
What is the consequence of Hashem's Kin'ah for Tziyon?


Rashi: You do not need to fast and lament, like it says below "[Tzom ha'Revi'i] v'Tzom ha'Chamishi... [Yihyeh... l'Sason ul'Simchah]" (19).


Radak: This is consolation. In the days of Mashi'ach, when Gog and Magog will come for war against Yerushalayim, I will have Kin'ah for it, and I will spill great anger against all the nations that come to against it.


Why does it say both "Kin'eisi l'Tziyon Kin'ah Gedolah" and v'Chemah Gedolah Kineise Lah"?


Malbim: Even though I had great anger, and I said that I will not hear them when they call (7:13), Kin'ah for Tziyon was aroused in Me for two reasons. (a) My honor was disgraced - "Kin'eisi l'Tziyon Kin'ah Gedolah." (b) I am angry at the evil that the enemies did in the past - v'Chemah Gedolah Kineisi Lah."

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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