
Why does it teach that there was no wages of people or of animals?


Rashi (9): Before they began building 1 , they had no income. The Nevi'im prophesized that from when they begun building, the work of their hands will be blessed. This was fulfilled - "Lo ka'Yamim Rishonim..." (11).


Radak: There was no wage for Brachah. It was cursed.


Malbim: This is like Chagai said "Simu Levavchem Al Darcheichem; Zeratem Harbe v'Havei Me'at... veha'Mistaker Mistaker El Tzeror Nakuv" (1:5-6). Man's wages do not last, for I will incite man against his colleague; anyone who earns money, others will steal it. Also refer to 8:10:2:2.


Radak: On the 24th of the ninth month in the second year of Daryavesh (Chagai 2:10).


What do we learn from "Einenah"?


Radak: It is as if there is no animal, for its rental money was cursed.


Malbim: There are no wages of animals at all, for "vela'Yotzei vela'Ba Ein Shalom Min ha'Tzar." One cannot rent out animals for riding or carrying burdens outside the city, or working in the field, for one cannot leave the city at all.


What is the meaning of "va'Ashalach"?


Radak: This is opening a matter to harm, like "v'Hishlachti Vachem Es Chayas ha'Sadeh" (Vayikra 26:22). The Targum here is va'Agarei (I will incite).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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