
What is the question "Mi Li ba'Shamayim"?


Rashi: What angel did I choose?! I chose only You!


Radak: I have no desire in Shamayim other than You. People of bad Emunos, some believe in the sun or one of the stars. I desire only You!


Malbim: I call to my many powers, and say, which of you pertains to Shamayim - the Heavenly spiritual power elevated about time and physicality. I will heed that power and seek it.


Why did he add "va'Aretz"?


Radak: I did not make one of the four elements a 'partner' with Hashem. Some worship water, and some wind or earth.


Malbim: I do not desire anything earthly. I despise physicality and all earthly success. I look only at Heavenly, spiritual successes of [true] happiness.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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