos 5:20).


Rav Sadya Gaon: A brazen person changes his facial expression.


Rashi: The face of Moshe (the Reisha hints to him - refer to 8:1:1:2) was unlike that of others. People feared to approach him, for his face radiated (Shemos 34:30).


Ibn Ezra: The brazenness left him, for Chachmah breeds humility. When the Neshamah overpowers the Ru'ach, anger and audacity depart.


Rashbam: Amidst great Simchah of Chachmah, his face radiates.


Rid: Chachmah changes his angry and strong (brazen) face. However, it does not help to prevent thoughts that lead to sin.


Seforno: He will be unlike other people - he makes intellect overpower desire.


Metzudas David: His facial expression is better than that of other people. The matter is repeated in different words.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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