
Why does he ask Hashem to remember the enemy's blasphemy?


Rashi: All our salvation is in You. The enemy blasphemed You via destroying us.


Radak: You made all this. Remember that the enemy denies You in all this and reviles Your name. Therefore, lower the enemy and take us out of his hand. Do not leave us forever in his hand!


Malbim: Even though You arranged all orders of day and night and natural law, this is why the enemy blasphemes You! It sees that nature goes on a fixed path; the world goes like it does, without judgment or a Judge.


How does the base nation revile Hashem?


Malbim: Even though Your name is famous for creating everything, it says that everything is nature. Therefore, it is proper that You show Your wonders like in prior days!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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