Bearing in mind that the Pasuk in Tetzaveh Sh'mos, 29:21 mentions the sprinkling of the Shemen ha'Mishchah and the blood before Haktarah of the Eimurim and Shok of Eil ha'Milu'im, why did Moshe sprinkle after the Haktarah?
Were the oil and the blood mixed (as were the bloods of the bull and the goat or not) or were they sprinkled separately?
Ramban: The question remains unanswered, since there is no indication either way.
Seeing as the Pasuk here indicates that the Kedushah of Aharon and his sons was finalized via these sprinklings and not via the anointing (as the Ramban explains), why, in Pasuk 12, did the Torah write "Vayimshach oso Lekadsho"?
Ramban: Because the Kedushah process began there and ended here.